
Better life association for development and training - جمعية الحياة الافضل للتنمية و التدريب – بنى سويف

National Network

157 شارع اسلام – بجوار مسجد نور الاسلام – بنى سويف
Beni Souef

Mobile Phone
01226474365 & 01023580180 samy
Mobile Phone (other)
01226795970 beshoy
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
تقوم جمعية الحياة الأفضل بإدارة عدد من البرامج فى مجال التنمية وخاصة فى المجتمعات الفقيرة والمهمشة بمحافظة بني سويف والتى يصل عددها حوالى (48) مجتمع في جميع مراكز المحافظة من حدودها مع محافظة المنيا (مركز الفشن إلى حدودها مع محافظة الجيزة (مركز الواسطى) ، وهذة البرامج هى: 1- برنامج تطوير وتحسين التعليم 2- برنامج الرعاية الصحية 3- برنامج تمكين الشباب 4- برنامج حقوق الطفل 5- برنامج تمكين المرأة 6- برنامج التنمية الأقتصادية وقد قامت الجمعية بتنفيذ العديد من المشروعات والمبادرات فى جميع هذة البرامج منذ إشهارها وحتى الأن بجهودها الذاتية وتعبئة الموارد بالأضافة إلى شراكتها مع العديد من الهيئات والجهات المانحة مثل: (الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية – الوكالة الكندية للتنمية – البنك الدولى – الأتحاد الأوروبى – هيئة إنقاذ الطفولة – هيئة كير – برنامج تطوير التعليم (ERP) برنامج التنمية بالمشاركة (PDP) برنامج تحسين التعليم في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة ECEEP)) برنامج المدارس الجديدة NSP ، المؤسسة العربية للتربية المدنية بالأردن – الجامعة الأمريكية – هيئة كاريتاس – الهيئة القبطية الأنجيلية – مؤسسة حابى للحقوق البيئية – الأئتلاف المصرى لحقوق الطفل – مؤسسة الجار الصالح للتنمية – إئتلاف السيداو). وأيضاً العمل مع جميع الجهات الحكومية والوحدات المحلية بمحافظة بني سويف
Mission and Objectives

رؤية الجمعية: نحن والمجتمع شركاء متكاملين نتبنى مفاهيم جديدة للارتقاء نحو حياة افضل. رسالة الجمعية: جمعية الحياة الافضل للتنمية والتدريب ببني سويف جمعية اهلية غير هادفة للربح ، تتفاعل مع المجتمع المصـــري وتسعى لتوفير حيــاة افضــل لجميع فئاتة بدون تمييز ، من خلال المشروعات والانشطــة فى مجالات التنميـــــة المختلفة ، متبنية منهج التنمية بالمشاركـــة المبنية على الحقـــوق لتحقيق التنمية المستدامة باستخدام اساليب جديدة ومبتكرة. الإطار القيمي: 1. عدم التمييز بين افراد المجتمع. 2. المستهدفون شركاء فاعلين وليسوا متلقين خدمات. 3. تنتهج الجمعية مبادئ الحكم الرشيد. 4. تعيش اسرة الحياة الافضل فى جو يسودة الاحترام المتبادل والروح العائلية والحب. 5. تعمل الجمعية من خلال علاقات قوية مع الاخرين لتحقيق حياة افضل للمجتمع.

Main Projects / Activities

1- برنامج تطوير وتحسين التعليم 2- برنامج الرعاية الصحية 3- برنامج تمكين الشباب 4- برنامج حقوق الطفل 5- برنامج تمكين المرأة 6- برنامج التنمية الأقتصادية 7- برنامج المواطنة الفعالة والقيم المدنية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1- لاكتساب معارف وخبرات جديدة 2- للبناء علي الخبرات السابقة للجمعية 3- للتوسع في علاقات وشراكات الجمعية مع اطراف اخري فاعلة لخدمة المجتمع

