
Youth Culture & Knowledge Exchange

National Network

41 lower Dominick Street
Dublin 1

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Youth Culture & Knowledge Exchange (YCKE), is an educational, interactive and knowledge exchange program for youths around the world. It promote cultural diversity, friendship, leadership and education.
Mission and Objectives

• Arranging cultural exchange programs and volunteers programmes for youth
• Providing leadership training for youth
• To enable the youth who may want to study abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

• Leadership Training
• Cultural Exchange Programmes
• Language & Cultural Studies
• Study abroad Programmes
• Internship placement
• Volunteer Programmes
• Au Pair abroad Programmes

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The underline objective of the programme is to bring youth together from all background of culture and education to exchange cultural.
This means that the will share arrange of ideas together that is relevant for youth both at home here in Ireland and abroad.
It is the priority of the organisation to ensure that Irish youth participate fully. Meaning that we ensure to partner with youth organization in Ireland.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Youth Culture & Knowledge Exchange (Ycke) has similar vision to support and opportunity for youth to share and exhibit the culture. In this regard we intend to join the network will bridge of mutual relationship between Ycke.

Contact (1) Full Name
Flora Lamba
Job Title
Head of the organisation
YCKE - Youth Culture & Knowledge Exchange

Youth Work Ireland Cork

National Network

11 Gurranabraher Road, Gurranabraher, Cork

00353 21 4399862
Telephone (other)
00353 85 8130558
00353 21 4399204
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Overview of Operational Structure Youth Work Ireland Cork shall operate from the following clearly defined operational procedure; Young People’s needs are addressed by Youth Workers Youth Worker’s needs are addressed by the Management and Administration Personal. Organisational needs are addressed by the Board of Management.

Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement To provide a community based response to young people’s needs by offering them the opportunity to contribute to and participate in social education, artistic and recreational activities. Aim The aim of Youth Work Ireland Cork is to provide a social justice based Community Youth Service to Young People within the geographic area of Cork City and County commensurate with the provision of services by other organisations affiliated to and members of Youth Work Ireland.

Main Projects / Activities

Who is it for & with: target group; partnerships; linkages; exchanges • The project targets young people who are not involved in any youth services and may be experiencing social exclusion. Young people aged between 7 and 23 years who are ‘at risk ‘ of alcohol/drug abuse and are at a disadvantage from fully engaging with life chances and life opportunities. All young people are welcome, there are over 250 young people currently attending the youth project. Referrals come from schools, parents, Gardai, word of mouth and from being part of inter agency groups. If groups have reached their full capacity and there isn’t an available place, then the young persons name is put on a waiting list. In order to provide a quality and an effective youth service building good relationships it is vital to work collaboratively with other agencies in areas such health, education justice and community. • • How you do it: modes of provision; methodologies The Youth Development project’s methods of work are undertaken through group work and individual, work with consultation is a large part of the process. Community Youth work is the key methodology that underpins the youth service, following models are the foundation for all programmes; • Personal Development • Social Education • Empowerment • Team building • Confidence building • Harm Reduction • Creative Development • Community Arts

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleanor O'Sullivan
Job Title
Director of Services
Head of the organisation
Eleanor O'Sullivan (Director)

Youth Work Ireland launch Climate Justice Group

Launch of climate justice group

Youth Work Ireland - a grassroots member latest update on Climate Justice

On the 22 February 2024 Youth Work Ireland launched the Climate Justice Group Work research conducted by Dr Morgan O’Brien and Majella Finnegan of South East Technology University Carlow/Wexford/Waterford in the south east region of Ireland. This was launched along with officials from the Department of Children Equality Disability Integration and Youth. This work shows how group work empowers young people to address needs and aspirations around the things that matter to them in their lives - whether that’s big things in the wider world like climate change, or big things taking place in their homes and schools.

Theory of Change Resource

A number of key components make up the Theory of Change resource https://ow.ly/kPni50QG5nX including the following:

  • What assumptions do people make about young people in relation to climate justice issues?
  • What kind of activities can we do to counteract these assumptions?
  • The resource has a number of mechanisms of change addressing short-term, mid-term and long-term outcomes. 

 For more details about Youth Work Ireland you can visit their website https://www.youthworkireland.ie/

Œcumene Spaces For Dignity

National Network

1 69 Esker Woods Drive
Co. Dublin

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Œcumene Spaces For Dignity (Œcumene Studio) is a committed organization that has spent the past decade constructing an innovative infrastructure for transformative change in Africa and the Middle East.

Mission and Objectives

Œcumene Spaces For Dignity strives to create connections between the North and South, acting as an intermediary for knowledge exchange and promoting dialogue and unity. We stand firm in our belief that collective intelligence, through co-design and co-construction, plays a critical role in reshaping narratives, fostering spaces for dialogue, empowering local communities, and ultimately, facilitating coexistence.
We are an enthusiastic, multidisciplinary, and international team at Œcumene Spaces For Dignity, with a shared mission to uplift marginalized and vulnerable communities. Our collective passion drives our efforts, fueling our commitment to making a meaningful difference.

Main Projects / Activities

At the core of our initiatives, we explore themes of coexistence, harmony, rhythm, symbiosis, cohabitation, and mimesis. Rather than providing definitive answers, these terms serve as thought-provoking questions, urging us to question the mainstream urban narrative and revisit our perceptions of existence.

