Municipal Board of Trustees - Gabrovo

National Network
+359 (66) 806552,
Telephone (other)
+359( 66) 808691
+359( 66) 808691
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Municipal Board of Trustees Gabrovo is the first association of its kind in the country after a long period of broken bond between parents and teachers, parents and children and teachers and children. It was initiated by "School and Health" Association and established in 2001, fully supported by the local government, represented by the mayor, city council and municipal administration /Department of Education in particular/. All 47 members of the board were elected among teachers, parents and community leaders, applying democratic procedures - after being nominated by all local schools. In May 2001 the association is registered in court as a non - governmental organisation, headed by Mrs. Magdalena Vasileva - school principal and teacher of many years, nominated by the General Assembly of the association.
Mission and Objectives

Main objectives of the Municipal Board of trustees are as follows:Active participation in building and implementing of local policy in the field of education;Promoting the establishment and development of other school boards of trustees within schools and kindergartens;Involving parents in issues of education;Applying best practices of good membership in the board.
To support municipal policy in the filed of education /especially with children with specific needs and children in risk;

Main Projects / Activities

• "Municipal Board of Trustees - development and perspectives" Project - implemented with the financial aid of the government of Switzerland /Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development/ in the period 2001-2002. Project activities were carried out in training courses, attended by 30 members of the board. As a result members of the Board of directors were trained, printed materials were disseminated and Parents Guide and Charter were distributed. Trainees improved their knowledge on public relations and project development cycle. The total cost of the project is 18 000 lv.
After the completion of the project, 2 members of the board were appointed in municipal commissions and other 4 took part in the "Teacher of the year" contest, where the chair was nominated. In 2002 the later was bestowed the Sign of Honor of Municipality of Gabrovo, given for special contribution to local education.
• "Chance for women" Project – PHARE Program, budget line BG 0102.05 Labor market initiatives, number of contract with Ministry of regional development and public works BG 0102.05.05.046, subtitle - Professional training of single mothers of children in kindergartens and schools in Gabrovo in the period 2002 - 2004. As a result 30 ladies were trained and 70% of the target group are currently employed. Total cost of the project was 37 030 Euro. The European Commission in 2005 nominated the project as one of the most successful in the country.
• "Prometei" Project - implemented in partnership with Association "Support for Education" Gabrovo in the period 2003 – 2004 as professional training of young girls up to 24 years old. The project was financed by UniCredit Foundation, Italy.
• “Symbols in human socializing” Project – joint project of Municipal Board of Trustees as leading partner, High school for mathematics and science Gabrovo and Artgroup Alkuone, city of Aalst, Belgium, implemented in 2004 with the financial support of Ministry of young people and sport through "Youth' Program. The project envisaged cultural exchange of young people from that institutions at the cost of 6 195 Euro. As a result 3 art studios in music, plastic and dance were created and a joint performance was carried out.
• "Media educational program for parents" Project - started in April 2005 and continues until April 2006 in partnership with Municipal Radio Gabrovo at the cost of 2 400 Lv. The project is being developed within the frame of Municipal Program for Children's Misbehavior Prevention.
Young leaders of Gabrovo” - 360 students per year were educated. Total cost of the project - $10050; financed by the Democracy Commission SMALL GRANTS 2005 - 2006.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Magdalena Vasileva
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Svetla Savcheva