
No Hate Generation Campaign


On February 28, at 18:00, Plazza Hotel, the Albanian Network member, EDYN, will present the campaign #NoHateGeneration. This presentation is with the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation

Join us to learn more about the campaign and discuss together the challenges of women and girls in society and the fight against violence and hate.

#NoHateGeneration is a campaign initiated by EDYN with the support of NATO, to combat hate speech against women and girls. EDYN members from Albania, Georgia, Moldova, Northern Macedonia, and Slovakia joined.

Links to the campaign: 


National Network

Podravska 21 a

+381 64 184 72 50
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
NGO PARAFIN is an organisation of volunteers who are who are trying to bring some diversity in cultural life of their surrounding through their efforts and creativeness. For now on, we were able to make productions of non-commercial culture thanks to creative energy of artists, friends and families based on good will and support.
Mission and Objectives

• bringing quality new art to audience in our surrounding
• give a chance to artists of different geographies to face each other and exchange their unique experiences and knowledge
• establishing international cultural exchanges
• creating an open space for new cultural experiences
• contribute to tolerance and understanding
• presenting quality art to people in our environment
• presenting that international teamwork is possible and creative

Main Projects / Activities

Promoting and creating non-commercial electronic music, promoting and creating non-commercial art and architecture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natasa Jovanovic
Head of the organisation
Belgrade, Serbia
Contact (2) Full Name
Nikola Cakic

Observatorio Mediterraneo de la Comunicación (OMEC)

National Network

Edificio I. Despacho /I 0026. Campus UAB, Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Cerdanyola del Vallés

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
La construction méditerranéenne comme un espace de découverte et échange entre les différents peuples qui la conforment est une de priorités européennes et avec une importante contribution catalane depuis toutes les classes. D’autre coté la communication pour le développement humain et la responsabilité sociales des moyens dans la gouvernabilité démocratique aux pays en développement est un sujet émergent de l’agenda international. L’OMEC, est un réseau interdisciplinaire de personnes et des institutions de deux rives de la Méditerranée, que travaillent au secteur de la communication et les TIC, comme cadre de référence pour des actions de coopération internationales dirigées à fomenter le dialogue, le développement humain et l’exercice des droits humains à leurs domaines d’action.
Mission and Objectives

Favoriser la création de réseaux entre les différents acteurs qui conforment l’ecosystème communicatif méditerranéen (journalistes, moyens de communications, industrie informative, universités, organisations professionnelles).
Renforcer les activités de recherche transdisciplinaire, pour l’incorporation des droits à l’information, à la communications et au cyberespace, dans les universités, centre de recherche et les programmes et projets de coopération internationale au développement.
Augmenter la capacité des universités et centre de captage d’offrir des programmes spécialisés en communication pour le développement et le changement social.
Tomber sur les générateurs d’opinion, avec l’objectif de situer la communication au développement à l’agenda publique.

Main Projects / Activities

Centre de ressources virtuel (Web OMEC)
Concours : Promotion de la Communication pour le développement, entre les générateurs d’opinion publique.
Séminaire International : Communication pour le développement et droits humains

Contact (1) Full Name
Teresa Velazquez
Head of the organisation
Teresa Velazquez
Contact (2) Full Name
Olga del Rio

Online Networking sessions between members from the North and the South of Mediterranean


Online Networking Sessions between Albania-Luxembourg-Lebanon-Morocco and Denmark, gathered around 50 network members from all the countries to discuss about the joint challenges they face and to generate ideas for cooperation in addressing those challenges.

The online networking sessions that took place on December 18th and December 20th, were organized by Albanian Media Institute (HoN in Albania), in partnership with Our Common Future (HoN Luxembourg), Agir ensemble (HoN Morocco) and Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO (HoN Lebanon).

The purpose of these online networking sessions was to build bridges for cooperation between ALF network members from the North and the South of Mediterranean.

The networking sessions revealed that the challenges that the members face in all the countries are more similar than different, and that is the first step to having synergies and joint actions between them.

Main thematic areas that were identified from both sessions were related to youth engagement and participation, gender equality/gender based violence, diversity and human rights, polarization and hate speech, as well as Media and Information Literacy.

Following the sessions, the Head of the Network in Albania will launch a call for proposals for the participating members to apply and address some of the common challenges identified.

Online Youth Debate: “Content creators just satisfy what the audience demands: both sexist language and images".


Women’s image and role played in media settings are heavily swayed by existing social and cultural norms entangling gender stereotypes. The stereotyped image of women manifested by sexist and misogynic language and amplified by media outlets is certainly hindering the progress made to attain gender equality.

