
AL-Maqdese for Society Development MSD

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+972-54 7520 249
Mobile Phone (other)
+972-57 7520 249
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Strategy and Methodology - MSD’s strategies and philosophy: “Human Rights First” - Who we are: Al-Maqdese for Society Development (MSD) is a Palestinian non-profit and politically independent non-governmental organization established in Jerusalem in February 2007 as an initiative by academics, lawyers, social activists and human rights defenders. Al-Maqdese came as a response to the pressing needs and challenges of the Palestinians, and as a reaction to Israeli daily human rights violations in Jerusalem. - Vision: Our vision is for Palestinians in Jerusalem to enjoy all their political, social, economic and cultural rights. - Mission: Our mission is to maintain the Palestinian existence and balance in Jerusalem by raising their awareness of their rights. We aim to protect these rights through advocacy and lobbying while also monitoring, documenting and publicizing all Israeli violations against Palestinians. - Strategic goals: Al-Maqdese has strategized its work through its 3-year Strategic Plan 2010-2013. The Plan contains 3 goals and 9 objectives, to be achieved through 14 action programs including 74 activities. - MSD’s Developmental approach: Our developmental approach is a “participatory and bottom-up approach”. This includes both: the programmatic/strategic level on the one hand, and the projects and programs interventional level on the other hand. Consequently, to prepare projects’ documents and write project proposals, MSD always goes through a complete design phase (planning phase) of each project. - MSD’s experience in designing and managing programs: In the course of its work years, MSD has planned, designed and implemented several projects and programs. They vary from small initiatives to multi-components projects like the Database Project and the Legal Clinic program. Beneficiaries and participants in MSD activities are not limited to Jerusalemites who live in Jerusalem but also Jerusalemites who live outside the city. For instance, MSD's Legal Clinic receives, through email and phone, request consultations from Jerusalemites who live in Arab countries in addition to other countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. In the course of the past three years, MSD managed 16 projects. Most of these projects are relevant to the local and national plans priorities on different levels. Then MSD insures the relevance of its projects to the priorities of “Ending the Occupation Building the State”. We have successfully won grants from 15 different sources for the 3.5-years organization age, 8 of them are from external donors. In this regard, we, moreover, succeeded in partnering the French Consulate (our new donor) with the Spanish Cooperation-AECID (our first donor since 3 years). MSD both funding growth and financial size improved and shows our work sustainability. For instance, the funding growth was increasingly developed in the course of 2007 – 2008 – 2009 - 2010. Respectively, the annual budget was US$ 19,000 – 100,500 – 305,000 – 407,500 – 331,500. We are proud that our projects were included in the UN CAP 2010 (Consolidated Appeal Process) for the 1st time (project no. OPT-10/P-HR-RL/32874/R/12948), besides projects from international NGOs (link: http://ochadms.unog.ch/quickplace/cap/main.nsf/h_Index/MYR_2010_oPt/$FILE/MYR_2010_oPt_SCREEN.pdf?OpenElement), see page 58. It indicates and certifies that MSD is mature enough to design programs, get funds and manage such projects. - Partnerships: We pay a specific attention to create partnerships with other organizations at local, regional and international levels. But, besides that, we choose value added partners, not any partner. The PR and Development Department in MSD carries out this mission.

Mission and Objectives

MSD’s strategic goals are: 1. To defend Palestinian human rights in Jerusalem, by making them readily available and practicable 2. To raise awareness among Palestinians in Jerusalem of their rights, the tools available to get them, and of International Humanitarian Law 3. To continue improving MSD capacities and abilities to achieve its goals, mission and vision Values 1. Al-Maqdese believes in: International Humanitarian Law (IHL), International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Human Rights Law, The Four Geneva Conventions, The Hague Regulations, The Universal Human Rights Declaration, The Convention on the Status of Refugees, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Convention on the Rights of the Child. 2. Democracy 3. Good governance 4. Civic participation and voluntary work 5. Equality 6. Transparency, integrity and accountability 7. Professionalism and precision 8. Impartiality 9. The rule of law

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects (as of 07/2010): Closed projects:  Legal Clinic, phase I (institutionalized as a department)  Summer Camps Project  Revive Prophet Moses Season Project Ongoing projects:  Legal Clinic, phase II: Human Rights defending, International mechanisms in the confrontation  Data Bank on Human Rights Violations, phase I  Reyadah Anti-Drugs Project, phase I: awareness  Protection of Jerusalemite workers rights in the Israeli labor market, phase I: awareness  Together for a Better Youth Future – Voluntary Work Program  Promoting Palestinians Participation in the Elections. Upcoming projects:  Data Bank on Human Rights Violations, phase II  Reyadah Anti-Drugs Project, phase II  Knowledge of Jerusalem: to preserve the historical legacy  Protection of Jerusalemite workers rights in the Israeli labor market, phase II: defend in front of courts 1.2 Al-Maqdese Strategic Plan 2010-2013: As you deal efficiently with the present, it is very important to deal with the future likely. So, Al-Maqdese planned its vision for the medium term for its work field that is dynamic and punctuated with many obstacles and challenges especially in East Jerusalem. We try to plan our work on the existing and future expectation and projection and modality situation but many other surprises appear. And the experiences prove and still proved that many challenges and strategic issues appear or arise because of the outer challenges which need interferes with financial, lobbying and advocacy reflection. For all these reasons, and others, Al-Maqdese set its 3-Years- Strategic- Plan (2010-2013) to be ready to activate it depending on previous evaluation and prediction of the future trends. We prepared the plan depending on participatory planning approach, which means that, all employees, administrative and technical levels, target groups, different MSD’s governance levels and partners have participated in the planning process to cover all sides. This team has participated in the process from the analysis phase to the formulation of goals and objectives (planning phase). The analysis phase consists of many trends, the most important, for instance: an analysis of all the Palestinians, Israeli and international organizations active in the human rights field in Jerusalem. The analysis was accurate which classified the work priorities of all organizations on the one hand, and then predicted their work trends in the near future, on the other hand. The objectives behind such analysis are; to avoid repeating other organizations activities, and to meet people’s needs that other organization does not cover. Al-Maqdese through this analysis identified many challenges, needs and violations with no coverage by other organizations. The strategic vision level, the plan intensively concentrates on the human rights sector as it’s the most pressuring challenge in Jerusalem which needs a confrontation through several serious initiatives and effective programs. We will not ignore the most painful violation against Palestinians in Jerusalem which is house demolitions. While preparing the Plan, we concluded that designing and implementing initiatives in such pressuring environment and cases in the human rights field is essential for both short and long terms. From structural and content point of view, and after the vision, mission and values, the strategic plan includes 3 goals, 9 strategic objectives; we aim to achieve them through 14 action programs that include 74 different activities. Through the implementation of these projects, Al-Maqdese will work guided by development and sustainable thinking method and will commit to the following: Ensure quality in both performance and outputs intended by our beneficiaries. Insure integration and diversity of activities and programs to realize the notions:”best use of resources” and “Making value for Money”. Concentrate on programs and projects in the medium term. Connect the organization mission and priorities with the sector trends and priorities on the national level especially, “Ending the Occupation State Building plan” declares by the Palestinian Government 13/08/2009). 2. Approach of Al-Maqdese: Organizational profile of MSD is rich in the area of fighting HR violations and effort toward the restoration of socio-economic situation of marginalized areas and group in Jerusalem. MSD is the sole organization who combines these works in this specific area, East Jerusalem. Through publications, advocacy, lobbying and media, MSD strives to raise awareness on HR, their violations as well as on legal, social, cultural and economic rights as basic HR.

