Associazione ItaliaMulticulturale

National Network

Via Zara 10
Reggio Calabria

+39 3932428313
+39 0965 9995319
Mobile Phone
+39 3932428313
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 349 2306088
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
General Information
The association is a voluntary organization and realizes activities for the integration and multiculturalism in all the sector of the society. It promotes initiatives of solidarity, cultural activities and awareness programs about social inclusion, non-violence, international cooperation and friendship between peoples. It consists on an executive board, a technical group and a team of volunteers. Available financial resources come from membership fees, grants and contributions. Annual amount is approximately € 25,000. Association carries out the following activities: planning, training programs and information, technical assistance to individuals and businesses on the rules on immigration, initiatives about equal opportunities for all. Università per stranieri Dante Alighieri, Comune di Reggio Calabria, Provincia di Reggio Calabria.
Mission and Objectives

The association faces in its different aspects, multiculturalism and promotes initiatives of solidarity, cultural activities and awareness programs on issues of intercultural, non-violence, international cooperation and friendship between peoples.
The goal is to achieve an improvement in quality of life, individual and collective, of the local community promoting values such as interculture nonviolence, international cooperation and friendship between peoples.
Association acts as a development agent combining the culture of participation and collaboration between individuals, groups and entities, the need for competitiveness and local development, the principles of solidarity, improving living conditions of disadvantaged groups.

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars "International Migration: Between Integration and Cooperation" in collaboration with CRIC NGO and University for Foreigners Dante Alighieri of Reggio Calabria;
Seminars on "Multicultural Lawyer" in collaboration with the National Observatory on Family Law Section of Reggio Calabria about "The multi-ethnic family", "The right to family reunification between law and praxis"; "Conflict resolution in multi-ethnic family";
In collaboration with CRIC Ngo promotion of culture activities and awareness initiatives within the project "The time is work. " The aim of the project was to promote a better integration of immigrants in the local social context through:
- contrasting undeclared and underpaid work implementing a support for the business model of the third sector.
- Activation of the TimeBank to promote social relations between immigrants and local population based on solidarity to raise the awareness of the value of giving time and inspire a new generation of volunteers
Project N.O.D.I. D.A. New Opportunities for Inclusion for the Women of Arghillà - to experience and propose models of own business and self employment by unemployed women, immigrant and other disadvantaged
Gennaio 2011 Intervention to support work life balance "The Multicultural Afternoons" in collaboration with the International English Center of Reggio Calabria

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Grazia Mallone