“Mind the language” a project that brings together youth from Albania, Spain and Tunisia and offers them the opportunity to map the situation in their country regarding the usage of sexist and misogynistic language in media, exchange insights on their realities and to foster counter and alternative narratives.

The project is awarded within the frame of the Intercultural Cities Programme funded by the Anna Lindh Foundation, led by Albanian Media Institute (The Head of Network) and our partners WeYouth Organization and AIFED.

The first activity of the project is an Online Youth Debate with the participation of young people from Spain, Tunisia and Albania and other countries of the Euro-Med region.

The debate will take place in ZOOM on 10th November 2021, at 18:00 CET.

Motion of the debate will be “Content creators just satisfy what the audience demands: both sexist language and images".

Zoom link to connect: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86850522874

You are welcome to join us!


National Network

Rr.Vaso Pasha .Pall.Nr.11. Shk.2. Ap.5, Tiranë
Rr.Ali Demi. Poligrafik. Shkolla Univers, Tiranë

0355 42 358 621
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00355 66 56 04 475
Mobile Phone (other)
00355 69 45 28 180
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Onlus Spes Albania është një shoqatë jofitimprurëse, filial i Shoqatës jofitimprurëse Onlus Spes, Itali. Kjo shoqatë ka filluar veprimtarinë e saj, konform legjislacionit shqiptar në 15.12. 2015. Gjatë kësaj periudhe është punuar për strukturimin e strategjive, partneriteteve dhe veprimtarive vullnetare.  Bashkëpunimet më të dukshme janë shprehur me shkollën Jopublike Univers e cila ka kotribuar me mbështetjen e fondeve financiare për qeranë, telafonatat, burimet njerëzore dhe bazën materiale.  Aktivitete të tjera shoqata ka zhvilluar ,me PNUD-in në Shqipëri dhe me IRCA Romanipe, etj. Struktura organizative e shoqatës përbëhet nga: Asambleja e Anëtarëve, Këshilli Drejtues, Presidenti , Bordi i Quditit, Bordi i Arbitrazhit.  Momentalisht në bashkëpunim me shkolën Univers po punohet për hartimin e një projekti mbi klubet rinore në shkollat e AML dhe fuqizimin e kapaciteteve mbështetëse në shkollë.

Mission and Objectives

Misioni i shoqatës Onlus Spes është të kontribuojë në zhvillimin e shoqërisë me vlera qytetar, të zhvillojë veprimtari në të mirën dhe interesin publik duke siguruar shërbime sociale në interes të jetës dhe të drejtave të njeriut, mbrojtjen e mjedisit, vlerave kulturore, zhvillimit të arsimit, mbrojtjes së shëndetit dhe angazhimit qytetar.

Main Projects / Activities

18.mars2017 Bashkëpunim me shoqatën Fundjavë Ndryshe. Vullnetarizëm për familjet në nevojë 13.shtator 2017 Takim. Tryezë mbi ndarjen e rezultateve të raportit midis shkollave QK

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ide për projekte. Bashkëpunim për projekte të përbashkëta Mbështetje për mundësimin e implementimeve të suksesshme në terren. Sigurimin e përfshirjes së grupeve të interesit në aktivitete. Infrastrukturë për trajnime dhe tryeza të përbashkëta 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Mbështetje për lehtësimin e realizimit të aktiviteteve të përbashkëta. Lobim për projekte ambicioze. Shkëmbim përvojash midis partnerëve dhe interaktivitete midis organizatave në këtë rrjet  ALFA Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Arben Sina
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Arben Sina
Contact (2) Full Name
Nezmira Polovina
Job Title (2)