Contact (1) Full Name
Moaz Zat`ari
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Bashar AZZIH

Al-Marsa for Culture and Creativity - المرسى للثقافة والابداع

National Network

Palestine - Gaza Strip
Gaza - port
الأراضي الفلسطينية

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
General Information
A non-governmental center seeks to achieve sustainable community development and the provision of services in the areas of training and rehabilitation, and contribute to building and strengthening the capacities of Bending associations, organizations and institutions in the fields of administrative and financial management and Altnncit and communication and documentation with the publication of research  Center is an independent civic organization concerned with childhood and youth issues. It aims to contribute to the cultural and educational development and improving the capacities of frameworks and to build and strengthen their abilities in all aspects of the ongoing Balttnumeih and experimentation and rehabilitation, research and studies in accordance with the participatory approach.  instill the idea of ​​volunteering, where is the volunteer leadership a key tributary of the development and formation of the individual and the community where the center is seeking to meet their basic needs through the establishment of projects Awaldorat, workshops and conferences and improve the level of theoretical and applied for the sustainable development of the society and in coordination with the agencies responsible for the sector Youth, and between individuals and institutions of civil society. Cultural center is a non-governmental organization, non-profit, it seeks to contribute to the development of the community through participation and influence in decision-making and capacity building of trainers and educators closer cooperation and coordination with the public and private sectors and interested organizations
Mission and Objectives

Center values
  Professional values: community development: transparency, initiative, learning, creativity, development and continuous improvement, teamwork, objectivity, responsibility.
Moral values: belonging, commitment, integrity, credibility, sincerity, tolerance, respect for human rights principles, equality
Strategic objectives of the center
Training and qualification
Work on raising the efficiency of the center
Strengthening and capacity building of
Consolidation of core values and dedication
Contributing to sustainable development and improving the level of the beneficiary
Updating and developing programs and curricula exercises
And strengthened partnerships with public and private institutions

Main Projects / Activities

Workshop in collaboration with the Women's Affairs Center titled "Women's right to inheritance
Course in human development and capacity development
Marketing Course
Course in market needs
Writing management reports
Participation in the activities of the eighth of March
Stay where I am campaign
Course instructors in the preparation of psychological support "stigma and psychological effects."
A course in how to be a leading
To participate in the training course and educate social activist
The Center to participate Nakba Day march in which all factions participated Soldier Square to the UN body
The Center has hosted a number of sheltered family and extending help to them by a benefactor (of them - to him)
Centre's participation in a workshop on how to prepare the sociology of reformers
The center job Symposium emptying myself for children through animation
Participation in the opening of creativity will exhibit at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture
Workshop in collaboration with the Women's Affairs Center titled "Women's right to inheritance
Trainers prepare for animation
Post World Day of the Palestinian heritage
Post Festival "support the maximum."
Human development cycle
Liberation cycle press
Course management and automatization offices
Support myself course in cooperation with Aisha Foundation for Women and Children for ten days region of the North "Beit Hanoun".

Contact (1) Full Name
Somya El Nahal
Job Title
President of the Center
Head of the organisation
Somya Zeeadan Salem El Nahal سمية زيدان سالم النحال
Contact (2) Full Name
jamal alshannat
Job Title (2)
Board chairman

AL-Ofoq for Youth Development

National Network

Ramallah- Steh Marhaba- behind trust company
الأراضي الفلسطينية

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Horizon Foundation for Youth Development has taken its first steps "steps to build roads," in the formulation of its vision, mission and goals of youth development, to be a youth community lever capable of creating collective youth awareness towards the Palestinian cause at all levels, as well as community and youth issues, as a key priority to recruit support and support for them  Because the youth is a large, important, effective and essential segment in any developmental process of Palestinian liberation;  Palestinian youth are at the center of the development process; Palestinian youth are a large segment (reaching approximately 60% of the total population), active and able to carve the ideal image of Palestine, and its political, social, cultural, economic and other projects.  The Horizon Foundation is an ample space for Palestinian youth and their ideas.The Foundation works on youth development through a number of programs including: workshops, conferences, publications, opinion polls, competitions, scientific courses, festivals, youth camps, and other means envisaged by Palestinian youth.  "We have the past here, we have the first voice of life, we have the present, the present, the future," Mahmoud Darwish said
Mission and Objectives

Our Vision
 Pave the way for the prospects of a conscious and capable Palestinian youth.

 Our Mission
 Horizon is a youth NGO that seeks to contribute to the building of a conscious, capable and participatory youth generation.  Conscious of his reality, and the importance of his role to effect positive change.  Able to shoulder his responsibilities and face and keep up with rapid changes.  Participating positively and an active element in the social, political, economic and cultural life, through targeted developmental programs and activities, fostering and adopting youth initiatives, and contributing to networking between youth and other sectors of society.  To ensure a more prosperous future for the young generations to come, to deepen and promote multi-open and open youth awareness, and to build a Palestinian society capable of advancing the present and future burdens.
- Empowering and enabling youth
- creating a prosper future for the coming youth generation that confront challenges courageously.
- Spreading the culture of citizenship and the values of civil society, and rise youth awareness in these issues.
- Raising youth awareness of the importance, necessity and value of volunteering.
- Raise youth participation.

