Administration Unit, Nr. 12, Street''Fadil Deliu'',Nd.1,H.1,Ap.7,Linze,Dajt
- Democracy and community development
The main goal of the Center is: Strengthening civil society by stimulating cooperation for a positive impact on policy-making and, in particular, empowering women in decision-making in every sphere of life. Our vision consists of developing an active network with Albanian organizations and actors around the world for the promotion of quality education, volunteerism, dialogue, democratic culture, national heritage, cyber security, green economy and sustainable tourism with a special focus on empowering young people as change-makers in the society, through the exchange of experiences and positive models of passing on positive national and European values to the younger generations in Albania, but also in the Albanian territories, in Kosovo, Macedonia, and Montenegro. Capacity building and awareness on the importance of mental health at all social levels is one of our main priorities. Our core mission is supporting all parts of the Albanian society in the efforts for a sustainable development, which in particular to us means pursuing and achieving a balance between technology development including AI on the one hand, and human and environmental development on the other hand, thus considering this a trinomial for sustainability that will contribute to a healthier society, economy and environment.
5 people staff No funds yet registered Part of HerHub, global women collaboration; Enrich Academy; The Innovation in Politics Institute; We are partnering with different organizations in the region and abroad in the near future with the projects we are working on.
Apart being part of different trainings and workshops in and out of the country, until now we didn't have projects for implementation.
Our goal is to contribute as much as possible to Albanian society, especially women and young people in rural areas. To increase participation and the level of democracy in the country.
One of the main goals when we founded the organization was the creation of a joint network with Albanian organizations in WB and in the diaspora. We also want to be part of joint networks and create a more cooperative climate; a culture that seems to be missing in Albania and the Balkans.