Ajuntament de Molins de Rei -Departament de Solidaritat i Cooperació

National Network

Ca n'Ametller, Jacint Verdaguer, 95 bis
Molins de Rei

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The team from the Dept. of Solidarity and Cooperation is composed of a Councillor, the technical manager i have a support team formadopor four people, including technical and administrative. Dsarrollamos a values ​​education program aimed at schools in the municipality. Participate in the development of prorama nongovernmental entities. We have an annual pressupuesto € 118,250.00 for anno 2012. The origin of our own resources is pressupuesto Hall.
Mission and Objectives

tWorking within educational networks of the city to establish a dialogue for coexistence, peace education, human rights, development and interculturalitat the benefit of social cohesion.
Promote a culture of peace and solidarity with the people.o Defense

Main Projects / Activities

We developed a program "Valors of Citizens" and that includes different fields of actución. The program is delivered through two themes:
- Workshops exhaust for peace, development and interculturalitat.
- Film Festival: Human Rights and Intercultural
within the educational network of the city.
The program is aimed at training courses for primary and secondary schools in the city.
The program involves concerted public schools and non governmental organizations (CSO)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Working inside the home network and can connect to other networks work the same goals as us in order to build bridges of dialogue and exchange.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Working inside the home network and can connect to other networks work the same goals as us in order to build bridges of dialogue and exchange.
Our work is focused in the Field mediterrania, we wish to establish a dialogue among equals in a common area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Consol Hernández García
Head of the organisation
Xavi Paz Penche (Major)