Main Projects / Activities

Awareness Program:
 The Awareness Program aims to raise awareness among young men and women, by arming them with the most theoretical and practical knowledge and experience that qualifies them to fight life, not as followers and mere proportions and figures, but as creative leaders and pioneers.  The program relies on direct meetings with young people.  These meetings are in the form of lectures, workshops, discussion sessions and brainstorming.  These meetings are carried out through partnerships with Palestinian universities, community institutions, municipalities, local councils, and schools.  Topics covered include good citizenship, political participation, democracy and human rights, communication and leadership, leadership and entrepreneurship, electronic media, planning and management of initiatives, self-building and preparation for the labor market, creative thinking.
Empowerment Program:
 The Empowerment Program is the second major “Horizon” program to be implemented in line with the Foundation's vision, which emphasizes the need to combine awareness-raising and youth empowerment for sustainable development.  The program aims to contribute to building the capacity of youth and providing them with the necessary tools to exercise their leadership and leadership roles in the Palestinian society in a positive way, and to build the capacity of the Horizon Foundation on the other hand.  Consequently, the projects and activities implemented within this program have varied

Contact (1) Full Name
Jihad Namoura
Job Title
Public relations
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Raghad AL-alawneh
Job Title (2)
Fundraising and public relation officer

Al-Ofoq foundation for youth developement

National Network

Ramallah / al-Quds street
الأراضي الفلسطينية

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Structure of Al-Ofoq:  - General Authority - Board of Directors - Executive Director - Administrative Assistant - Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs - Department of Public Relations and Fundraising - Department of Media - Volunteer Department - Department programs "awareness program, the empowerment program, participation program" number of staff: 9 employees Budget of last 3 years: 2015 :  2014 :  2013 :  Sources of funding: - UNDP/DEEP    - Islamic Development Bank   - YMCA     -Welfare Association - wafaa international group   - Local Funders    - Al Ofoq Friends Group   Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities Alofoq achieved Many companies and signed agreements of understanding with several sectors: - Palestinian universities and education sector. - International institutions sector. - Government institutions sector. - Institutions of civil society. - Municipalities and local councils sector

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Al Ofoq seeks to contribute in the creation of a generation which is aware of its own reality and the importance of their role in bringing forth positive changes. Empowered to fulfill its responsibilities.  Participating positively and actively in the social, political, economic, and cultural aspects of life. Al Ofoq, develops and implements programs and projects which advocate youth rights and empowerment. Encourage and adopt youth initiatives. Facilitate networking amongst youth themselves and other social sectors, and liaise with different governmental, national and civil society stakeholders. Strategic Goals: • Increase awareness amongst youth • Enhance youth skills, capacities, and capabilities. • Explore new horizons and prospects for effective youth participation • Advocate for a legal framework to protect the rights, ambitions, and benefits of youth. • Coordinate with governmental, national and civil organizations that share similar interests. Objectives: - To promote the culture and values of citizenship and civil society. - To raise awareness of the concepts of democracy, human rights, and principals of good governance. - To promote the concepts of dialogue and acceptance of others. - To enhance the status and role of Palestinian youth. - To raise youth’s awareness of the importance and necessity of voluntary work.

Main Projects / Activities

Programmes and Projects: Al Ofoq works mainly through three programmes: Awareness Programme: The program supports in order to reach this goal on direct meetings with the youth category. These meetings will be in the form of lectures, workshops, discussion sessions and brainstorming mind. The most important topics covered by the program: - Spreading the culture of good citizenship - Strengthening of political participation and raise awareness of the concepts of democracy among Palestinian youth. - Definition of youth, in turn leading societal advancement. - Contribute to the young leadership capacity building. - Workshops on planning and management initiatives. - Electronic Media. - Workshops on communication. Enabling Programme:          - Enhancement and Employment Pioneer Youth Project in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate.          - Youth economic Enhancement Project for unemployed youth of deprived families Project in Bethlehem Governorate Participation Programme: "Al Ofoq "  implemented a range of projects within the youth participation program. - The national activities and projects ("Bethlehem Mreitena", Land Day, Flag Day, the prisoner day) - Charitable projects (Ramadan projects) - Summer Camps - Activities and entertainment projects - School bag projects    

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Al Ofoq seeks to contribute in the creation of a generation which is aware of its own reality and of the importance of its role to bring forth positive change; empowered to fulfill its responsibilities; participating positively and actively in the social, political, economic, and cultural aspects of life. Al Ofoq develops and implements programs and projects, encourages and adopts youth initiatives, and facilitates networkingamongst youth and other social sectors.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

 ALF network is an important global network, and have extensive relations. Through our membership in which we can achieve our development objectives through joint cooperation with network members. and It is an honor to join the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
dr. Mohammad mahmoud fararja
Job Title
‏Head of the organisation ‏
Head of the organisation
dr. Mohammad mahmoud fararja
Contact (2) Full Name
anan ali
Job Title (2)
Department of Public Relations and Fundraising

