Israel Family Planning Association

National Network

9 Rambam str.

(972) 3-5101512
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
(972) 522-679537
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Israel Family Planning Association is Israel's affiliate of the IPPF – the International Planned Parenthood Association-- the world's second largest volunteer organization. The IFPA intervention focuses on five major avenues, which are all interconnected: 1) "Open Door" counseling centers; 2) The national training center; 3) Community outreach center; 4) The Library and information center; 5) Lobbying activities. There are 16 staff employeers and about 900 volunteers. IFPA's annual budget stands on $820,000 in average, which is comprised of the income from Israeli government ministries, municipal authorities, National Center for Guidance and Training, rendered services, funds, contribution and sponsors and membership dues.
Mission and Objectives

IFPA is a voluntary organization represented across the country that works to promote the (sexual and reproductive) health and wellbeing of everyone in our society, in particular young people, vulnerable and underserved groups by:
? raising awareness among the populations and groups at risk, in respect of healthy and responsible life styles and reproductive health and rights.
? providing counseling for families and individuals, and training for communities and professionals in the medical and social fields across the country
? advocating sexual and reproductive health needs and rights, and improved legislation, policies and practice in the field of family planning and reproductive health.
? promoting equal access to quality information, sexuality education, training and SRHR services, acting as a liaison between actors in the field.

Main Projects / Activities

There are 14 "Open Door" centers for counselling throughout Israel, one of them is designed specifically for people with physical and sensory disabilities.
In our Traning Center there is a qualification program "Sexuality Educator" as well as special culturally adapted traning programs for disadvantaged populations. In the Community Outreach department the leading programs are: "Hagam" - preparation for life to women soldiers, Bridge to Communication workshops, "Magen" Program: To promote SRHR among adolescents, Intervention Program for Girls Referred to Pregnancy Interruption Committees, Empowerment Workshops for Girls at Risk in Residing in "Warm Homes".

Contact (1) Full Name
Kira Melamed
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ilana Ziegler
Contact (2) Full Name
Amit Sher and Nahed Abu-Asbeh