Bulgarian National Highschool for acient languages and cultures- charity organisation for youngsters from the higschool

National Network

Sofia, "moderno predgradie", ul."Baba"-16

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
It's a high school organisation which includes students from all classes, we have done about 15 meetings with orphans and old people from the Bulgarian centres for these people. We work only with resources we have reached- money from selling martenitsi, Christmas cards and other self-made stuff. There are some organisations which try to help us and to give us the chance to reach in their projects like "Assosiation Parents" and others.. We work with concrete projects and we also want to take part of exchanges and seminars.
Mission and Objectives

-give youngsters an opportunity to feel more responsible with taking parts of different voluntary projects
-help poor, sick and homeless people
- help old people without families and orphans feel more loved and respected with just visiting them and being part of their world.

Main Projects / Activities

It's all time organisation and we work with children in trouble, orphans and old people- visit the places they live, play or just talk to them, help them feel better and to socialise them and also to help youngsters have the idea for being responsible and to find new opportunities in voluntarism

Contact (1) Full Name
Magie Nazer