Hampikian-Ibrashy: Architecture and Heritage Management

National Network

29 Maydan Salah al-Din, al-Qal’a

++ 202 514 5827
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++ 2 010 544 2013
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Structure of Organization: Private architecture and heritage management firm, partnership between two conservation architects. Sources of funding: Fundraising from intergovernmental organizations that sponsor conservation and heritage management, consultancy work with governmental and inter-governmental organizations, Private commissions. Modalities of action: Concrete projects, seminars, training courses. Main partners: Governmental and intergovernmental agencies working in heritage management and conservation.
Mission and Objectives

Established in January 2005, our heritage management firm specializes in heritage management. The location of our studio in the heart of Islamic Cairo in a 19th century building at the foot of the Citadel is no coincidence. It reflects a hands-on approach that involves a spectrum of initiatives varying from practical conservation, to training, to public awareness and fundraising.
Scope of work: Architectural conservation - mostly in Islamic Cairo, Training of conservation professionals; Public awareness - programs especially oriented towards children and youth; Research activities - specialized publications - workshops and seminars; Adaptive re-use and rehabilitation of old buildings - on public and private historic buildings; Architectural design.

Main Projects / Activities

Examples of Activities:
- Training course: Overseeing a conservation project. 3 month full-time course in conservation for archaeologists employed by the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt. Sponsored by and held in ARCE.
- Ruqayya Dudu Conservation Project. Phase I of the Cairo Cemetery Salvage Project. Funded by the Barakat Trust, UK.
- Armenian Orthodox Church Conservation Project.
- Consultancy: Reconstruction of the temple of Snofru, Dahshur. German Institute of Archaeology.
- Architectural Consultancy: with Aswan Contracting Company. Preparation of architectural study and study for adaptive reuse for the buildings of Group 6 of Phase III of the Historic Cairo Project.
- Consultancy: CULTNAT. Responsible for the preparation of a report on the current state of Historic Cairo, to be posted on the website of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC).
-Exhibition: ‘Conservation and its role in the development of traditional building crafts’, UNESCO exhibition and semi

Contact (1) Full Name
May al-Ibrashy
Head of the organisation
Nairy Hampikian & May al-Ibrashy
Contact (2) Full Name
Nairy Hampikian