Overview of the Online Course


Open Online Course: Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Trends

A learning journey through the Anna Lindh Report “Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean region”

The online course “Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Trends” is based on the Anna Lindh Report on Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean region, including a unique public opinion survey among a representative sample of the Euro-Mediterranean population about mutual perceptions, values and openness to diversity.

Participation in the course is free of charge. The course duration is four weeks, with an estimated commitment of around two hours per week. The course is video-based and interactive, in this way participants will have the possibility to discuss the content and the main course messages with peers from around the Mediterranean. Learners who will complete the course activities will receive a Certificate of Participation.


The course is mainly targeted to lifelong learners who want to better understand the different cultures and values of the people around the Mediterranean; to social workers or researchers working in intercultural settings; to students dealing with intercultural subjects; to school teachers facing multiculturality in their classroom; to journalists reporting on cross-cultural issues and decision-makers wishing to gather data and analyses for policy development.


By taking the course, you will:

  • Increase your understanding of mutual perception between people from different European and Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries (SEM), about their identities, values, fears, women’s role in society, the impact of religion on their views and their inclination to mobility.
  • Learn what actions people expect in order to reduce radicalization and increase multiculturality, taking into consideration different opinions.
  • Learn what is the impact of different media on people’s opinion and which are the most reliable and trustworthy media in different countries.


The course consists of four modules:

Module 1 Representation of the Mediterranean and Mutual Interest. Through this module, you will learn about common values and attitudes, interests and expectations of the people living in the EuroMed region and their perception towards other countries/people.

Module 2 Values and Mutual Perception. Through this module, you will learn what are the most important values for people living around the Mediterranean and how the role of women is perceived and it is expected to change.

Module 3 Interaction across Cultures. Through this module, you will learn about how people from the two shores of the Mediterranean interact and how they construct the representation of the “other” as well as the role of media in this process.

Module 4 Living in Diversity. Through this module, you will learn about the impact of religion on people’s point of view and what could be efficient actions to contrast radicalisation and for better living in multicultural cities and societies.

Watch this video to learn more about the Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean Region.