Egyesek Ifjúsági Egyesület

National Network

Visegrádi utca 52/A

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Our organization's main decision maker is the general assembly formed from all the members. There are 3 elected functionaries, them and the director of the organization are responsible for the daily management. There are 8 staff member, 6-10 long-term volunteers and 50-100 short-term volunteers from abroad and 15 members. We have approximately 200.000 Euros available in a year, mostly from the EU's Erasmus+ and ESC and other international funds. We organise training courses on self-development and leadership, project management and youth work. Our volunteer projects focus on local community development mostly in the countryside. We are part of the Alliance of European Voluntary Service organisation as well as part of the Executive Committee of the CCIVS (Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service)

Mission and Objectives

We contribute to build communities where people are aware of their own freedom of choice, they do what they love and connect with each other peacefully.

Egyesek Youth Association is a community of active youth and young professionals.

The aim of our activities is that – we, young people – explore our own strengths and resources using them consciously to fulfill our personal and professional life. To reach that we do trainings and volunteer activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Target group: Hungarian and international youth and experts working with youth, organisations and communities.

Youth: active volunteers, youth at risk, vulnerable youngsters, young people in school and work transition, world explorers, gap year.

Experts working with youth: youth workers, trainers, coaches, mentors, social workers, teachers, youth leaders, peer educators, NGO staff from all sorts of fields: youth, education, business.

Organisations: informal groups, NGOs, SCOs, schools, social enterprises. We are members of the Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations and we appoint an EC member to Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS).

Communities: We are doing grassroot, outreach youth work in Nógrád county, more specifically in Szécsény micro-region. Through international workcamps we contribute to the development of local communities all over Hungary.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer our specific expertise in training, coaching, international project management, community and organisational developmetn, local community development through international voluntary service and creating e-learning materials.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To explore new partnership and international projects beyond the EU frameworks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tamas Mahner
Head of the organisation
Lili Madarász
Contact (2) Full Name
Viktória Csákány