Open Doors

National Network

Rruga: Frederik Shiroka, Pallati Hoxhollit, Kati i poshtëm, Tiranë

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Open Doors is a Center is established as a non – profit organization without membership. The leading bodies of “ Open Doors” are as follows: 1- President 2- Board of Directors 3- Executive Director The organization’s activity is financed through the following means : a) Open Doors assets The source of Open Doors assets are as follows: - The organization’s economic acitvity from services for third parties. - Utilization of Open Doors assets b) Offered donations as follows: - Funds, grants, donations offered in a transparent way from domestic and foreign private entities. - Donations and projects proposed by non-governmental organizations, foreign counterparts, compatible with the Albanian legislation in force Actually, Open Doors has 2 employees & 15 voluneteers The target of “Open Doors” activity is opinion and policy – making through the following elements: - Devising adequate scenarios and drafting policies over inter – religious and inter – cultural dialogue. -Building up/joining/formalizing groups of interest, at home and abroad, aimed at respecting the human rights and fundamental freedoms, in all current and future programs of the European Union. - The implementation of a well defined program to support cultural and human mobility in the Euro-Mediterranean space. -The protection of the culture from the economic and trade interes as well as the encouraging the spread of new forms of expression despite financial support. -Bringing together high state leaders, experts, civil society from Albania and various foreign countries, in order to build up strategies and implementation plans to overcome the prejudices and to exchange perceptions, wherever they prove to be wrong. -Establishment of partnerships with other similar organizations on regional and world scale, as well as with prestigious educational institutions, in terms of drafting educational programs for the youth, which should serve as catalysts for social change - Facilitation/mediation in the “ Euroislamic” dialogue on the region and EuropeOpen Doors” will reflect its own activity through the publication of the periodical “Mozaik”, showing the results achieved in the form of briefings, insights, promoting successful events, an exchange of experience and models to be followed. Complementary to the journal in accomplishing its goals, “Open Doors” will also prepare and introduce other information materials deriving from the insights and polls conducted from others. Inline with its goal, “Open Doors” will produce and commit itself to drafting, preparing for press, publication and disseminating books, maps, brochures, bulletins, cassettes, videokassettes, different recordings, briefing materials and others, in Albanian or other languages, with a diverse cultural, artistic, education and school contends. “Open Doors” will commit to and take under its protection before the media, the administrative and judiary institutions in Albania and abroad collective and individual cases of infringement of human rights and freedoms, in order to provide a harmonious living and environment among the community participants and various faiths.

Mission and Objectives

“Open Doors” works and operates in the frame of the Barcelona’s Process and the Union for Mediterranean launched by the French President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008. “Open Doors” main goal is to highlight the Albanian inter-cultural heritage, the harmonious co–habitation among various religious, ethnics and cultural communities. “Open Doors” work target is the introduction to culture, arts, traditions, beliefs and other values that shape the individualities of communities and nations. Engagement in upholding them will go hand in hand with the identification and promotion of common values and identical interests.

Main Projects / Activities

23 – 26. 12.2011- Trainim “Be enterprener – be creative”, in collaboration with AEEGE 15 -17 .03. 2012 Trainim “Healthy leafstile” in collaboration with AEEGE March 2012- Street Action “ Speak up for free Belarous” in collaboration with Young European Federallists Organisation October 2012 - June 2013 Project: Turistic portal of Berat city - supported by ABC Foundation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Open Doors will contribute to the nationla network by been part of its activities and actions. We will give our excpertise and our contribute in order to strengthen the bidges between different groups of our society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network because we have the same mission and sharing the same values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rezear Xhaxhiu
Head of the organisation
Rezear Xhaxhiu
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Xixa

Organic Agriculture Association

National Network

Rr. Srami Frasheri P 20/10 Tirane

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Organic Agriculture Association is NGO. The highest decision making is the General Meeting of members (more than 100 members), which elects the Board and the executive director appointed by the board.Minimum staff is 2 full time people, which in some years has been up to 8 people. There are many part time experts that quite often collaborate with OAA. Budget per year varies from 30.000 euro - 200.000 euro. The main source of funds are coming from projects through applications. OAA is very much focused on demonstration of sustainable models, promotions, conferences, lobbing. Main partners are organisations dealing with activities that have central part environmental protection and sustainable development.
Mission and Objectives

OAA contributes for sustainable development in the country, particularly in rural areas.
Objectives are:
-Making known and promoting principles, ideas and advantages of sustainable agriculture and environmental protection, through publications, media, training, workshops, etc.
- Assisting members and interested groups by training courses, workshops, conferences, publications, study tours, etc.
- Assisting the Government and other institutions in the formulation of the laws of legislature, agriculture policies and generally in the development of the rural areas based on the principles and practices of the sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

-Environment Forum, EC project 2009-2010
-Ecological road, Regional Environmetal Center, 2010
-For a Clean Dukat, Miliukontakt, 2009
-Development of rural cooperatives in Albania, SIDA 2005-2009
-Sustainable Agriculture Support in Albania, Organic Agriculture Research Institute, Switzerland, 2001-2006
ulture Development in Albania

Contact (1) Full Name
Lavdosh Ferruni
Head of the organisation
Dr. Zyhdi Pepa

Orkidea Albania

National Network

Rr. Artan Lenja No 31, Tirana, Albania
Rr. Artan Lenja, Nr. 31

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

ORKIDEA ALBANIA ORGANIZATION is established since 2010 as a non-governmental organization in Albania. The organization has learned and has been grown up from the great experience that Rete Donne Lavoro Italy has in the area of woman empowerment. Joint program implementation and exchange between two organisations served to empower the Orkidea staff professional and personal.

