 GRF Projects pictures

Genista Research Foundation was established 25 years ago and over the years has coordinated 30 approved projects and participated as partners in 175 projects.

GRF works with disadvantaged youths and focuses on environmental, inclusion, teacher/youth worker training, integration of migrants and game based activities. It's training center is in Gharb Gozo and the nature reserve is in Kalkara. 

Our recent and ongoing projects:

1. The Arts for Social Inclusion project brought together 30 youths from Greece, Malta, Poland, Ireland and Turkey. Youths discussed ideas of how they can be the change for improving social inclusion, promoting diversity and equality. Workshops were held in Poland, Malta and Greece. During the workshops events were also organised in public spaces so the general public could participate.

2. Enlargement Compare, a project funded through CERV organised activities in Malta, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and Lithuania. It brought together various citizens from 8 EU countries were they held conferences, workshops and other activities to promote inclusion and citizen participation.

 3. EUMunicipal project funded by CERV brought together 12 municipalities and NGO’s working together  to promote an inclusive EU society were activities and policy making is through grassroots involvement.

 4. GBL4All project funded through Erasmus+ brought together 6 partners to attend 3 training workshops on inclusivity using game based training methodologies and techniques.

GRF is open for transnational collaborations with other ALF members.