Al-Ola society for development and community development

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
First: The General Assembly Article 15 Assembly, composed of all staff members as soon accept membership in the charity and Lavoie financial obligations imposed on them in accordance with the statute and in the deadlines set by the Board of Directors. Article 16 Call the General Assembly of the meeting: - 1 - General Assembly being held at its headquarters as it may be held in any other place specified in the invitation attached agenda once every year at least. 2 - Assembly is being held at the invitation written for each of its members who have the right to attend shows where the meeting place and time and the agenda and that ten days before the date. 3 - Call the General Assembly to meet ordinary and extraordinary at the request of: - (A) an absolute majority of the members of the Board of Directors. (B) one-third of the members of the Assembly at least. 4 - If you do not let the General Assembly meeting under paragraphs (a) and (b) clause (3) of Article (16) The Minister may invite them to a meeting or to appoint the calling of the meeting. Article 17 Board of Directors shall determine the date, place and agenda of the General Assembly Ordinary and Extraordinary. Article 18 Assembly consider at its regular meeting the following things without having to mentioned in the invitation for the meeting, namely: - 1 - Report of the Board of Directors on the activities of the charity and approval. 2 - the financial report of the Board of Directors and approval. 3 - Report of Auditor for the charity's financial center and approval. 4 - Appointment of an auditor. 5 - Election of a new Board of Directors. 6 - Any other business related to the Assembly and activity overall responsibility for formulating policies and directives of the charity. Article 19 Consider Assembly in its extraordinary meeting of the following: Amend the statute to the charitable organization. Isolate members of the Governing Council and the withdrawal of confidence from them. Solution of the charity and how to act with their own money and assets. Union charity or integrated with associations / bodies. Article 20 1 - Do not open the AGM did not attend the absolute majority (50% +1) to its members if such happens quorum at the opening of the meeting the Assembly may continue its deliberations and decision-making and fewer attendees. 2 - If you do not get a quorum mentioned within half an hour from the time specified in the call regarded the meeting postponed for 15 days at the same time and place without the need for a new call, and in this meeting deferred may present consideration and decision-making whatever their number, provided that not less than one-third of Charitable Society. Article 21 Presides over meetings of the General Assembly Chairman or his deputy, or the oldest member. Article 22 1 - The resolutions of the General Assembly by an absolute majority of the number of its members with regard to amending the statute. 2 - The resolutions of the General Assembly two-thirds majority of the members of the charity in the following matters: A - solution charity. - Amend the statute with respect to the objectives of the charity. C - isolating members of the Governing Council and the withdrawal of confidence from them. D - Union of the charity or integrated with other charity. The resolutions of the General Assembly by an absolute majority of the members present with the exception of things that were not mentioned in paragraph (1) and (2) of Article (22). Article 23 Regulates the minutes of each meeting of the General Assembly and the Secretary General shall codification and sign it in conjunction with the Chairman of the Board and then the record preliminary evidence on the content and on the legitimacy of the AGM and the decisions taken at the meeting. Article 24 On the Board of Directors to inform the competent ministry and the ministry under a written notice of the date and place of the meeting of the general assembly ordinary and extraordinary one month ahead of schedule at least attached to the agenda. Second: the Board of Directors Article 25 The General Manager of the Board of Directors consists of (7) members are elected by the General Assembly, and be a three-year Article 26 Terms of reference of the Board of Directors: - The Board of Directors following matters: - 1 - Department of Public Charitable Society and the preparation of regulations and internal regulations and instructions necessary for the functioning of the charity. 2 - Set the necessary staff to the charitable organization and define their responsibilities and terminate their services in accordance with the provisions of the law. 3 - Configure the committees that it deems necessary to improve the work and to determine their respective jurisdiction. 4 - Prepare final accounts for the financial year finished and the draft budget for the new year. 5 - Provide annual reports of administrative, financial and any future plans or projects of the Assembly. 6 - Call the General Assembly for an ordinary meeting or unusual and carry out its decisions in accordance with the provisions of the law and statute. 7 - Follow any comments received from the competent ministry and the ministry regarding actively charity and respond to them. Article 27 Board chooses from among its members a Chairman and Vice-Chairman and Secretary and Treasurer (A) The President of the Board of Directors or his deputy in his absence the following: - 1 - represent the charity in front of others and be signed on its behalf on all correspondence, correspondence, contracts and agreements made between them and the other actors and approved by the Board of Directors concluded 2 - preside over the sessions of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors and attended internal committees and the right call 3 - Adoption of the agenda of the meetings of the Board of Directors and monitor the implementation of its decisions. 4 - sign with the secretary on the records of the meetings and administrative decisions and personnel affairs 5 - signing with the treasurer of the instruments and securities. (B) respect the secretary of the Board of Directors of the charity, including the following: 1 - Prepare the agenda of the Governing Council and inviting members and the assumption of the Secretariat of the meeting and prepare minutes and resolutions, and recording records. 2 - recordkeeping stipulated in the law. 3 - to notify both the ministry and the ministry competent and competent Union statement the organic movement in the charity or any change or amendment made under a written notice within a period not exceeding fifteen days from the date of the change or amendment. 4 - to work on the implementation of the decisions of the Board of Directors. 5 - Prepare the annual administrative report on the activities of the charity and submitted to the Board of Directors 6 - setting the agenda of the General Assembly and to call in accordance with the law at the regular meetings and extraordinary. 7 - Supervise all administrative work, personnel and accept applications for membership. (C) The Secretary shall fund the charity, including the following: 1 - is responsible for all the affairs of the charity according to the financial systems and financial assets used 2 - general supervision of the Assembly resources and expenditures and receipts for extraction and receive all revenue and deposited with the National Bank adopted by the Governing Council. 3 - under all revenues and expenses, respectively, in the records so special and be responsible for the organization of work, inventory and financial supervision and observations on the Board of Directors. 4 - overseeing the annual inventory and report the outcome of the inventory of the Governing Council. 5 - disbursement of all amounts legally decide dispensing with document retention function on the health of exchange control and save documents. 6 - the audit of the financial records of the association charity and review financial documents before exchange and adoption, and save 7 - the implementation of the decisions of the Board of Directors with regard to financial transactions, provided that conform to the budget items 8 - preparation of the charity budget for the following year in conjunction with the Secretary and presented to the Governing Council. 