Ayyam Al-Masrah- Theatre Day Productions

National Network
Mobile Phone
972-52-275 0030
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
General Information
1. TDP is governed by an eleven-member General Assembly of Shareholders that is responsible for all general policy issues for the company. The General Assembly elects a Board of Directors to oversee the administration of the company. The Board delegates the daily management and administration of the company to the 3-member Executive Committee, composed of co-directors. In 2005, TDP employed 15 full-time persons and 14 part-time workers. 2. $500,000 annually. 3. Consortium of donors. 4. Concrete 3- year program cycles. 5. PA Ministry of Education, PA Ministry of Culture, PA Ministry of Youth and Sporty, UNRWA Education Department, in addition to 20 international and European experts, and EuNetArt (European Network of Art Organizations Working with and for Children and Young People)
Mission and Objectives

TDP wants drama, theatre, and creative activities to be a regular part of the lives of young people in Palestine, so that they can find their individual voice, their sense of self, and discover their creative life; in stimulating these activities TDP aims to provide the foundation for a peaceful development of Palestine, one with respect for human rights and civil society. TDP tries to realize this by working with the formal education systems and local organizations working with and for children and young people.
Overall objective:
TDP aims to promote the use of drama and youth theatre as a tool for creative expression in order to develop human resources and participate in community development. Its specific objectives are (a) to utilize formal and informal educational settings to promote theatre and drama in under-served areas of Palestine and (b) to build community human and physical capacities to support youth theatre.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Reaching out to children: by performing new relevant theatre plays, executing workshops in free expression, and producing and performing new plays with young people acting.
2. Building institutional capacity: by (a) enhancing TDP's 3 year curriculum of play production, lectures, workshops, and apprenticing, and (b) advanced training of regional teams and graduates in Hebron and Gaza.
3. Providing adequate facilities for drama: by renovating/ furnishing two theatre studios in the Hebron and Gaza region.
4. Advocating drama in the community: by expanding the constituency of TDP, strategic cooperation with partners, activities in new regions, and improvement of TDP's organizational capacity

Contact (1) Full Name
Jan Willems, Co-Director
Head of the organisation
Amer Khalil – Co-Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Jackie Lubeck, Co-Director