Our projects are a celebration of:

Placemaking and active community participation
Process-oriented, human-centered design
Integration of tangible and intangible heritage
Climate resilience and urban ecology
Synergizing knowledge systems and fostering knowledge sharing
Harnessing collective intelligence and indigenous knowledge
Some of our renowned projects include "SchoolyardForAll (Houshygama'ana)", "Dari", "Y'ah el 7ay", "El Houma khir", "Woujoud", "Faire La Ville Ensemble", and "Memories Map". These initiatives embody our core principles and contribute to our goal of creating a sustainable and inclusive urban environment.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a global, network-based organization, our team is a diverse assembly of professionals from various parts of the world, bringing together a multitude of disciplinary perspectives. Our specialty areas encompass community development, integrated planning, design and architecture for development, research, and engineering for development.We pride ourselves on our team's expertise in participatory approaches and creative intelligence, along with their proficiency in assembling impactful projects backed by robust project management. Our knowledge extends particularly to the regions of Africa and the Middle East, as well as Europe, providing us a comprehensive understanding of varying socio-cultural contexts. Our founders, originating from Tunisia and Egypt, have lived and worked on both sides of the Mediterranean sea for the past decade. Their unique experiences and insights form the bedrock of our organization's deep-rooted understanding of these regions and their interplay.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in joining the Anna Lindh Foundation Network. As an advocate for intercultural dialogue and civil society collaboration, we strongly resonate with the foundation's mission. The organization’s commendable dedication to fostering relationships between North Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, aligns perfectly with our missions, and we do believe that joining such a network will strengthen our actions and projects for more positive impact, to be an exceptional opportunity to contribute to and learn from impactful projects that bridge cultural divides and promote mutual understanding. We are particularly excited about the possibility of collaborating with like-minded individuals from diverse regions, working collectively towards shared goals. We areconfident that our experiences and passion for this field would make us a valuable member of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Insaf Ben Othmane Hamrouni
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Insaf Ben othmane Hamrouni
Contact (2) Full Name
Omar Wanas
Job Title (2)
Project manager



تضم شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند الأيرلندية حالياً 60 منظمة عضو ذات انتشار جغرافي جيد. وبشكل عام، يمكن تصنيف المنظمات على أنها منظمات فنية ومؤسسات تعليمية ومنظمات شبابية ومنظمات مشتركة بين الأديان ومنظمات تعزّز السلام والمصالحة.


إن رؤية شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند الأيرلندية هي توفير استجابة جماعية لمجالات الخبرة والاهتمام الرئيسية. وتشمل هذه: الرياضة، والحوار بين الأديان، ومكافحة خطاب الكراهية، والتعليم، وعمل الشباب، فضلاً عن الفنون والثقافة، وكلها تشمل الحوار بين الثقافات.  

إنجازات الشبكة الأيرلندية  

تعاون العديد من أعضاء الشبكة خلال مدة عمل الشبكة وشاركوا في مبادرات عابرة للحدود بما في ذلك مبادرة "الفن كأداة وتعبير عن التغيير الاجتماعي" في تارودانت في المغرب (2014)؛ ومبادرة "التعليم اللانظامي والمشترك بين الثقافات في المنطقة المتوسطية" في تاراغونا في إسبانيا (2015). 

الخطط والتطلعات المستقبلية

خلال الجائحة العالمية في 2020-2022، سعت الشبكة الأيرلندية بنشاط إلى استئناف سلسلة من الأنشطة الاستباقية بدرجة أكبر، خاصة في المسائل المتعلقة بالتعلم النظامي وغير النظامي، والنوع الاجتماعي، والسلام والمصالحة، والعنصرية، وخطاب الكراهية، والرياضة، وكذلك الحوار بين الثقافات (بما في ذلك الهجرة).

السمات المميزة للشبكة

ثمة دعم ثابت وهائل ورغبة لدى جميع الأعضاء بأن تعزّز شبكة آنا ليند الأيرلندية التعاون داخل أيرلندا وخارجها مع شبكات مؤسسة آنا ليند. وهذه سمة من السمات المميّزة للشبكة.


بول جيليسبي

كاتب عمود وكاتب رئيسي في صحيفة التايمز الأيرلندية، زميل أبحاث أقدم مساعد في كلية العلوم السياسية والعلاقات الدولية، ونائب مدير معهد العلاقات البريطانية - الأيرلندية في كلية دبلن الجامعية. جيليسبي هو أيضاً عضو ناشط في الشبكة الأوروبية - المتوسطية للإعلام،...

نموذج ناجح
النوع الاجتماعي


Herstory/ حكايتها هي حركة أيرلندية تحكي قصص نساء معاصرات وأسطوريات وتاريخيات. يشمل البرنامج مهرجان الضوء الدولي السنوي لـHerstory، والسلسلة التلفزيونية Herstory، ومعرض Blazing a Trail لشبكة السفارة الأيرلندية في جميع أنحاء العالم، وسلسلة صالونات الحوار Herstory، وبرنامج تعليمي مدرسي. "حكايتها"...

نموذج ناجح
Good Practice Illustration

ظلال: شباب في وجه النزاعات

تشهد المجتمعات المحلية في أيرلندا انقسامات متزايدة. وقد اختبر العديد من الشباب المهاجرين نزاعات مسلحة، وتحملوا مشقة رحلات طويلة ومعقدة قبل بلوغ وجهاتهم، وها هم الآن يواجهون العنصرية، والتمييز المؤسسي، ومشاكل الهوية، والصدامات الثقافية وصدامات الأجيال، فيما هم يكافحون لإيجاد...