Association Al Intilaka Pour Le Developpement, L'Environnement Et La Culture - Afourer (AIDECA)

National Network

Centre de renforcement des capacités des jeunes Afourer
22050 Afourer

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. Youth and education
General Information

AIDECA, established on December 22, 1996, and based in Afourer and Béni Mellal, Morocco, operates throughout the Béni Mellal Khénifra region. The organization has accumulated extensive experience in the field of development by implementing various activities and projects focused on human development. Its scope of action includes areas such as socio-cultural animation, support for vulnerable populations, human rights advocacy, promotion of entrepreneurship and employability among youth and women, as well as strengthening local community organizations. This diversity of approaches and tools enables AIDECA to target different segments of society and collaborate with various stakeholders. As a result, it has developed its unique identity rooted in universal human rights values, while considering the specific characteristics of the Béni Mellal Khénifra region. AIDECA has a diverse range of donors and partnerships.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: We are committed to fostering local development in the Beni Mellal-Khenifra region through community engagement and empowering local actors with enhanced skills and capabilities. Objectives AIDECA aims to: Adhere to social dynamics aimed to promote the emergence of the values of citizenship and human rights; Contribute to sustainable and integrated development guaranteeing access to economic, social, cultural and environmental rights; Support the local and regional CSOs, strengthen their capacities and consolidate their participation in local development; Strengthen the socio-economic and political empowerment of women and young people; Support efforts to protect and promote children's rights.

Main Projects / Activities

FORSA: Opportunity for the socio-economic and cultural integration of youth and women (2019-2024) The FORSA project (Opportunity in Arabic), funded by Manos Unidas, a Spanish NGO, is an ambitious initiative which aims to strengthen the socio-economic and cultural inclusion of vulnerable and socially excluded youth in the Béni Mellal Khenifra region, by providing over 60 youth with training and support for their personal project. FORSA helps the youth in the design and implementation of community activities, in addition to providing the technical and financial support of youth self-employment through the establishment of 15 income-generating and employment activities (AGRs). Youth Initiatives for Tolerance (2017 - 2018) The project, which was funded by Creative Associates International, aims to prevent violent extremism by contributing to the promotion of civic behavior and tolerance values among youth in Béni Mellal Khenifra region, through artistic and cultural activities and self-development camps. In order to strengthen the role of 24 youth as citizens, the project provided a 7-day camp and support sessions that enabled them to design and implement community activities and to mobilize their peers to participate and engage with the activities. Children's right to name, identity, and nationality (2018) Co-funded by The Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights that aspire to create a multidimensional public debate on the right of children to a name, a nationality and an identity. And through a capacity building and support mechanism, the social workers in the regional child protection unit along with 10 CSOs were able to launch an awareness campaign on the right of children to a name, nationality, and identity at over 20 primary schools and marginal districts in Beni Mellal and Azilal regions. I am a migrant (2017-2020) “I am Migrant” project, funded by the Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation, launched by Progetto Mondo Mlal (PMM) in partnership with AIDECA and CEFA aims to contribute to the reduction of social, cultural and economic exclusion of groups of migrants involved in the departure and arrival stages, transit and return and communities of residents in Morocco. AIDECA is in charge of engaging over 100 teachers and socio-educational operators to be part of the project and develop an educational guide and extracurricular educational activities for the prevention of radicalism to be implemented at schools. AIDECA provided technical support and accompaniment for 10 CSOs to implement small projects, using a subgrant system, to prevent youth radicalization. Radicalise, no Thanks (2016-2018) The project, which was co-funded by the European Union, in partnership with PMM, AIDECA, and CEFA and aims to qualify the human capital of educational, institutional and civil society organizations, by promoting innovative services for the prevention of radicalization and support for the de-radicalization of young people, in Beni Mellal Khenifra region and the provinces of Rabat and Salé. AIDECA worked on mobilizing over 100 social and educative operators to implement a built-in guide to promote tolerance values for over 2000 students across several schools in the region. Using subgrants, AIDECA mentored 20 local CSOs to carry out micro-projects to prevent youth radicalization, which enabled them to strengthen their capacity in terms of project management and mentoring. Doing so, it helped the CSOs to carry out their future projects with other partners and empower youth and women in the region of Beni Mellal Khenifra region. Themis: Collective for women's justice (2016-2018) AIDECA, along with CEFA, was carrying out Themis project that aimed to facilitate and guarantee women’s access to justice. It was Co-funded by the European Commission and the Emilia-Romagna Region. Several training sessions have been organized for the benefit of over 50 local associations on protection and women’s access to justice issues. 30 of these associations have decided to form an organization named Collectif Civil pour la Défense des Droits des Femmes, to be able to independently carry out information and awareness activities. AIDECA, with its extended experience in building and supporting CSOs and local actors, implemented a capacity building and support program for the collective to organize raising awareness actions in several schools and spark regional debate with institutions and CSOs on women access to justice, and advocacy activities towards the institutions, for making the necessary procedures for taking legal actions in cases of violence more accessible to women. The project was able to launch debate platforms with local institutions: National Aid and CRDH and produce a procedures guide and partnership with AREF. EDUCARES (2016 - 2017) AIDECA, the local partner, organized regional training workshops to promote self-employment and social entrepreneurship for over 35 youth and women. in the region of Beni Mellal Khenifra, the project was able to provide financial and technical assistance to more than 10 social entrepreneurs and launch 2 startups, cooperatives, in the fields of Preschool and Basic Social Services that are actively operating in the region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that our contribution to the Network in Morocco will be multifaceted. Firstly, we bring a wealth of experience and expertise in socio-economic inclusion of youth women and PWD. Our track record of successful projects and initiatives demonstrates our dedication to fostering dialogue between cultures and promoting the values espoused by the Anna Lindh Foundation. Secondly, our extensive network within the CSOs in BMK region and Morocco positions us as a valuable collaborator for ALF network. We have established partnerships with numerous organizations working in diverse fields.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Showcasing Our Projects: Highlighting the outcomes and lessons learned from our relevant projects. - Strengthening the ALF Network: Actively participating in ALF Network activities, discussions, and initiatives. - Exploring and Forming Partnerships with ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Chaima Salmi