Celebrating the Mediterranean First Edition


List of the musical performances

Award Notice

The Registration List

Read the Call's description here

Questions and Answers of the infosession are available here

Call for participation

The Member States of the “Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean” declared November the 28th as the ‘Day of the Mediterranean’ to celebrate our shared identity, common heritage and love for the Mediterranean while strengthening ties between its two shores.

The Anna Lindh Foundation is keen to contribute to creating a unique momentum to embrace the diversity of the region and to promote intercultural exchanges in coordination with the UfM Secretariat by harnessing the enthusiasm of the members of the ALF 41 Civil Society National Networks.

To do so, the ALF is launching an open call for participation to select up to twenty community-based musical performances (non-profit-no ticket sales) to take place simultaneously on November the 28th in different countries by local multicultural groups to be carried out in public spaces/facilities in collaboration with Local Administrations.

While the Covid-19 outbreak had a massive impact on the cultural scene over the past two years, this call will contribute to reactivating face-to-face intercultural exchanges on this symbolic date.

Purpose of the call

The objective of the call is to orchestrate twenty simultaneous free musical performances (lasting between an hour and a half and two hours) across different countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region on the same day and at the same time (around 19.00-20.00 CET, to be decided with the selected leading organisations), to generate a wave-like effect in celebrating the Mediterranean and its diversity at the community level.

In the same way, this call seeks to get Civil Society Organisations to work in tandem with Local Administrations, as a way to empower them locally and to promote the principles and values of the intercultural dialogue at a grassroots scale and to broader audiences. To achieve this, it is very important that the performances demonstrate engagement to diversity and community rooting. 

Capitalising on the different steps of this call, and to create a momentum, the ALF Secretariat will manage outreach campaigns and develop audio-visual supports to communicate and make visible this initiative across the Euro-Mediterranean region.

This initiative is organised in close coordination with the UfM Secretariat as a complement to its online campaign “The Mediterranean, a journey through the senses”.

Call for participation open until 10/10/22 at 23:59 Central European Time, CET

Interested leading organisations of the 41 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region are invited to submit their proposals (in English, French or Arabic) before October the 10th at 23.59 CET via the online application form only. The same organisation may not submit more than one proposal.

This call is now closed