Kalinciakova 1046/16
09101 Stropkov
- Democracy and community development
- Human rights
- International/Cultural relations
- Religion
- Research
- Youth and education
Our main goals are:
- to increase employment of young people and to support their personal and proffesional development;
- to organize and mediate trainings, youth exchanges, workcamps, seminars, study mobilities, internships and volunteering programs abroad;
- to encourage active citizenship, civic participation, voluntary and civic initiatives and to emphasize their importance in the society;
- to stimulate the creation of new and innovative ideas as the basis for entrepreneurial initiatives of young people, to motivate them and support towards his own business;
- to encourage the responsible attitute to the nature and animals, promote a healthy lifestyle and protect the environment;
- to promote constructive debate on the EU, to raise legal awareness of citizens, protect human rights and to watch the transparency in the allocation of public resources;
- to endorse the elimination of gender stereotypes and promote equality of opportunity for all ...
youth exchanges, training courses, conferences, seminars, workshops, discussions, language courses, individul mentoring, European Voluntary Service
We organize various projects and althogh not always is the main topic this one (e.g. protection of enviroment, project management, consumer rights etc), in all of our projects are participants from different countries, background, cultures and religion. One of the project was particularly focused on spreading intercultural dialogue among young people from Balkan countries. You can find more information about project here: http://adelslovakia.org/index.php/en/projects/realized/32-bridge-for-the... We realize the importance of similiar projects and activities and we would like to contribute to intercultural dialogue through our future local activities, or national activities within network but also through international projects .
We share the same values and goals as Anna Lindh Foundation and we would be very happy to participate in the activities of ALF Network and also contribute by the implementation of these goals through future projects. We are convinced that as many young people as possible from each corner of the world should get opportunity to face real intercultural dialogue - only then "the world will live as one" - without war, poverty, hunger...but with real solidarity.