Main pillars are: empowerment socio and economical of women, advocacy toward local government and community for practice change and dialogue improvement, know how transferring, positive practices and methods for active participation and education of young people and communities. Main beneficiaries are women, young girls/boys, professionals and governmental representatives in national and local level and local media.

ORKIDEA ALBANIA ORGANISATION works for: Promotion and protection of the rights of women and girls through direct services in Albania; 2) Awareness of women/men, girls/boy governmental and non-governmental institutions on women’s rights; 3) Implementation of positive practices and methods related to l education for children and young people; 4) Capacity building for professionals who work directly with children and young people; 5) Lobby and advocacy for women rights. The issues over them works are: violence with gender bases, gender education, empowerment of women and youth etc.

Mission and Objectives

The mission is the socio- economic empowerment of women and youth in Albania.    

Main Projects / Activities

Project: Made in prison Activities:

1. Online selling "Made in prisons Albania" products, produced by women/girls in prison;

2. Promotion of social media and on line communication cost.

3. On the Job mentoring for "handcraft lab" and agriculture produced by women/girls in prison;

4. Preparation of handcraft & agriculture practical guide.

5. Delivery services of "Made in prisons Albania" products;

6. Open Event within prison with all stakeholders and small/medium business;

7. Advocacy initiatives to promote "Made in prisons Albania" at regional and national level; http://madeinprison.al

Project “Evaluation of services/ policies/legislation on the rights of women and young girls and gender issues in Albania”

Activities: 1. Preparation of the evaluation study about the services/ policies/legislation; 2. Organizing the workshops and seminars in local level for evaluate the services and referring system;

Project “Gender Education in Albania” 1. Preparation of the Manual for gender education in pre-university school cycle and university cysle; 2. Preparation of the Manual for youth from youth for gender equality; 3. Organizing the awareness activities in schools Tirana, Vlora, Durresi, Fieri, Shkodra for gender education; 4. Organizing the Training Course with parents, teachers educators, social worker and psychologists for gender education;

Project: Establishment and functioning of the “Sportel of empowerment of women and young girls in Tirana”. ORKIDEA ALBANIA ORGANIZATION is offering services “Sportel empowerment of women and young girls in Tirana in cooperation with Tirana Municipality Unit No1. Since 2011 this sportel has offered services about 100 girls and women in Tirana. Sportello for women in Tirana aims to improve the quality of life for women and girls of the capital city through the provision of capacity and skills assessment services, psycho-social counseling, case reference orientation for personal empowerment, job opportunities, etc.;

The services the offer “Sportel of empowerment of women and young girls in Tirana”; 1. Case management for the target group of women / girls in Tirana; 2. Individual and group counseling; 3. Strengthening personal and professional skills; 4. Preparation for the labor market and job interview; 5. Orientation for employment opportunities; 6. Reference case; 7. Lobbying and advocacy for the rights of women and girls in Bangladesh; 8. Community awareness of women and girls their rights;

Our main donors are: • Rete Donne Lavoro Italy; • UNFPA • Province of Bolzano Italy; • Jona Soc.Cooperative Sociali, Bolzano Italy;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Orkidea contributes on sharing experience, good practice, visibility of the Network in Albania. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Orkidea would to join being member to increase collaborators, networking, new projects with new partners, organisation's visibility ect.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alma Kordoni
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Alma Kordoni
Contact (2) Full Name
Erinda Veseli
Job Title (2)
Executive Board Member

Partners Albania for Change and Development

National Network

Elbasani Street, Park Gate,10th floor, App. 71 / 73,2418/1

+355 4 254881
Telephone (other)
+355 42 254883
+355 42 254883
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+355 684076982
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information


Partners Albania is an independent Albanian non profit organisation, established in 2001, working to support civil society and facilitate inter-sector cooperation in order to strengthen democratic institutions and advance economic development. Partners Albania is a member of Partners Network, a partnership of 19 independent, local organizations in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and the Middle East working for peaceful and democratic change. Partners Albania is also a member of several global, European and regional networks such as BCSDN, ECAS, DIESIS, ANNA LINDH, WINGS, Alliance for Peacebuilding, CHANCE – Civil Hub Against orgaNised Crime in Europe, etc. Partners Albania is a member of the Code of Standards for Civil Society Organizations and plays the role of Secretariat of the Code through the National Resource Centre for Civil Society in Albania.

