Mahrosa for Publishing, Information, & Press Services

National Network

Plot No. 7399, 28 St., off 9 St. El-Hadba El-Olyaa- Mokattam

+202 25075917
+202 25075917
Mobile Phone
002- 0174331150
Mobile Phone (other)
002- 0122418128
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
- Structure of the organization, including number of the staff employed and/ or partners General Manager: 1 Secretary: 2 Research Unit: 4 Translation & Foreign International Relationships Unit: 2 Press Information Unit: 12 Publishing & Distribution Unit: 6 - Budgetary resources available in a year Annual budget: 2.400.000 L.E - Sources of funding: Selling products of the company as well as grants from funding agencies like Ford Foundation or support for translation & production of books like that received from & Next Page Foundation - Modalities of Action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc) The project entitled “Opening new Satellites for Civil Society in Cultural Field (under execution), it is currently discussed with some donors. - Main partners involved in the organization’s projects/ activities El-Balad Cultural Center and the Comprehensive Educational Development Aid Foundation (CEDAF) and TANIS]
Mission and Objectives

Mahrosa Center was established in 1986 as an independent center working in information and press documentation field. This, subsequently, helps it to work in research field. Then, Mahrosa works in publishing so that it has become an enlightened, cognitive, and cultural center in the Egyptian, Arabic, and Euro-Med circles. It, also, shares in pushing democratic development in Egypt and cooperates with different international institutions headed by Ford Foundation, Fredrich Neumann, & Next Page Foundation. Finally, Mahrosa issues cultural magazine in addition to its interest since 2009 in supporting new literary groups by publishing their works and hosting their activities.
1. Ensuring press documented database for research, civil society, and media professionals.
2. Conducting researches and studies increasing knowledge with local and regional fact.
3. Disseminating progressive and enlightened culture caring about individual cognitive structure and communication among countries of the region.
4. Taking part in civil society activities notably those related to supporting democracy bases and human rights.
5. Effectively participating in cultural activities at Arabic and Euro-Med levels; Mahrosa is a member in the Arab Publishers’ Union and one of the founders of Euro-Med Platform.

Main Projects / Activities

- The project of the weekly bulletin supported by Ford Foundation.
- Mahrosa cooperated with in translating some books like “Selbstdenken" published in “Peter Hammer Verlag 2004”. Also, through Goethe Institute, Mahrosa translated and published some books such as “Schreimutter” by Jutta Bauer, “Zivilgesellschaft”, “Theorie und politische Praxis”, by Frank Adloff Campus Verlag, 2005, and “DER KONIG UND DAS MEER” by Heinz Janisch in addition to other three books are currently under publishing during Kutub:na project of Goethe Institute.
- Mahrosa collaborated with Next Page Foundation under South-South Translation Grants to translate the Indian book “The Conceits of Civil Society” By Neera Chandhoki and the Turkish book “İslam Düşüncesinin Siyasal Ufku/Zerrin Kurtoğlu: The Political Horizon of Islamic Thought, 1999, İletism Publishing House. Mahrosa published a series of books entitled Liberal Publications through its collaboration with Friedrich Naumann Foundation.
- Mahrosa is a founder member in the Euro med Platform

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Farid Zahran
Head of the organisation
Mr. Farid Zahran
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Amal Yousef