associazione Jerry Essan Masslo

National Network

corso Umberto I°, 153
81033 Casal di Principe

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Jerry Essan Masslo is a voluntary association founded in 1989 by a small group of young doctors. Since 25 years the Association has been carrying many activities of health-care and social integration to immigrant populations in Domitiana area (Castel Volturno), a Municipality with high concentration of immigrants. The association has about 40 members, included 9 members of management committee, 2 staff employed, 5 staff collaborators and many volunteers. It is enrolled in the Regional Register of Campania-Italy of voluntary associations, Italian National Register of Italy for Immigration, UNAR Register – Dipartimento Pari Opportunità (UNAR – Equal Opportunities department -Register of institutions carrying activities against discrimination). The association collaborate with Public and Private Local Institutions, first reception Canters, Hospitals, participate in LaRes Project (network of 30 partners  that deal with social economy), carries out projects with public  and private funding (Institutions and Foundations).
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the association is the HUMAN BEING ‘S PROMOTION and all his rights as citizen; JerryMaslo persued his purpose through the followiong activities:
a) medical- social assistance(basic and specialized) to all people in need, regardless of race, religion or sex;
b)  assistance, listening, rehabilitation of drug addicted with possibility  of g  residential and / or semi-residential treatment for drug addicted;
c) unaccompanied services
d)  information and training aimed at the growth of a new culture of solidarity and citizenship, without any form of exclusion, cultural, economic, employment-based, or racial, fostering new jobs and integration;
e) children's assistance, especially to those in risk of marginalization and deviance, through recreational and sporting activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities ongoing are:
- First-aid for the immigrant population in the Caserta’s area, is open three times a week;
- Field Unit for immigrants drugs addicted, damage limitation in the Domitiana area in Castel Volturno (CE);
- Orientation for girls forced into prostitution;
- Accompanying public-health services, with the mediation of cultural mediators;
- Home care for immigrants with HIV, in collaboration with the “Cotugno” hospital in Naples;
- Assistance and aid to young mothers (often with experiences of sexual exploitation);
- hospitality low-threshold for drug addicted immigrants, in collaboration with Caritas of Capua;
- local animation on immigration issues, through the theater group composed of immigrants and Italians (Nero di tutti I colori). This theater group performs his activities in the schools of the area.
- Laboratory of social tailoring.
the association realized  many projects on intercultural dialogue and multiculturalism issues; It has also published  many books and texts, taking part in scientific research on health screening and also involved in many events finalized to investigation on immigration issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we may contribute to the network  carrying on with the association's activities and pursuing our mission. We would like to give our contribution at National level. We bring our best practices and experiences and how we facing them in all of national area.  It is important transform our local experience in national experience to share and relate with the others, growing and improving, and to program common actions with other organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we join the network because  in this way we have the possibility to facilitate  the development and implementation of common actions among members of the Network. Being part of an international network as ALF, would enhance our daily efforts, be part of a great group that shares our dreams. It is important  that we relate with the others, bringing our experience, searching points of contact and difference, trying to reproduce it in other contexts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Renato Franco Natale
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Renato Franco Natale
Contact (2) Full Name
Chiara Caterino
Job Title (2)