Contact (1) Full Name
Samy William Ghebrial
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Samy Wiliam Ghebrial
Contact (2) Full Name
Beshoy Barsoum Tawfeek
Job Title (2)
Program coordinator

Better World Foundation - NGO

National Network

5 Ellan Street – Ibn Sendr Square
Mansheyiet El Bakry

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Better World Foundation (BWF) consists of 5 main departments which are Accounting, Training, R&D, HR and PR departments. Number of volunteers per semester is 20-25 volunteers in addition to 4 employees. From 2006-2011, BWF was financially self sustained organization by neither accepting donations nor grants to ensure that its system customized based on the community not the funding source, meeting its overhead costs solely through its Board of Trustees and the small fees of our training programs. As BWF is committed to keep our programs accessible to as many people as possible, it will rely on grants for funding rather than increasing the programs’ fees. Also, the entrepreneurs who will be incubated by our project will share 20% of their revenues for the first 5 years to be re-used to support and develop the program. Starting from 2014, we have participated in many international projects in Europe under Erasmus+ Programme.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to offer various educational, training and research opportunities along with social entrepreneurship work to equip young Egyptians youth with business and entrepreneurial skills needed to succeed, in order to pave the way to decrease unemployment rates, alleviate poverty and revitalize Egypt’s economy and community.
Our objectives are:
- Helping public university students and recent graduates to develop their occupational skills and realize their full potential as professionals.
- Preparing these students and recent graduates to be more proactive by providing them with tools and support necessary for contributing to the advancement and progress of their community.
- Facilitating the entry of Egyptian youth into the labor market as well as to enable young entrepreneurs to plan for their own sustainable businesses.
- Providing specialized vocational training and capacity building 5 days per week in technology, world languages, and professional skills for enhancing their leadership, capabilities and value to the job market.
- Utilizing a job listings database, a consistently updated list of job openings in companies throughout Egypt to link individuals with a company according to their qualifications and skills.
- Providing a simplified and efficient job search experience for the program’s participants, while also ensuring a consistent level of candidate proficiency for employers.
- Building bridges of cultural understanding between youth from different nationalities and backgrounds as we have a balanced corps of volunteers, of which 50% Egyptian and 50% international.
Better World Foundation is interested in developing the capabilities of young people. This is done by investing in resources and economic activities that contribute to the development of our emerging human capital. Developing the occupational skills of youth will allow them to pursue a higher quality work and life, making them more productive global citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

Better World Foundation aims to prepare the Egyptian youth to succeed in the modern professional world through offering various educational/training Skills in a form of training courses and workshops in (Languages-Computer-Life Skills-Knowledge-Attitude). In addition to organizing workshops, seminars, training sessions and site visits in order to develop and promote entrepreneurial skills, our activities are represented in the below three main functions:
• Offering various courses to public university students and recent graduates which include languages courses, computer courses and career skills classes. Courses are Non Formal type of Education to enable our beneficiaries to attain the necessary skills for employment and go on to find jobs.
• Research Activities to investigate critical social or environmental issues and then presenting all findings to put hands on experience on Job Market needs. This has a double impact of providing beneficiaries with specialized knowledge that may be relevant to their future careers, as well as providing the opportunity for others to educate themselves on relevant issues Egypt is facing.
• Entrepreneurial Support Training: helping young entrepreneurs establish themselves professionally through incubation and mentoring for a full 8 months period.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Better World Foundation will be an active member in the network through participating effectively in meeting, conferences and exchange opportunities. We will be sharing our experiences and ideas regarding working with youth and the intercultural exchange opportunity that we offer. In addition to, working collaboratively with the members of the network in order to come up with new ideas and establish international projects supporting the mission of Anna Lindh Foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF Network for below reasons:
- Our common objective to promote intercultural exchange as we have a balanced corps of volunteers, of which 50% Egyptian and 50% international.
- Our common target group which is youth will allow us to cooperate on different aspects.
-  Cooperate to implement a project that enhances youth leadership and entrepreneurial skills in addition to conducting researches on other topics such as environment and social awareness.
-  Our ability and experience to send Egyptian volunteers and host international volunteers will support your mission.
-  Provide our beneficiaries with more job opportunities, scholarships and international exchange programs
-  Expanding our partners’ network which will increase our opportunities for cooperation on an international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hany Amin
Job Title
Founder / Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Hany Amin
Contact (2) Full Name
Michael Moheb
Job Title (2)
International Projects Manager

