A City, Country, Region
Develop and promote a cross-pluralistic vision; observe, learn to focus, listen and respect. Learn to recognize objects that represent a city, region or country and its culture.
Mediterranean Day - Third Edition
Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.
In this section you will find publications, events, good practices, learning activities and resource people in relation to youth exchanges and mutual perceptions in the EuroMed region.
Develop and promote a cross-pluralistic vision; observe, learn to focus, listen and respect. Learn to recognize objects that represent a city, region or country and its culture.
The session aims at exploring what youth participation means in the everyday life of young people and in which areas of life it can/should be implemented.To reflect on the areas in which youth participation is more or less important from...
This exercise provide space for critically explore on what degree we are fully participating or allowed to full participation in activitiesThe objectives are to introduce the concept of the ladder of participation and to assess the degree of young people’s...
To be aware of how we create gaps in our knowledge. To be aware of the influence and power of our images on others.
To highlight diversity as a resource, raising awareness that difference exist everywhere and should be respected and cherished as a richness and not as a threat “Difference is wealth, diversity is a treasure”