POBox 410926
12119 Berlin
- Media
"go40“ as cultural women's journal is a global public project which encourages women since 20 years to publish articles and express their thoughts, works and arts. As many women in our world have grown up within Islamic religion and culture we want to give voices to them as well. Islam is the most wide-spread religion on our planet. It is a very peaceful religion and culture, as long as oil and power interests are not part of the picture. Many women within Islamic culture are working towards a democratic Islam. We want to support these women with our ‘Hanan Dialogue’ in building ‘HANAN Bridges’. We know too little about their countless initiatives and NGOs, because our media in their greed for stories on violence and terror do not talk about them. “ab40” wants to be ‘humus’ of feminine creativity in balance in men and women.
The journal „go40“ initiates and supports women's research and collaborates with academic women like the Moroccan social scientist Fatima Mernissi and the UN Gender Team, New York.
From the beginning social scientists like Dr. Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen or Dr. Heide Göttner-Abendroth were publishing their results of women research and modern matriarchal studies. With museums for women history and biographical research groups we are looking for the often hidden roots of women in history. This includes women of indigenousness cultures who raise their voice in the World Uranium Hearing. “go40” reports about campaigns against Female Genital Mutilation together with NGO's like “terre de femmes”.
As we believe that arts play a big role in a peaceful world we work with women beyond borders, a group of artist friends with the goal to encourage dialogue, collaboration, and community among women, and to honor their creativity worldwide.