Association les Amis du CEDEJ

National Network

7, rue des Carmes
75005 Paris

01 43 29 05 65
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
+33 06 07 48 35 52
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Centre for economic, legal and social studies and documentation (CEDEJ) in Cairo is a multi-disciplinary research centre, whose works include all humanities and social science research with a main focus on contemporary Egypt. The Association Les Amis du CEDEJ aims to support CEDEJ activities, especially to maintain its library (40 000 books) and its map library. The Association Les Amis du CEDEJ is a French civil association (law 1901)located in Paris. Staff: 10 volunteers (admin staff). Budget: 2 000 euros per year. Actions: support to CEDEJ cultural and scientific action such as exhibition, documentary film, conference discussions, and publications. Main partners:  Bibliotheca Alexandrina; CAPMAS (Egyptian Statistical Agency);  University of Cairo; GIZ-GDP and UN-Habitat in Cairo; Egyptian Society of Geography; Sciences Po Grenoble, Univ. of Paris-Sorbonne; University of Lyon
Mission and Objectives

- Promote academic exchanges and mutual understanding between North and South Mediterranean area through conferences, debates, and training of Egyptian and European students 
- debate
- Contribute to the euro-mediterranean cooperation and debates of ideas on themes linked to sustainable development, (geo)politics, and gender issues in Egypt
- Support to CEDEJ publications about Egypt and its neighbours in social sciences
- Further cultural and scientific events and debates for a multicultural wide audience

Main Projects / Activities

- Creation of a scientific exhibition about Egypt (« 1956 in Egypt : comparative views ») in partnership with Egyptian, Lebanese, and Tunisian institutions and organisations. This exhibition is in French and in Arabic (File attached)
- Realisation (in Egypt and France) of public conferences  on cultural  and political topics (translated to French/Arabic) that contribute to the understanding of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean issues (File attached)
- Innovative academic training for Egyptian students providing a French Master degree on Spatial analysis and GIS (file attached)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By Promoting Franco-Egyptian links, specifically in the cultural and scientific areas
By an active connection with the association of Egyptian students based in France
By focalizing on scientific, cultural, and educational actions

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For knowing order associations and institutions, not only in the academic field, in order to extend our partnerships
We believe in the Euro-med project and its materialization from below
To assert Egyptian position as a full Mediterranean partner

Contact (1) Full Name
karine Bennafla
Job Title
Administrator of the Association Les amis du CEDEJ, Academic, Director of CEDEJ
Head of the organisation
Jean-Paul Chagnollaud
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
President of the Association Les Amis du CEDEJ