70 El Merghany Street,
Egypt, Cairo
Cairo Governorate
- Gender
- Others
- Research
- Youth and education
Al-Moltaqa is a social enterprise based in Egypt that is specialized in conducting socio-economic research, labour market assessment and mapping, monitoring and evaluating of development projects, data collection and third party monitoring event management and capacity development in various fields; with a special focus on education, gender equality and youth development. Since its establishment, Al-Moltaqa worked with multiple international organizations including the International Labor Organization, the World Food Programme, Handicap International, GIZ, and Save the Children International in Egypt, and other international agencies working in North Africa.
The team of Al-Moltaqa is diversified and has profound experience of designing surveys, reporting on data collection and introducing solid abd actionable recommendations. Al-Moltaqa has a specialized team in organizing different types of knowledge sharing events and learning excercises targeting several types of audience including school teachers, policy makers, governmental officials as well as development practioners.
To become a leader in delivering professional development studies and research as well as training services and values to empower and transform communities across MENA. Our Values: The guiding factors for Al-Moltaqa to achieve its vision: 1. Inclusion: - promote gender equality; - equal opportunities 2. Social accountability 3.Innovation 4. Resource mobilization 5. Work place ethics
To deliver efficient, integrated and innovative development solutions/studies with exceptional expertise, service and values in Training, Gender and M&E aspects of development thus helping in transforming MENA socially and economically.
- In 2023, Al-Moltaqa collaborated with the British Council Egypt implementing the Youth Voices programme in El Minia governorate reaching out to 58 participants of young women and men emerging from disadvantaged areas in the governorate. More than 80% of the participants were females from five of the nine districts in el Minia who never attended similar programmes. Out of the attendees of this extended programmes, 10 formed a debate hub in El Barsha village in el Minia to reach out to their peers channling the skills they learnt which contributed to increasing the life skills between many youth who live in this particular villages. The parther NGO in this village hopsts the activities of this hub which is held bi-weekly.
- In the first quarter of 2023, with a grant from the British Council Egypt the activities of the pilot programme Gender and Climate Change were implemented in El Minia reaching out to 20 scgool educators from public and community schools in two districts who organized social initiatives and community projects in collaboration with community based organizations ad NGOs to raise the awareness of 200 women and girls around th effects of climate change on daily life practices and livelihood. The two highlight initiatives were engaging young women and men with mental disabilities to cultivate roof top plants with support from a village based NGO and the other was working with an art production team to produce street theatre pieces to raise awareness around different methods to circulate home wates.
- Between 2021-2023, Al-Moltaqa is commissioned by the Equal Opportunities and Social Development (EOSD), a three years project funded by GIZ Egypt to build the capacity and mentor 20 youth initiatives in 10 governorates in Egypt; each initiative consists of 4-6 young men and women aged between 18-28 years old (a total of 90 young women and men in the period of April-September 20220). The initiatives aim at raising awareness of subjects of reproductive health, climate change, equal access to job opportunities for vulnerable groups as people with disabilities using methods as interactive theatre, tech-based solutions and social media. Additionally, the team of trainers and facilitators from Al-Moltaqa held sensitizing sessions on gender and social inclusion for youth who will be trained to produce mobile videos and theatre arts (a total of 100 young women and men). At the same time, a special programme was designed and delivered for NGOs working young women and men where 75 staff members were trained on mainstreaming gender in their activities.
- Between December 2021-Mach 2022, Al-Moltaqa implemented Taqaddam programme developed by the British Council. Through a grant of GBP 5000, Al-Moltaqa with collaboration of Draw your Dream NGO based in Torah area near Maadi trained 69 young adults aged 16-18 years old on life skills especially critical thinking and presentation skills. The trained groups developed social initiatives which benefited their communities.
This is a short documentary of what the implementation of Taqaddam achieved:
- In 2021, Al-Moltaqa was commissioned by the GIZ Cairo Office to train 60 young women and men from six governorates on gender equality and social inclusion working with them to design youth initiatives which respond to social problems. All trained youth managed to pilot their initiates in universities and youth centres located in Aswan, Luxor, Qena, Sohag, Cairo and Alexandria.
- Since 2017, Al-Moltaqa in collaboration with NGOS and youth initiatives in El Minya governorate use arts and street theatre to develop the life skills of young girls and boys aged 15-21 years old. Additionally, Al-Moltaqa recently worked with Integrated Development Association (IDAM) in the same governorate to develop future interventions with youth in the age group 15-21 years old. This project was funded by the Netherlands embassy in Egypt.
- In 2020, Al-Moltaqa worked on establishing five debate hubs supported by the British Council- Young Mediterranean Voices programme. This included training youth on debate skills and how to manage influential debates. Al-Moltaqa was offered a grant of GBP 3500 to train 60 participants online on debate skills and finalists joined the national competition.
This is the feedback from participants: https://www.facebook.com/moltaqanet/videos/146955866852256
- In 2021, Al-Moltaqa received a grant from British Council in Egypt to build an online module with a UK partner. The module focus on Leadership to achieve gender equality and targeted activists, staff of NGOs and academics in Egypt and the UK.
We can offer knowledge sharing workshops on:
- Gender Mainstreaming
- Monitoring and Evalutation
- Project Management
To learn and exchange with organizations of similar interests in Euro-Med region