National Population Council

National Network

Cornish El- Nile – El-Maadi

0020 (0) 2 5240289
Telephone (other)
0020 (0)
0020 (0) 2 5240290
Mobile Phone
0020 (0) 12 315 5286
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
1. Presidential decree no. 19 for the year 1985 was issued to establish NPC to be headed by President Hosny Mubark and the members are: the Prime Minister - Minister of Health and Population – Minister of information – Minister of Social Affairs – minister of Planning and Internal Cooperation – Minister of Education – Four experts in the field of Population. 2. Presidential decree no. 32 for year 1996 NPC headed by Prime Minster. 3. Presidential decree for year 2002 was issued to amended the NPC formulation to follow the Minister of Health and Population.
Mission and Objectives

- Prepare the studies and researches related to FP&Pop. Issues.
- Suggesting the Pop. Policy that achieve highest economic and social development rate.
- Exchanging information reports and researched with councils and organization Studding the role of ministries, organizations and governmental institutions public and private to implement the periodical programs of the population project and coordinate between them.
- Studding the best means to benefit from the funds agreements presented to Egypt by the foreign countries and organizations in the field of pop and FP.

Main Projects / Activities

- Planning and Coordination: Suggesting Plans and POP. Programs.
- Follow-up and Evaluation: the activities and achievements to reach perfect level of implementation.
- Research Studies: Distribute to different technical organization. Disseminating the research findings.
- Statistics and Information: Setting information system, planning for surveys and statistical analysis related to population & FP.
- Financial and administrative: Setting financial policies related to NPC role in preparing and implementing the financial plans, follow up the financial implementation and evaluation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Safa El-Baz
Head of the organisation
Dr. Safa El-Baz