
National Network

Blågårdsplads 5
2200 København N

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
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Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

En non-profit organisation etableret i 2018, I Finjan synes vi, at vi ser hinanden for lidt og ved for lidt om hinanden på tværs af kulturer. Nogle af de kulturer, som mange af os er novicer i, er de mellemøstlige, og det er ærgerligt, for de har så meget at byde på. Derfor arrangerer Finjan begivenheder, der omhandler mellemøstlig kultur, herunder litteratur, kunst, film, musik, mad og filosofi. Se hvilke events vi afholder, og læs mere om os på vores hjemmeside"

Mission and Objectives

Create a diverse and engaging cultural café experience for every person that steps into our space. Finjans mission er at fremme forståelse og forbindelse mellem mennesker, uanset deres baggrund – og specielt mellem mennesker med vestlig og mellemøstlig baggrund. Vi ønsker at skabe en platform hvor alle kan dele deres oplevelser og erfaringer, positive som negative, og deres kreativitet med et engageret publikum.

Main Projects / Activities

Finjan plans to continue and expand its Kulturcafe activities, also reaching out to communities outside Copenhagen. As a main rule, activities is taking place once a week every Monday, and will include: - Screenings of films/documentaries (Syrian Doc Days) - Thematic panel/discussions - Communal dinner events - Bazaar events - Exhibition - Literature - Open mic - Music - Poetry

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Finjan Kulturcafé is excited to contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation in various ways. We will be more than happy to share our practices from our work over the past 5/6 years. We're more than happy to host ALF events at our café in Blaagaarden, organizing engaging workshops and panel discussions. We're also keen on actively participating in ALF's programs, attending events, conferences, and training sessions. This will allows us to gain new insights, connect with other organizations and contribute to discussions on intercultural dialogue. Collaborating on research projects. We will be happy to participate in any online forums, connect with fellow members and explore partnership opportunities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Finjan Kulturcafé is thrilled to be/come part of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF). We strongly believe in the power of dialogue, inclusiveness and cultural exchange, which align perfectly with ALF's mission. By joining (ALF), we'll hopefully have the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organizations, tap into their resources and broaden our network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agob Yacoub
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Agob Yacoub
Contact (2) Full Name
Assem Swaid
Job Title (2)