Amnesty International Slovenije

National Network

Beethovnova ulica 7
1000 Ljubljana

00386 1 426 93 77
Telephone (other)
00386 1 426 93 77
00386 1 426 93 65
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00386 31 348 032
Mobile Phone (other)
00386 30 313 991
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Amnesty International Slovenia has been the main organization combating human rights violations in Slovenia for 23 years as a branch of the largest worldwide human rights movement. We are devoted to promoting human rights in Slovenia and combat their violations here and abroad. AI Slovenia currently has 7 permanent staff members, 7 board members and around 70 active volunteers. A democratic organization, AI Slovenia currently has a total of nearly 9,500 supporters of which 4,500 are members. Our funds come from subscriptions and donations from the Slovenian membership (70 %). Our budgetary resources are on avarage around 500.000 eur. Our purpose is to protect people wherever justice, freedom and dignity are denied. We investigate and expose abuses, educate and mobilize the public, and help transform societies to create a safer, more just world.
Mission and Objectives

Amnesty International Slovenia is an independent section of the movement, that follows the same mission as the global movement and implements it via tried-and-tested cross cutting methodologies (lobbying, campaigning, activism, media work, human rights education).
Amnesty International Slovenia is working for the protection of human rights and full access to economic, social and cultural rights in Slovenia and worldwide. This includes working against discrimination and to challenge impunity, for physical and mental integrity, women’s rights, and migrants and asylum seekers rights. Our work includes different activities for achieving results in the human rights field including campaigning, lobbying and activism.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of Amnesty International Slovenia are:
- lobbying national and international entities with topics concerning domestic and foreing human rights issues
- campaigning for different human rights issues in Slovenia and abroad(e.g. Roma discrimination, the erased case in Slovenia, the death penalty, poverty, women discrimination, child rights, for human rights diffenders and other relevant human rights topics)
- education (Amnesty International has been leading a Human Rights Education program from 1999 and usually carries out more then 100 workshops on human rights topic across the country per year, including more then 2.000 pupils and students in primary, secundary schools and universities)
- regular work with media regarding human rights issues in Slovenia and abroad
- foster activism (as a membership organization with more then 9.000 members and supporters and at least 70 active volounteers, Amnesty International Slovenia has different established networks for lobbying and campainging for activists, who are also included in the regular work and events of the organization).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mateja Kurir
Head of the organisation
Natasa Posel, director
Contact (2) Full Name
Metka Naglic