Ideal for Developing Cultural and Tourism Routes

National Network

Abdullah Al Azab St.
Building # 38 , 1st floor
P.O. Box 3471

11821 Amman

00 962 (0)6 567 21 46
00 962 (0)6 567 21 45
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00 962 (0)79 565 44 66
Mobile Phone (other)
00 962 (0)777 65 44 66
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Component1: Path Development Com.2: Economic and Community Development Com.3: Operations & Jordan Country Director The Budget:120K for the year 2009. Funding sources: • Global Negotiation Initiative, Harvard U. • Dedeman Hotels • Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance • Rockefeller Brothers Fund • Kingdom Foundation (Prince Al Waleed bin Talal) Achievements in Jordan: 80 km of trail mapped  International and local tour groups walking in Jordan Local families are earning income International exchange walks High publicity and newspapers coverage The Jordan team includes the following expertise: • Tony Haward & Di Tyler, • Mahmoud Twisi, • Suhair Ismaiel, • Daniel Adamson, • Josh Weis, • Branwen Cale, • Micheal Fasheh, • Ramez Habash, Our partners and advisors … Our partners include the following: • Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Partner, • Ecodit Lebanon, Consultants and Capacity Building Advisor, • UNDP-Small GEF, Environment Protection Advisor, • Yarmouk University, • Fair Trade Jordan, • Petra Moon Travel Agency, • ‘Aaesha Al Ba’onyyah Forum, • JOHUD, • RSCN, • Ajloun Governorate, • Al Ayoun Municipality, • Some international school,
Mission and Objectives

Abraham Path in Jordan will be established to provide cultural, social, economic, and environmental benefits to the local communities.
Develop the Abraham Path as local and international recognized trail that allows visitors and local hosts to create cross-cultural friendships and enrich and enjoy nature, culture, history and adventure in an authentic, preserved environment, while concurrently creating sustainable economic opportunities for the local communities around the Path.
Strategic Objectives
The objectives can be stated as the following:
to promote economic development through sustainable, responsible tourism
to encourage cross-cultural exchange and mutual understanding
to provide a focus for positive media coverage which highlights the unique heritage and hospitable people of this region
to help protect the natural environment and preserve the historic places of the Middle East
to open opportunities for the energy, idealism and creativity of young people from the region and from around the world

Main Projects / Activities

Abraham Path Jordan Country is working on the following projects/activities:
Determine the final walking trail and cultural route of the Abraham Path in Jordan (phase I),
Finalize the Abrahamic cultural, historic and ecological site research and cataloguing phase I),
Develop a final map showing attractions around the walking trail (phase I),
Create a GPS mapping for selected areas of the Path in Jordan (phase I),
Open new segment(s) on the Path.
Engage local communities along the Path (through conducting participatory rapid appraisals in new one or two communities), and or
Build the capacity of local guides and provide local certification program.
Build the capacity of community based organizations towards ownership of parts on the Path,
Hold international and local walks and tours on the Path,
Develop English and Arabic brochures for some areas identified on the trail.
Develop Abraham Path Jordan Marketing Plan,
Develop the network of volunteers and supporters,
Build new national and local partnerships,
Build the capacity of staff,
Fundraising activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Suhair Ayyash
Head of the organisation
Ramez S. Habash
Contact (2) Full Name
Iyad Jaber