9 - the signing of the instruments and securities with the Chairman of the Board of Directors. 10 - Search of comments received from the relevant ministry and the ministry and answered. Article 28 The Governing Council meets once every three months at least at the invitation of: (A) Chairman of the Board or his deputy, or the majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall not be held valid unless attended two thirds of the members and decisions are taken by an absolute majority (50% +1) and when a tie is President has a casting vote. (B) Governing Council convenes exceptionally whenever necessary so at the invitation of the President or Vice President, or one third of its members. Article 29 A - Any member of the Board of Directors to resign from office at any time by written notice to submit it to the Board of Directors, and the Board of Directors to decide on the notice within a period not exceeding one month from the date of submission In the case of non-refoulement is consent to resign. B - cut off a member of the Board of Directors for his performance in the Board of Directors if the eligibility or declared bankrupt Article 30 A - If a vacancy occurs as a member of the Governing Council meanwhile place the member who followed in the number of votes in the last elections for the Assembly, if there is no permissible for members remaining to appoint another member of the General Assembly members to serve on the Board until the nearest meeting of the General Assembly, and members may remaining capacity (interim committee) to continue to work as our Governing Council until such appointment - If you are unable to board member to perform his duties for any reason the remaining members may appoint one of the members of the General Assembly to replace him until he returns to the performance of its functions. C - if you can not board meeting due to resignation or death shall be from the rest of the Board of Directors (as a temporary committee) important work of the Council for a maximum period of one month during which call the general assembly to choose a new board of directors. D - follows a member of the Board of Directors work for the benefit of the charity within the purpose and in accordance with the Statute and the resolutions of the General Assembly, and perform all the duties imposed on the Assembly under the law of charities or NGO. E - The general assembly may separate member of the Board of Directors of the office all the time on the proposal of the Board of Directors. - The Board of Directors previously responsible for all financial matters during his address to the General Assembly and the competent authorities Article 31 If the Board of Directors mass resignation or not the Interim Committee referred to in paragraph (a) of Article "30" functions the minister to appoint an interim committee of the General Assembly members to carry out the functions of the Governing Council for a month and call the general assembly to convene within that period to choose the board of directors new Article 32 Should the Board of Directors as follows: (A) The organization of the following records: 1 - log correspondence issued and contained them. 2 - Register Statute, including the names of the members of the Board of Directors in each election cycle and the date of their election. 3 - Record of the names of the members of the charity, including identification numbers, age, date of affiliation and their profession and nationality. 4 - record the minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly, in chronological order. 5 - Record cash and in-kind income and expenses on the face of a detailed and in accordance with the established financial assets. (B) The Board of Directors shall organize Minutes decisions Bgelsath. (C) The Board of Directors shall seal the records referred to in the article "32" paragraph (a) by the competent department prior to use. (D) The Board of Directors shall maintain records mentioned in paragraph (a) of Article "32" and not destroyed for the duration of the work and handed over to the competent department at the solution of the charity and highlight these records to the competent department of the ministry requested at any time. Article 33 The Chairman of the Board of Directors and Treasurer to sign on all instruments, bonds, securities that are binding on them and do her name in the internal processes within the framework of its validity. Article 34 May not be the Governing Council membership includes two or more combines them relatives of the first and second. Article "35 May not be combined membership of the Board of Directors and to work in the charity paid. Article 36 No member of the Board of Directors to take any action to calculate the Assembly or for the benefit of a personal interest in it. Chapter IV Financial Assembly Article 37 Assembly financial consists of: - 1 - Members' contributions 2 - donations and members. For grants and subsidies is conditional receipts under arrest approved by the Ministry. 3 - the proceeds of the activities of the charity secured earning and legally permissible. 4 - resources determined by the Board of Directors. Article 38 The Assembly shall have an annual budget that starts from 1/1 of each year and ending on 31/12 of the same year and oversees a chartered accountants unless less expenditures for 1000 JD or equivalent in the local currency. In both cases provides the auditor's report on the financial position of the charity for the past financial year of the General Assembly at its annual meeting for approval and ratification. Article 39 A. Charity funds deposited cash at the Bank / or accredited banks before and he has to notify the competent ministry and the ministry for the depositary within a week from the date of occurrence. B. Not entitled to retain cashier in the General Fund cash balance of more than one month expense. C. Assembly must inform the Auditor on all the books of accounts and records of meetings and decisions and exchange receipts and arrested. Article 40 All funds of the charity dedicated to achieving its objectives and may not be spending any amount on any other purpose. Article 41 Assembly must submit their books accounting and financial report each year to the competent Ministry and the Ministry not later than four months after the end of the fiscal year. Chapter V Dissolution of the Association Article 42 A. If you do not the charity to achieve its objectives or unable to do so board Vlogelbah or one third of the members of the General Assembly have the right to request an extraordinary meeting. Assembly to consider the solution of the charity and the disposition of funds. B. The decision of the true solution if the meeting was attended by two-thirds of the members of the charity and with the approval of two-thirds of the members present. C. If you stay for the defunct charity funds after dissolution and after payment of all obligations owed to not Vtúl those funds to other Association have similar objectives within the borders of Palestine. Article 43 The Ministry has the right to solve the charity in the following cases: - 1 - If you do not proceed with its actual charity during the first year from the date of registration. 2 - if you are in breach of the charity statute fundamental breach and not corrected their positions within a period not exceeding three months from the date of notifying in writing to do so. 3 - If acted in charity money on specific aspects of her. 4 - If submitted to the Ministry or any other official data is incorrect. 5 - if you are in breach of any provision of law or public order or public morals. Chapter VI General Provisions Article 44 Charity is entitled to two-thirds majority of its members Union or merger with another charity, whether qualitatively or regionally Union or the General Union, according to the Charities Act and its implementing regulations. Article 45 Entitled to the charitable organization set up committees to work to achieve their purposes. Article 46 Prohibits the charity exercise of political activity and the creation of secret societies. Article 47 Prohibits the charity to operate only after the officially registered with the competent department of the ministry.
Mission and Objectives

