Cartooning for Peace

National Network

12 cité Malesherbes 75009 Paris

01 40 23 24 03
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Laurence Lepetit, secrétaire générale: + 33 6 28 77 35 02
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Cartooning for Peace is an NGO under "Loi de 1901" French Law. There are four permanent employees in Paris headquarters. The annual budget is around 250 K€ The NGO is funded at 46% by private foundations; 18% by corporate sponsorship, 24 % is generated by incomes, and 12% is coming from private donors. Our activities are organised around three sectors: ➢ The support to endangered cartoonists worldwide ➢ Pedagogical project towards young peoples (Travelling exhibition, conference and workshops) ➢ Organisation of events and cartoons exhibition
Mission and Objectives

1/ Who we are
Cartooning for Peace is an international network of committed press cartoonists, who fight with humor for the respect of cultures and freedoms.
2/ Our history
Cartooning for Peace is an organization founded after an event and a meeting. The bloody reactions to the publication of the Mohammed cartoons in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten on September 30, 2005, led to the founding meeting of twelve cartoonists on October 16, 2006, gathered together by Kofi Annan, Nobel Peace Prize and United Nations Secretary General, and editorial cartoonist Plantu from French newspaper Le Monde, for a seminar on “unlearning intolerance”.
3/ Our commitment
Cartooning for Peace defends fundamental freedoms and democracy. Our organisation is particularly eager to exert freedom of expression as it is defined in article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”.

Main Projects / Activities

Cartooning for Peace allows cartoonists to interact with each other and to confront their different ideological opinions. Our network provides visibility and support for those who are unable to work freely or whose freedom is threatened.
Cartooning for Peace uses the educational value of press cartoon to denounce intolerances. Our organization gives young people a voice and raises their awareness on major societal problems.
Cartooning for Peace brings press cartoon closer to the public. We organize meetings between cartoonists and a large audience, and set up thematic exhibitions showing a critical look of society. We also publish press cartoons, in paper or digital form.
Cartooning for Peace is a tool serving freedom of expression: a forum and a meeting place for all those who challenge intolerance and all forms of dogmatism.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cartooning for Peace is an international network of cartoonists with a strong presence in Mediterranean countries.
We have done many exhibitions treating Mediterranean subjects as for examples:
➢ Rencontre des dessinateurs du Maghreb, Foire du Livre de Tunis (Tunis, 2013).
➢ « Les révolutions arabes », L’Ecole de la 2ème chance (Marseille 2012)
➢ « Les relations entre la Turquie et l’Union européenne à travers le dessin de presse », (Istanbul, Paris, Bruxelles, 2012).
➢  « Dessins de presse en Méditerranée »  Maison des Métallos (Paris 2012)
➢ « Dessine moi la paix en Méditerranée », Hôtel de Région (Marseille, 2009)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF network in order  to further contribute to the building of a sustainable Mediterranean area of ​​peace, development and solidarity.
As a NGO with a cross over mandates on culture, medias and education, we are eager to create further partnerships with others NGOS with similar mandates within the ALF network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laurence Lepetit
Job Title
General Secretary
Head of the organisation
Jean Plantu
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara Moyersoen