Orkidea Albania

National Network

Rr. Artan Lenja No 31, Tirana, Albania
Rr. Artan Lenja, Nr. 31

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

ORKIDEA ALBANIA ORGANIZATION is established since 2010 as a non-governmental organization in Albania. The organization has learned and has been grown up from the great experience that Rete Donne Lavoro Italy has in the area of woman empowerment. Joint program implementation and exchange between two organisations served to empower the Orkidea staff professional and personal.

Main pillars are: empowerment socio and economical of women, advocacy toward local government and community for practice change and dialogue improvement, know how transferring, positive practices and methods for active participation and education of young people and communities. Main beneficiaries are women, young girls/boys, professionals and governmental representatives in national and local level and local media.

ORKIDEA ALBANIA ORGANISATION works for: Promotion and protection of the rights of women and girls through direct services in Albania; 2) Awareness of women/men, girls/boy governmental and non-governmental institutions on women’s rights; 3) Implementation of positive practices and methods related to l education for children and young people; 4) Capacity building for professionals who work directly with children and young people; 5) Lobby and advocacy for women rights. The issues over them works are: violence with gender bases, gender education, empowerment of women and youth etc.

Mission and Objectives

The mission is the socio- economic empowerment of women and youth in Albania.    

Main Projects / Activities

Project: Made in prison Activities:

1. Online selling "Made in prisons Albania" products, produced by women/girls in prison;

2. Promotion of social media and on line communication cost.

3. On the Job mentoring for "handcraft lab" and agriculture produced by women/girls in prison;

4. Preparation of handcraft & agriculture practical guide.

5. Delivery services of "Made in prisons Albania" products;

6. Open Event within prison with all stakeholders and small/medium business;

7. Advocacy initiatives to promote "Made in prisons Albania" at regional and national level; http://madeinprison.al

Project “Evaluation of services/ policies/legislation on the rights of women and young girls and gender issues in Albania”

Activities: 1. Preparation of the evaluation study about the services/ policies/legislation; 2. Organizing the workshops and seminars in local level for evaluate the services and referring system;

Project “Gender Education in Albania” 1. Preparation of the Manual for gender education in pre-university school cycle and university cysle; 2. Preparation of the Manual for youth from youth for gender equality; 3. Organizing the awareness activities in schools Tirana, Vlora, Durresi, Fieri, Shkodra for gender education; 4. Organizing the Training Course with parents, teachers educators, social worker and psychologists for gender education;

Project: Establishment and functioning of the “Sportel of empowerment of women and young girls in Tirana”. ORKIDEA ALBANIA ORGANIZATION is offering services “Sportel empowerment of women and young girls in Tirana in cooperation with Tirana Municipality Unit No1. Since 2011 this sportel has offered services about 100 girls and women in Tirana. Sportello for women in Tirana aims to improve the quality of life for women and girls of the capital city through the provision of capacity and skills assessment services, psycho-social counseling, case reference orientation for personal empowerment, job opportunities, etc.;

The services the offer “Sportel of empowerment of women and young girls in Tirana”; 1. Case management for the target group of women / girls in Tirana; 2. Individual and group counseling; 3. Strengthening personal and professional skills; 4. Preparation for the labor market and job interview; 5. Orientation for employment opportunities; 6. Reference case; 7. Lobbying and advocacy for the rights of women and girls in Bangladesh; 8. Community awareness of women and girls their rights;

Our main donors are: • Rete Donne Lavoro Italy; • UNFPA • Province of Bolzano Italy; • Jona Soc.Cooperative Sociali, Bolzano Italy;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Orkidea contributes on sharing experience, good practice, visibility of the Network in Albania. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Orkidea would to join being member to increase collaborators, networking, new projects with new partners, organisation's visibility ect.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alma Kordoni
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Alma Kordoni
Contact (2) Full Name
Erinda Veseli
Job Title (2)
Executive Board Member