Bibalex alexandrina

National Network

Hassan kamel st. Miami

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
I need to know calture world
Mission and Objectives

I need upgrade my life

Main Projects / Activities

Change my mind

Contact (1) Full Name
Samir mohamed soliman basuony
Job Title
It engineer
Head of the organisation
Dr.esmail serag elden

Bibliotheca Alexandrina

National Network

El Shatby – 21526, Alexandria - Egypt

+203 4839999 Ext. 1241
Telephone (other)
+203 4820479
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
The Head of the Egyptian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation is the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the coordination of the Network is run by Ambassador Aly Maher, Euro-Med Affairs Advisor.
Mission and Objectives

The Bibliotheca Alexandrina aims to be a center of excellence in the production and dissemination of knowledge and to be a place of dialogue, learning and understanding between cultures and peoples.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ambassador Aly Maher (Euro-Med Affairs Advisor)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Ahmed Farid (Network Assistant)

Bibliotheca Alexandrina – Arts Center

National Network

Bibliotheca Alexandrina, El Chatby, Alexandria, Egypt

+ 20 3 4839999 ext: 1967
Telephone (other)
+20 3 4820457
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The BA aims to revive the role of the Ancient Library of Alexandria in encouraging dialogue and exchange between scientists, philosophers and artists alike. The Arts Center provides a forum to various expressions of arts in all its forms, and seeks to realize the goals of the BA in being Egypt’s window on the world and the world’s window on Egypt in the artistic field. Beside promoting the artistic capacities of artists from Egypt and the Arab world, the Arts Center seeks to be an incubator for the talents of children and young people, and provides training and development opportunities for them in world-class international institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Through building partnerships with institutions from different backgrounds, the Arts Center promotes exchange and mutual understanding between cultures. In its regular monthly events, the Arts Center supports high profile international contemporary arts from all backgrounds, as well as Egyptian contemporary art. It also hosts international artists for residencies and performances to create an energetic exchange of experience between local and international artists, and presents Egyptian and regional contemporary arts in venues abroad.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Reem Kasem

Bitash private schools

National Network

bitash st., elagami

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
يدير المدارس مجلس ادارة وكيان ادارى مستقل
Mission and Objectives

تقديم خدمة تعليمية ترتقى الى متطلبات العصر وتخدم المجتمع المحلى المحيط بالمدارس

Main Projects / Activities

مركز ثقافى مستقل من ابناء الحى يقدم خدماته بعد اليوم الدراسى

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تقديم المدارس فى غير وقت الدراسة لخدمة اغراض المؤسسة مع اقامة انشطة مع التلاميذ اثناء اليوم الدراسى

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

الاستفادة من برامج المؤسسة التعليمية

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Adel
Head of the organisation
Fateen Farouk

Bokra Ahla Association for civil society development

National Network

El Fangary street , Batn El Bakara , Masr El Kadima , Ciaro , Egypt

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Bokra Ahla Association is a non-profit organization that works in the field of sustainable development in Egypt. Bokra Ahla Association was established in October 2006, registration no. 6701. It serves the area of Batn El-Bakarah in Misr El-Kadeema. The head office is in 6 El-Gameah Street in Batn El-Bakarah. Our main objective is to develop residents’ lives by changing their way of thinking and attitude. We have built strong relations with residents of Batn El-Bakarah depending on trust and respect.
Mission and Objectives

 Create a new well educated and trained generation.
 Raise families’ income.
 Train ladies to be productive

Main Projects / Activities

The project will be offering several services:
 Pre-school kids center
 Reinforcement classes
 Dropout classes
 Microloans center
 Women and girls workshop
 Activities and handcraft center
 Youth training center
 Medical center

