Casa Mediterráneo

National Network

PL. Arquitecto miguel López s/n
03570 Alicante Alicante

+ 34 96 598 64 64
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Casa Mediterráneo is a public consortium led by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation together with cthe Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID ), the government of the Valencian Community, City Councils of Alicante, Benidorm and Xabia as well as the Alicante Provincial Council . Anual Budget: 1M€
Staff: 10 persons
It s a major public diplomacy instrument whose main goal is to foster mutual knowledge and to bring Spain and the other Mediterranean countries closer together on different areas such as culture, economy, climate change, gender equality or scientific and technological innovation.

Mission and Objectives

- Promote any actions or projects that may contribute to a better understanding of other societies that live on the shores of the Euro-Mediterranean area, and foster the collaboration of Spain in those areas.
- Contribute to improve the image of Spain in the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean area.
- Foster the development of Spain’s relationship with the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean area, which share historic bonds with Spain in institutional, cultural, business, social, scientific and economic areas, as well as in scientific and technological innovation areas related to sustainable development.
- Strengthen friendship, solidarity and cooperation bonds between Euro-Mediterranean countries and societies.
- Promote Alicante, as well as any other cities where delegations of the consortium are established, as meeting places for the Euro-Mediterranean area, facilitating the institutional, business, cultural, economic and social rapprochement between countries.
- Promote higher participation in all the areas of the Euro-Mediterranean culture.
- Develop specific programs for childhood and youth, paying special attention to promoting cooperation, solidarity and non-discrimination values in the new generations.
- Develop specific programs for the establishment of actual and legal equality between men and women.
- Develop any other program that contributes to the promotion of the transnational interests between Spain and the Mediterranean countries, which is the reason why this consortium was created.
- Develop specific programs to fight against desertification and climate change and to foster water use policies.
- Promote programs aimed at media, new information technology and promotion, organized by Casa Mediterráneo.
- Promote a network relationship with other existing institutions, especially with the network of “Casas” of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, which are dedicated to several matters that concern the Mediterranean.

Main Projects / Activities

Casa Mediterráneo activities are articulate into 4 main lines of work: 1) Governance and Cooperation, 2) Economics and Devdelopment, 3) Culture and Heritage and 4) Democratic Memory. Within those four topics it organises activities, events in a varied set of formats: Conferences and Debates; Book presentations; Economics, Socio-economic and Business seminars and meetings; Film and documentaries; Musical performances; Exhibitions; Education and training courses; Public diplomacy visits and meetings.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Casa Mediterráneo can contribute as the other Casa member if Anna Lidhn (together with Casa Arabe) to gather our expertise and experience in public diplomacy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Casa Mediterráneo was alreayd member of the ALF Network in its earliest years and we´re willing to boost the euro-mediterranean collaboration among our societies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paqui Santonja
Job Title
Senior Advisor
Head of the organisation
Andrés Perelló
Contact (2) Full Name
Francisco Alcaraz
Job Title (2)
Responsable de Proyectos y Programación