- develop and build the capacity of individual sectors of society through training programs and specialized rehabilitation as an entry point for community development.
2 - Strengthening the role of women and youth in the community through support programs and community reinforcement.
3 - Work on reducing the prevalence of poverty and unemployment among young people and dependents through development programs and small projects and emergency relief through the coordination and work with donor development agency.
4 - Search and coordination with public and private institutions to expand the role of civil work in the service sectors of society.
5 - to contribute to the development of the educational work through the creation of learning programs and activities to support the formal educational institutions to raise the level of education

Main Projects / Activities

Of the most important achievements of Ola Association for Development and Community Development 2009
1 - Assembly made several free educational programs for students
2 - The General many educational meetings covering an area of ​​northern Gaza
3 - The General held numerous sessions for new graduates
4 - The Assembly hold seminars for Palestinian heritage
5 - The Assembly to hold workshops with parents
6 - The Assembly holding meetings to address mental disorders in children Iban war at Gaza Strip.
7 - The General work exhibition of handicrafts for parents
8 - the work of the Assembly Fine Arts Exhibition
9 - Assembly established folk band
10 - Assembly established the Task theatrical arts
Activities and events for the year 2009
1 - Assembly launched an educational project (tuition) to serve the Palestinian society are free and self-efforts of various areas in northern Gaza and specifically in the following areas
(Beit Hanoun; Beit Lahiya; Jabalya refugee camp).
Starting from the beginning of the school year to end
The target group of all educational levels and for this project was the beginning of what made by the Assembly in this area through the crew of new graduates have benefited from this project about 4500 students in various areas.
2 - The General job interviews educational for people of all regions of northern Gaza and had a positive impact on these areas through the role of the family in building society has reached a number of these meetings about 45 meeting was measured success preparing the growing of parents as the number of the first meeting in each region about 10 people, men and women, and in the second meeting number of participants reached 25 to be the last meeting a minimum of 53 individual.
The rate of each region 15 meeting distributed to twelve weeks each region starting from March until the end of the month.
3 - The Association to hold courses for graduates and new number 35 of the sexes in several areas, including cycle connection continues; refresher courses; preparation courses cadre animators; courses First Aid in cooperation with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society 24 weeks starting from March until the end of August
4 - The General job seminars for Palestinian heritage as a symbol of Palestinian identity In this sense it was necessary for us to consolidate our Palestinian in the minds of our children and the target group of Vanguard as the number of participants 60 individual has been the implementation of these seminars continuously for 8 weeks starting from the month July until the end of August.
5 - The General holding workshops for parents include violence against women; domestic violence; how to deal with children; facing teen; addressing sexual harassment among children and causes has been the implementation of these Alo workshops during the four months starting from April 2009 until the end of the month of July 2009
6 - The Association hold meetings with children from the age of six to the age of the third century and that the light of mental disorders have Iban war on the Gaza Strip and meetings were fruitful and held the spirit of joy and a smile to the lips of children through theatrical works for children for entertainment for them and entertain through a working group Assembly has continued this work for three consecutive months in all areas in northern Gaza.
7 - The General job fair handicrafts of making people to alleviate their suffering economic though Abeche walking through the presentation of these works and sell them to freelance and had this exhibition a great success has been the sale of these works there parents in order to exercise their right to exist has been opened this exhibition in the middle July 2009.
8 - The General job Fine Arts Exhibition of Vanguards of boys and girls and this was the work of making our children in order to prove to the world that we the people of the creator of his children so old and was the show in early August 2009 and has met very welcome within the Palestinian society.
9 - The establishment of a task force of the Assembly Palestinian Folk Art of the sexes and to preserve the heritage of the Palestinian loss because of the Israeli occupation tried and tried to steal the Palestinian national heritage in various fields and international technical arenas.
10 - Assembly has created a Task Force for the Performing Arts and to view the Palestinian cause through works of art because of its impact on the Arab viewer and We Rschena thus the Arab viewer and the Palestinian point of view and maintained on the Palestinian heritage.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cultural programs and the acquisition of knowledge Which claim to narrow the gap in the community Which reflected positively to the citizen
And knowledge of the progress of peoples through the intellectual culture
And taking Nmazj from friendly countries to adopt our

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To improve the intellectual peoples
The geographical proximity and intellectual youth development
Youth development and Palestinian women and the advancement of the Palestinian society
And cultural awareness among the peoples

Contact (1) Full Name
Hatem Dib Abdul Hamid Hamid

Al-Phoenix Association‏

National Network

الأراضي الفلسطينية

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information

An independent Palestinian non-governmental organization , non-profit development was founded in 2005 on the initiative of a group of cadres of activists working in the fields of thought, development , development , human rights and democracy, social service, seeks to contribute effectively in building a free Palestinian society in an independent state politically socially economically by working to spread awareness and dissemination democratic culture and the development of concepts of the fundamental rights set forth in the international Bill .. freedom and social justice and to mobilize energies towards achieving the desired goal.  

Mission and Objectives

- Assembly message . 1 - The mission of the Assembly in the consolidation of national awareness of the Palestinian cause and the right to freedom and independence and to return and contribute to the building of a free society. 2 - defense of Palestinian refugees and the development of standards of life in their communities and asylum camps rights. 3 - Dissemination of Democracy and human rights culture. 4 - capacity and devote sustainable culture building .   Objectives of the association. 1 - commitment to the principle of defending the rights of the Palestinian people to freedom of the independence of the Palestinian state, protect the rights of Palestinian refugees. 2 - To increase awareness of the concepts of freedom, democracy and human rights and to have it published. 3 - the unification of all efforts and increased coordination between the activities and operational frameworks so as to contribute to capacity building at the level of Palestinian society. 4 - improving the quality of life in general Palestinian society and especially among the refugees. 5 - to communicate with institutions locally and internationally and hiring efforts and innovations to serve the issues addressed by the Assembly. 6 - Work to strengthen and expand the horizons of solidarity with the Palestinian people, their cause and their rights fair value. 7 capacity building and empowerment of youth and women sectors, children and people with Ctja T. owns.

Main Projects / Activities

Media in the Assembly The information department in the Assembly contains a component media team of 10 volunteers of both sexes . He graduated more than 120 trainees in the field of photography courses The information department in the Assembly and is now working on filming the Association's activities in addition to photographing the old stories of our ancestors to be displayed in cultural evenings in the Assembly   Culture in the Assembly Cultural Department contains more than 20 volunteers of both sexes . In addition to a large group of children to be educated and to educate them about the heritage of the nation . Cultural Department projects. Will be the work of cultural seminars in the Assembly as well as drawing paintings on the walls of houses mimic the nation and put the camp * Edward Said library in the Assembly. Cultural Department is responsible library Edward Said , which in turn is the only public library and the first in the camp and the area around Bethlehem   Child and activities department Child Department of the Assembly are an integral part of the association's activities , the child's culture and character-building and leadership education in addition to the entertainment side Phoenix band of Dramatic Art It is a private theater association containing more than 30 people of both sexes . Volunteers are trained in plays. Now the band is trained on the new presentation under the name "land of our country ."

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

International cultural exchange between civilizations

Contact (1) Full Name
baraa faowaz zahran
Job Title
Activities coordinator
Head of the organisation
baraa fowaz zahran
Contact (2) Full Name
mohammad khaled saifi
Job Title (2)
External Relations Officer

Al-Shamal Welfare Society

National Network
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The organization is ruled by board of 9 directors and elected every two years by the general assembly. Also, the ministry of interior monitors and audits the charity works and financial files; the ministry of health monitors periodically the charity's hospital. The charity's hospital built by Turkish donation, and its income covers the essential needs for the charity and the hospital. Beside the hospital, the charity works in others fields including primary health awareness, community development and establishing woman small businesses. The charity, has diverse partners including municipalities, local NGOs and committees represents the local community.
Mission and Objectives

The mission:
Al-Shamal Welfare Society is non-governmental organization provides medical services, health and community care for mothers, kids and the family; and works to let them participate in the community developments works via awareness and jobs creation programs to enhance their life and health conditions to be effective members in the community.
Enhancing and developing the medical infrastructure level in Gaza.
Securing the primary health for mother, kid and family.
Empowering the woman role in developing the rural communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Maternity and kids hospital.
External clinics.
Health and Environmental awareness.
Rural community development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eng. Nihad Taha
Head of the organisation
Dr Mohammad Shabat