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

networking , elongation , team work , share resources and gain benefits from other NGOs interested in the same field and concerning the same interests

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

networking , elongation , team work , share resources and gain benefits from other NGOs interested in the same field and concerning the same interests

Contact (1) Full Name
Aliaa Atef
Head of the organisation
Ola Atef
Contact (2) Full Name
Ibrahim El Adawy

Bokra For Media Production, Media Studies and Human Rights

National Network

12, Mohamed Sedky st, Bab El-Louk Square, Down Town

+2 02 23 90 92 81
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+2 0106 20 400 30
Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Founded Bokra for Media Production, Media Studies and Human Rights as of March 6, 2010 and was registered as of June 22, 2010under No. 6639 and for the year 2010 We have 22 employee full time and almost 30 volunteer We are funded by: 1- NED 2-MEPI 3-RBF 1- Programs on Radio Bokra interested in Political awareness, women rights, human rights and Media Professional 2- We have 100,000 listeners and viewers of our website www.bokranews.com monthly 3- We working on a campaign called “We Love Cairo” we are a part of a net work “WE LOVE” in Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan in tested in Culture & Arts and Civic Education for Schools Students. 4- We are working on a study and projects now about Community Radios. 5- We are preparing for a campaign to make the government to allow people to own their FM wave to make their community radios. 6- We create a social website just for media people and whom interested in Media and freedom of expression to communicate and share experiences the web site called “IMedia” www.bokranews.com/imedia 7- We made an initiative for civic journalism make people to write and filming what happening in their regions in general and special their watch for the election
Mission and Objectives

Founded Bokra for Media Production, Media Studies and Human Rights as of March 6, 2010 and was registered as of June 22, 2010under No. 6639 and for the year 2010
We have 22 employee full time and almost 30 volunteer
We are funded by: 1- NED 2-MEPI 3-RBF
1- Programs on Radio Bokra interested in Political awareness, women rights, human rights and Media Professional
2- We have 100,000 listeners and viewers of our website www.bokranews.com monthly
3- We working on a campaign called “We Love Cairo” we are a part of a net work “WE LOVE” in Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan in tested in Culture & Arts and Civic Education for Schools Students.
4- We are working on a study and projects now about Community Radios.
5- We are preparing for a campaign to make the government to allow people to own their FM wave to make their community radios.
6- We create a social website just for media people and whom interested in Media and freedom of expression to communicate and share experiences the web site called “IMedia” www.bokranews.com/imedia
7- We made an initiative for civic journalism make people to write and filming what happening in their regions in general and special their watch for the election
Reel looks forward to the media production and media studies and human rights as a new partner in the Egyptian civil society to reach the stage characterized by:
1 - administrative and financial capabilities, infrastructure and networking relations and cooperation with others that qualify for the implementation of programs, projects and achieve its mission and objectives.
2 - to be a pioneer in the field of new media and rooting of democratic choice and the culture of peace, tolerance and acceptance of others and renounce violence and racism.
1 - Strengthening the democratic option in society and contribute to efforts to build democratic civil state.
2 - Strengthening the role of youth development and participation in society.
3 - Development of the role of youth media to be the guardians of democracy and development.
4 - Promoting a new generation of media issues and insured home and work.

Main Projects / Activities

Bokra seeks to achieve its mission, objectives and principles through our projects that include project of new media in the service of democratic transition and project of new generation of media professionals.
1-new media in the service of democratic transition aim to mobilize on-line media to serve issues of human rights and democracy; we accomplish this through Bokra radio and Bokra news. Both radio and web news cover all events related to political process, parties, movements and elections in Egypt.
2-new generation of media professionals aim to train and prepare impartial and high qualified young Egyptian journalists through workshops and training for capacity building of media professionals and trained on radio and use of production tools.
3-Web TV for promoting free media, open press and human rights, freedom principles.
4-Legal Unit to defend journalists, cultural activists, bloggers and all freedom of expression activists