Since its establishment in 2001, Partners Albania has served as e resource center for the civil sector consistently focused on providing support to civil society organizations and fostering collaboration within the sector to create a more favorable environment for the civil society sector through. In this regard, the main focus of PA work is:

• Development of an enabling environment for the advancement of the civil society sector, through research, monitoring, leading debate, and cross-sectoral dialogue, for the development of policies in support of the sector based on the best international standards.

• Introduction of innovative practices that affect the development of the sector, increase its sustainability, and role in bringing social change for the benefit of the public/groups in need.

• Strengthening of CSOs in developing performance standards and increasing the credibility, transparency, and public image of the sector, in strengthening democracy, development of the country, and its integration into the EU.

• Strengthening leadership of CSOs and local communities (local groups and individuals), toward a more active and sustainable civil society, with a significant impact on strengthening democracy.

Mission and Objectives

The organization's mission is to bolster civil society and inter-sector cooperation, thus enhancing democratic institutions and economic development in Albania. Since its inception, PA has dedicated itself to strengthening civil society and fostering collaboration between non-profit organizations (NPOs), state institutions, academia, and the private sector. This commitment aims to address Albania’s primary democratization challenge: enhancing the interaction between citizens and state institutions through a robust civil society.

Main Projects / Activities


Partners Albania’s activities span four key areas: 1. Creating an Enabling Environment and Sustainable Development for CSOs: This involves empowering civil society through capacity building, advocacy for a supportive legal framework, and financial assistance. The main initiatives under this programmatic area include: • Development of an enabling environment for the advancement of the civil society sector, through research, monitoring, leading debate and cross-sectoral dialogue, for the development of policies in support of the sector based on the best international standards. • Introduction of innovative practices that affect the development of the sector, increase its sustainability and role in bringing social change for the benefit of the public / groups in need. • Strengthening of CSOs in developing performance standards and increase the credibility, transparency and public image of the sector, in strengthening democracy, development of the country and its integration into the EU. • Strengthening leadership of CSOs and local communities (local groups and individuals), toward a more active and sustainable civil society, with a significant impact on strengthening democracy. 2. Promoting Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation: PA supports the entrepreneurship and social enterprise (SE) ecosystem with research, advocacy, financial mechanisms, expertise, and networking. 3. Enhancing Philanthropic Activity and Support Infrastructure: The organization focuses on developing and promoting philanthropy in Albania through research, advocacy for supportive policies, and awareness-raising activities. 4. Fostering Transparent and Accountable Participatory Governance: PA contributes to developing civil society practitioners and public administration officials, focusing on building strong institutions and transparent processes. Since its establishment, PA has been a dedicated advocate for civil society organization (CSO) issues, emphasizing cooperative strategies, engagement with decision-makers, and cross-sector partnerships. PA has successfully championed substantial reforms within the sector, strategically partnering and collaborating with state actors and CSOs. These impactful advocacy efforts have been orchestrated in tandem with other CSOs, with a primary focus on enhancing the sector's capacities to ensure equitable partnerships and drive positive, sustainable changes. PA is a primary provider of training and technical assistance for the non-profit sector. Since 2001, it has offered approximately 4,500 days of training to over 22,000 beneficiaries, both national and international. In 2019, PA established the National Resource Centre for Civil Society in Albania, offering a platform for information and services to enhance civil society's effectiveness, transparency, accountability, and independence. The capacity building programs, particularly in the last five years, have been channeled through the National Resource Center for Civil Society. PA has also facilitated various consultation processes for international organizations, contributing to significant reforms and strategic documents for Albania. PA work has been supported by a wide range of donors and international development organizations, including European Union, USAID, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, US Embassy in Albania, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, SIDA, Foreign Commonwealth Office, British Embassy in Albania, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania, OSFA, Olof Palme International Center, BTD, OSCE, UNDP, World Bank, etc. PA has diversified its revenue sources through contractual fee for services to the private sector, nonprofit organizations, and donor institutions. Partners Albania serves as an intermediary organization in provision of financial support to third parties including non-for-profit organizations and social enterprises. All projects utilizing sub-granting mechanisms have consistently incorporated elements of institutional capacity building, alongside efforts to enhance the capabilities of the beneficiaries in the realm of advocacy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Juliana Hoxha
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Juliana Hoxha