Al-Shmoh Cultural Center

National Network

Al-Masara, Bethlehem,Aljabal St.
الأراضي الفلسطينية

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Alshmoh Cultural Center which opened its doors in 2001. The center serves the village of Ma’sara and surrounding villages by offering a different range of cultural activities addressed to youth, women and children. During the year, the center proposes movie screening, children activities and organizes special events, such as commemoration activities and sport tournaments. The center focuses on cultural heritage and collective Palestinian identity. Through its activities the center connects the daily life of farmers and shepherds with their struggle to maintain their identity under occupation. >Maintaining the farming traditions and cultural expressions are an act of nonviolent resistance. The activities of the center go beyond the borders of the country because of the connections with other groups and nonviolent movements who share similar values in their struggle against injustices

Mission and Objectives

Al-Shmoh Cultural Center’s mission is to: Serve 10 Palestinian villages on the southern edge of Bethlehem District. Help Palestinian villager’s attain prosperity and peace. Pursue four “H.I.E.R.” objectives to improve village life: Health, Information, Education, and Recreation Al-Shmoh Center and its partners make our community healthier by: Bringing in free medicine and medical professionals. Building the area’s first clinic. Improving women’s heath education and awareness of their rights. Providing local homes with their first-ever drinking-water pipelines. Bringing food and clothes to our villages’ neediest. Al-Shmoh Center is an information hub. We enable residents to explore the world from the village whenever they want by: Creating Al-Shmoh Net-Lab, which provides computers, software, training and Internet access to this rural area. Building and stocking Al-Shmoh Library. Investigating ways to connect area homes to the Internet. Al-Shmoh Center is a growing nonprofit educational facility that supplements residents schooling by: Offering semester-long courses by university-trained men and women to local students of all education levels. Providing one-on-one tutorials for high-school students. Bringing in experts for workshops on topics of local interest. Providing adults with additional training in literacy and business. Al-Shmoh Center is becoming a regional recreation center. Here Palestinians can enjoy their culture and their neighbors by: Starting Al-Shmoh Summer Camp, where students play, sing, act and learn leadership skills. Hosting regular social activities based on local interests, such as a planned chess club. We call it the Al-Shmoh Algebra: Health + Information + Education + Recreation = Prosperity + Freedom

Main Projects / Activities

1- Embroidering, an integral part of the village woman’s life, is a folk art she inherits and passes on to her daughters and they, in turn, to future generations. The moment a young girl can manage a needle with her tiny fingers, her mother begins to instruct her in this age-old craft. She teaches her daughter the art of embroidery; the harmonious blending of interwoven colors. Women are working on embroidery to reflect the Palestinians Culture and to practice their knowledge in embroidery and to fell their free time with useful work which gave a good chance for women to participate men and to have income. 2- Al-Shmoh Summer Camp :Learning Democracy and Leadership through creative expression The Activities The title of the summer camp is “All of us Palestine”. Attendees: 105 boys and 65 girls, Ages 8-18. All Counselors received 3 week intensive leadership workshop. Divided campers into 10 groups. Each Group democratically decided group leader and name. Culture. 3- Eco work camps

Contact (1) Full Name
Jawad Mohamad Ali Zawahra
Job Title
Board Member
Head of the organisation
Jumha zawahra

Al-Tariq "The Way" The Palestinian Institution for Development and Democracy

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

+972 2 2344554
+972 2 2340910
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 54 236969
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 54 6862550
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The Way “Al-Tariq” was legally registered as a non government organization (charitable society) in the beginning of 2006; founded by leading individuals in Palestinian society and Palestinian peace camp, who joined forces in order to build a grass root organization which supports democracy, dialogue and development in Palestine. The management of “Al Tariq” has many years of experience working in civil projects dealing with education towards dialogue, none violent conflict resolution, values of democracy and reconciliation in the Palestinian and Israeli society. Our main goal is to promote and implement the values of democracy into the Palestinian society were each citizen has individual’s rights and also a responsibility for the common good of the community. We believe that democracy and development are strongly connected, as democracy is crucial for development and for social justice. The success of democracy depends not only on the institutional forms that are adapted, but also on the vigor of practice. The opportunities created by political and civil rights have to be seized and used in line with our understanding of fairness and justice. The functioning of democracy depends to a great extent on its constructive role, since its achievement depends to a great extent on the actions of citizens, influenced by values and norms. The success of democracy depends ultimately on the emergence, sustaining and strengthening of values that make responsible democratic practice and consequential. Our projects emphasize on the education and practice of the values of democracy, none violent conflict resolution, dialogue and reconciliation, networking with other organizations and institutions in order to influence on as many people as possible, as through joint actions more groups of the society can benefit and be influenced.

Mission and Objectives

Goals • Influencing the Palestinian street by training and implementing the values of democracy on the local leadership, which will start a grass-root movement that will influence the civil society to change the current situation. • Education of youth and adults on the values of democracy especially none violent conflict resolution, dialogue and reconciliation. • Creation of a Youth Movement of “Al-Tariq” The Way through diverse educational activities, training courses and building of clubs will be for these children and youngster a second home. • Creating the first Palestinian Peace movement, which will be the platform and empowerment for Palestinians people and organizations who believe in the values of democracy, none violence and dialogue based on equality • Empowering the Palestinian woman, so that she will influence and take her rightful place in the society and political leadership. • Creating a network for Palestinian organizations that believe in the same goals, and are supported by a worldwide network of governments and organizations that assist the Palestinian people to create the viable democratic Palestinian State. • Influencing the Arabic and International media on the importance's of none violence and in condemning the people who call on violence, through the support of Palestinians and world wide leadership, we will try to spread our messages through the media. • Educating and supporting dialogue with Israelis and people from all around the globes based on mutual respect and equality.