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through involve in the activities related to what we are doing, and our vision and mission. Promote your activities through our media tools "Radio-TV-Web News"

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The main vision and mission of ALF is very related to all what we are doing, We think that it will be good chance to exchange and sharing experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Namees Arnous
Head of the organisation
Shady Eladl
Contact (2) Full Name
Shady Eladl

Border Center for Support & Consulting

National Network

3 Kasr Ehager St

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
BSC is aprivate company working in human rights and community developement , admnistraion council formed from 3 persons, 15 employement and 10 volunteers . 60.000 l.e / year  external funding EMHRF& aswatona fund .  
Mission and Objectives

Borders centre for Support & Consulting (BSC) 
An Egyptian independant orgnization established in 2013 as a private company , works at human rights field , we believe in that converting society to better is only by human rights hprinciples , so (BSC) is seeking to target the unknown social categories which lives in the border areas . The Center also seeks to build bridges of communication and integration between these categories and each other, and the defense of their own social issues in the perspective of human rights through :
1- Observing and research unit will do permanent observation of the problems of society and to identify obstacles to development .
2- supporting human rights defenders .
3- Raising the level of awareness and establish the concept of citizenship and active participation among target groups in border areas.
4- Defending the rights of indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities, women and children's rights according the customs and traditions of human in rights’ areas, exercise and activation of democracy and political reform.
5- Human capacity’s development for uninhibited institutions (governmental or non-governmental ) and the provision of continuous professional education in order to qualify them to perform their role effectively in the community.
6- Contact with civil society orgnizations to get fully participant to achieve the benefit of devoloping society .
7-unification mutual responsibility between organizations and governments to be parteners in the developement of the community.

Main Projects / Activities

Nuba tube project : it`s one of our main projects , it`s about nuba one of the minority cultures in egypt , who suffered since along time ago from 60 years since the second forced displacement .
one of these tragedy was about marginalizing the Nubian language , so we seek from our project to get the Nubian language and the fully identity of Nubians back by new society social media , so we created our youtube channel which will introduce programmes about teaching the nubian language , history , nubian style life , and culture 2 hours/daily programmes ,  this channel will be  fully in nubian language and translted it to many other languages to let the world know nubian language , nubian customs and traditions . mainly to know who they are . 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As we known a human rights organization which concern and defending the cultre rights for minorties and indigenous people in Egypt , we contribute with the net work to show the cultuered problems of ethnic minorties and indigenous people to find soultions with other civil human rights orgnazions and we also contribute to create a minority culture map  of local culture of (minorties and indigenous people) 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1- exchange experments with other organizations in ALF Network .
2- contact with the organizations members in ALF .

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Azmy
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Azmy
Contact (2) Full Name
Marwa Mohamed
Job Title (2)
communication operator

Border Centr For Development Studies and The Human Rights(BDSHR)

