Fondazione Intercultura per il dialogo tra le culture e gli scambi giovanili internazionali ONLUS

National Network

Via Gracco del Secco 100
53034 Colle di Val d'Elsa (SI)

(39) 0577 900001
(39) 0577 920948
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. Foundation established in 2007 and governed by an Executive Council appointed for five years by the founding members. A consultative assembly groups individuals and organisations that contribute to the projects of the Foundation. The staff position of Secretary General is apponted by the Executive Council. 2-3. The endowment of the Foundation is € 1.500.000, while contributions are provided by the Association Intercultura, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by other sources. 4. Researches on intercultural education and exchanges; pilot projects about pupils mobility; conferences on intercultural issues; publications and training on related matters. 5. The AFS and EFIL networks for educational exchanges; the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Mission and Objectives

"Those who are locked in the cage of one culture, their own, are always in a state of latent war and do not know it". This statement may be expressed also in another way: those who feel unfomfortable away from their homeland or away from their language are only half citizens and inadequate actors in global market.
Opening up to the world without losing one's roots; discovering the boundaries of one's culture by interacting with that of others; experiencing the commonality of human links in spiete of visible differences: these are the goals to which Intercultura Foundation will give substance and support, by studying and developing structures and practices for intercultural learning.
The Intercultura Fondation will offer concrete opportunities to people involved in education, not just to those who work at the integration of migrants, but to those who are concerned about the narrow nationalism of many school systems in the world.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The perception of China on the Italian teen agers;
2. the perception of "otherness" among secondary school students in Italy;
3. the role of teachers in promoting intercultural exchanges;
4. long term effects of an intercultural experience abroad
1. Defining and measuring intercultural competence;
2. Italian identity between globalisation and European Union
3. A day of intercultural dialogue (26th September 2008)
1. COMENIUS Individual Pupil Mobility with EFIL and the European Commission

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Ruffino, Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Amb. Roberto Toscano
Contact (2) Full Name
Sabrina Brunetti, Secretariat