Main Projects / Activities

On going activities of Al-Tariq: 1. Al -Tariq Resource Center Al- Ram – was opened in November 2008 its main objective is “Strengthening the role of the civil society through young adults whom are local leaders in their community, whom will promote democracy, none violence conflict resolution and human rights in Palestine”, which can be achieved through a long term process training and supporting young leaders to take actively part in the social change needed in Palestine. This can be achieved by creating a safe place where they receive training, support, have books/CD and computer usage, in order to get the needed tools to make a difference. The resource center is also used b as a meeting place by diverse Palestinian-Israeli dialogue groups, as we are located in area C which is accessible by Israeli and Palestinian. 2. Summer Camps – Since the year 2006 we have in summer vacation a summer camps for large number of children/youngster’s in their villages or cities, these camps run for a couple of weeks, in order that the children won’t be in danger from the military occupation whom they like to provoke in their boredom. We deepen their cultural knowledge; teach them civic rights and duties towards the community in which they are living. Showing them how each one by taking responsibility is able to influence on their surrounding and how they can help in solving problems in a democratic way. 3. Internet activity – are activities were dialogue is initiated through blogs, forums and at later stage video conferences between Palestinians, Israelis, Europeans and youngsters from other conflict areas. In 2005 we had a very good pilot experience which enabled us to see to importance in using the internet were all participants are equal and are in an neutral area, which is very important in order to have a equal and honest dialogue. 4. Education as dialogue - Teaching the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from different perspectives The overall objective to which the action aims to contribute is cross borders cooperation through education. That means enhancing the role of education in peace building in times of conflict and beyond. Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict the project aims at transforming the role of education from its present function of perpetuating the conflict to a major factor in a peaceful solution, while Fostering the understanding and communication between Palestinian, Israelis and International teachers, in order to help developing new approaches and new manuals that reflect coexistence, peace, human rights in the spirit of UNESCO criteria.. These objectives include necessarily the Empowerment of teachers through teachers training which would give them the tools to develop different teaching approaches of the conflict, and orient them to a more dialogic way of discussion. 5.Young Palestinian and Israelis leaders for Peace and Reconciliation - We have started this program in 2007 in cooperation with the German organization Wings of Hope, since then we are working with a group of young Israeli and Palestinian students whom will build bridges between both societies. Both groups had a two week seminar in Ruhpoldingen Germany, were they meet other young multipliers from Germany and other conflict areas like Bosnia-Herzegovina and Iraq. This exchange empowers them in finding the way to each other and starting productive dialogues for further cooperation. In 2008 the new groups were chosen and prepared by the participants from 2007, who were supported and instructed by our project management. The groups have joined forces and will proceed the process together by meeting national and bi-national once a month, in order to build programs which will build bridges between the society. This year the groups will start early with the preparation of this years Summer Academy in Germany. 6. Trauma Education by Wings of Hope Germany – In April 2008 our management, staff and members joint a 2 year Trauma-theology academic program for educators and social workers, this is helping us understand and deal with the consequences of trauma which more than 90 % of the Palestinian people are suffering from and is one of the main reasons for violence in the society. In the beginning of December we have done a weekend in Trauma-theology for 20 fathers, whom are educators or key persons in the society. They have gotten a short introduction about Traumata and what causes it. The participants were very active and allowed the others to hear there personal story, it was very important information for them and made us understand how important it is to make people know more about Traumata. 7. Leadership and Multipliers’ programs - Al-Tariq has been planning diverse programs for local leaders, young political students, and women which will empower them to spread democracy, non violence, dialogue and peace into the society. 8. Non violence workshops – We have done in March 2008 and December 2008 two workshops with CANVAS and ICNC, these were lead by professional facilitators whom were teaching the participants how to built non violent strategies and methods, which will lead to a none violent movement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khaled Abu Awwad
Head of the organisation
Khaled Abu Awwad
Contact (2) Full Name
Lotty Camerman

alamal association for human development

National Network

gaza strip - omar almokhtar str. alghofri tower floor (6)
gaza strip
الأراضي الفلسطينية

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Alamal-Association for Human Development is a development charity relief non-governmental originated the idea in 2010 through a sense of social and developmental responsibility towards the Palestinian society and created through a sense of duty humanitarian to alleviate the suffering of society has Assembly has carried out numerous self-activities at the field level even been expanded idea in 2012 was the founding Assembly to gain legal status under the law of charities and local bodies for the year 2000 and is working on the development of an effective Palestinian society through the implementation of projects concerned with the development of segments of society and Agatth and enable it on the principles of civil society through the implementation of many of the developmental and relief character projects.
Mission and Objectives

Development institution relief work in Palestine is seeking to improve and develop the Palestinian situation all segments of the community through relief and development projects focusing on sustainable development in an objective and a distinct and achieve cooperation and development.

Main Projects / Activities

psychological support for young people, women and children project after the recent aggression on the Gaza Strip, in partnership with the Palestinian Association for Development and Reconstruction - Baader.

 Project Relief needy families in the month of Ramadan in 2013 through the distribution of food parcels.
 Qurban Project / sacrificial Eid al-Adha in 2013 through the distribution of meat to the families.
 Project Relief needy families in collaboration with the Bible Society, based in Bethlehem to help 25 poor families in the Gaza Strip.
 program (after-school NASP).
Where is the educational center includes three basic stages of study of the stages of the third row and the fourth and fifth for the development of their ability to:
 English
 Arabic
 Mathematics
The program begins 15/02/2014 and ends on 06/30/2014
 sign a contract with the participation of the International Centre for Smart dated 02.03.2014 for a period of one year.

 project to raise awareness of domestic violence in the community under the auspices of the gender initiative Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees program.
 Relief needy families project in the month of Ramadan in 2014 through the distribution of food parcels.
 Relief needy families project in the month of Ramadan in 2014 through the distribution of food parcels.

 Project Relief needy families in the 2014 war, through the distribution of food parcels is:
 550 food baskets.
 450 expelled healthy.
 300 expel clothes.
 Project Relief needy families in the 2014 war, through the distribution of food parcels.
 Project Relief needy families in the 2014 war through food distribution is:
• 50 food parcels.
• Project aid needy families through the distribution of clothes and school bags for kids
• 200 school bag
• 300 expel clothes

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the proposed project aims to provide a safe and free space to express their opinion using proper expression is far from the violence and conflicts tools which will improve the chances of the application of the principles of human rights conventions and enhances individual skills to express his opinion and active participation in decision-making and to express an opinion in Mekhlef issues different and do training of both sexes with creativity and Almanmtmin on such important issues (Allansan rights - democracy - good governance - community involvement - civil society - citizenship - extracurricular education techniques

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Proceeding from seeing our organization to achieve comprehensive development in Palestine, and given the circumstances of the moment in the Gaza Strip from the split and the problems of community we aspire to join the network to shape together a community vision in achieving and accept the other dialogue, and that there is an urgent and necessary need to raise political awareness among citizens and a culture of civil society and the promotion of tolerance and peaceful dialogue between citizens help in promoting community participation and creates a safe and free space to express their opinion

Contact (1) Full Name
ahmed hleil
Job Title
genral manger
Head of the organisation
nabel ismael ehlayel
Contact (2) Full Name
momen jehad shurab
Job Title (2)
manger director