Israeli Association for Immigrant Children (IAIC)

National Network

9 HaMasger Street
Tel Aviv

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Israeli Association for Immigrant Children (IAIC) is an organization composed of four primary staff members and over 500 volunteers with an annual budget of $500,000. Funding comes from private foundations, the Israeli government, municipalities, corporate and private donors. IAIC implements programs and projects to facilitate the integration of immigrant children/youth into the educational, offers advocacy and support for youth and their families whose rights are being violated, and is active in positioning the rights of immigrant youth on the public agenda. It partners with schools, community centers, and a wide range of educational, governmental and communal organizations.
Mission and Objectives

The IAIC mission is to assist immigrant youth and children integrate into the Israeli educational system and society. The objectives are to affect long-term, permanent change in policy and the social/educational climate in Israel, and achieve immediate solutions to specific, pressing issues, by working on three primary levels: ? Macro-level. Advocating policies and participating in coalitions engaged in social action that bears on immigrant children/youth. ? Societal level. Conducting educational programs for immigrant youth, educators, community leaders and parents, within schools and community settings. ? Individual level. Providing free informational, supportive and advocacy services for immigrant youth and their families

Main Projects / Activities

Social Activism • Educating legislature and general public about immigrant youth, acting to eliminate discriminatory practices, increase funding, monitoring educational entities. • Building coalitions for long-term social change. Educational/communal • Intervention with immigrant youth at-risk, including school drop-out and substance abuse. prevention. • Hebrew language proficiency tutoring. • Programs to promote development of personal/Israeli identity among immigrant children/youth. • Community leadership and cultural encounter programs. • Volunteer recruiting and training. Individual Advocacy • 24/7 telephone hotline in 6 languages providing information and advocacy for immigrant youth and families. • Training educational professionals to work in a multi-cultural society and settings

Contact (1) Full Name
Eli Zarkhin
Head of the organisation
Eli Zarkhin