National Network

5st kasr elhagar kornish el nile

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
a- Border Center For Developmental Studies and Human Rights (BDSHR) is a Civilian company and a non-profit organization which was established in the forefront of 2013 in accordance with the provisions of the Civil law concerning the civil companies by a group of youth who have an experience in the field of community’s development and human rights. They met after a popular revolution to defend a deep issues related to the border areas and also related to the marginalized categories of the tribal minority character and, highlight them. Their aims are achieving the human dignity, defending his rights , giving awareness about his duties towards the community, and support the development and human rights for different classes, and preparing the conscious cadres in order to a real and a comprehensive construction for the community. We believe that the opportunity of changing the society to the better won’t achieve unless concentrate the high principles for which the people came out. b- Border Center (BDSHR) is seeking to target the unknown social categories which lives on the border areas. The Center also seeks to build bridges of communication and integration between these categories and each other, and the defense of their own social issues in the perspective of human rights through : 1- Permanent observation of the problems of society and to identify obstacles to development through monitoring and research unit. 2- Preparation of promising cadres to be able to lead locomotive effective community development to the advancement of society. 3- Raising the level of awareness and establish the concept of citizenship and active participation among target groups. 4- Defending the rights of indigenous peoples and racial and ethnic minorities and women and children's rights in accordance with the customs and traditions of human in rights’ areas, exercise and activation of democracy and political reform. 5- Human capacity’s development for uninhibited institutions (governmental or non-governmental ) and the provision of continuous professional education in order to qualify them to perform their role effectively in the community. 6- Building bridges of partnership and integration between the center and various institution of civil society in order to achieve the maximum benefit for community from the various developmental efforts. 7- The concept of mutual responsibility and decency partnership become stable between civil society organizations and governments in the formulation and implementation of plans for community’s development c- Centre Borders (BDSHR) seeks to create practical opportunities for giving developmental support to the target groups through the involvement of its members in making social solutions and to try the experiment of development with the concept of social participation and the giving opportunity to the distinct elements in participating in the design of the Centre's future activities or editing some existing activities, thereby helping to increase their effectiveness. d- Center Borders (BDSHR) is a civilian non-profit Company consisted of three local partners and foreign partner representing the administration Council of the Centre in addition to the organizational structure of the center which is consisted of: -  Committee of Planning, coordination and information.  Committee of preparation for seminars, courses, conferences and campaigns.  Committee of Public Relations and the media.  Finance Committee.  Projects Committee There are 3 employees with fixed salary beside 6 volunteers. The center includes 64 regular members in its constituent assembly Making decision process: The decisions of the Council are taken by an absolute majority (50% of the members + 1) except the decision related to modify the main system or the integration of the center which must be issued by a two-thirds majority. e- The organization’s team work has participated more than one the initiative after the first 18 days of the revolution twenty-fifth of January. we don~t have Sources of funding
Mission and Objectives

1- Using systematic and continuous research to determine the problems of society and study accurate and better development’s curriculum's through research and monitoring unit within the center, which will provide a real database for community.
2- Creating practical opportunities to provide development support to the target group through the involvement of the same target group in the creation of solutions development and experience the concept of community participation.
3- To activate the role of women and youth and permanently promote the level of their participation in the development of their communities as a cornerstone in the development of the family and then the whole society.
4- To raise awareness and innovation among young people and youth and giving support from the side of human rights and development.
5- Against all forms of discrimination in the society in terms of gender, race or color ......... etc.
6- To support the democratic transition and motivate target groups for political participation in the societal mobility.
7- Enabling women to participate in political work and work to spread the concept of bilateral participation in community
8- Raising the awareness of the community on economic, social, political, religious and international agreements and charters, and handling minority issues and find solutions and alternatives of the community.
9- To shed light on the problems and obstacles in the border areas and work on the handling of these problems by the state.
10- Support for civil society organizations and institutions to increase awareness of technical and scientific support and how monitoring and documentation.
11- Using the methodology and modern means of communication with the societal character to raise the capacity of the community in finding solutions to problems in sophisticated technological nature.

Main Projects / Activities

We have a small initiatives to double the funding of the organization

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Will be joining the network contributions effective , mainly the expansion of network activity in Egypt to include the southern border , including directly through our organization , especially as it enjoys the south of km from the issues of others confined to human rights, the most important minority Nubian as well as the problems of women in tribal communities closed as well as the form of political participation in remote areas such as isolated Halayib and Shalateen . will also contribute to our organization in the presence of Tqaar minutes from the human rights situation in Upper Egypt and South because of the organization within the community , making it the most accurate without central organizations that work in these places are named

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We seek to join the network a desire to work hard with organizations that have expertise in the field of economic, social and political humans
And developing the performance of the organization through this vast network to ensure a good level of results through our projects future
We also seek to break the barrier of the central stationing of most civil society organizations and human rights in Cairo to address the problems at the Amos

Contact (1) Full Name
rasha abd elfatah
Head of the organisation
mohamed azmy
Contact (2) Full Name
mohamed noor