10, Bonsai, Triq San Martin
Zebbug ZBG1454
- Arts
- Democracy and community development
- Environment/Sustainable development
- Gender
- Heritage
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- International/Cultural relations
- Research
- Youth and education
The Association has been registered in 2023 and is managed by a Management Committee. The Association is still at its start up phase and will be conducting a membership campaign in 2024 and 2025. The main source of finance will come from donations, funding for projects and third party financing in the form of grants. We are highly interested in international cooperation, seminars, workshops, projects and other form of cooperation.
The mission of the Olive Oil Association shall be based on the social purpose of: (a) education on the nutrition, health and wellness benefits of olive oil and olive products; (b) the advancement of healthy living through the use of the Mediterranean Diet; (c) the protection of the environment and to carry out research on the cultivation of olive trees, olive oil and the olive sector in general; (d) social and community advancement, including the promotion of the ethical, educational and social aspects of olive cultivation; (e) the advancement of culture, arts and national heritage; (f) the promotion citizen engagement to promote democracy, reconciliation and peace.
4. The Association shall have the following objectives: 4.1. Engage with the general public in awareness campaigns about Extra Virgin Olive Oil and other olive products on their nutrition, health and wellness benefits; 4.2. Develop and offer to consumers and the general public dietary recipes based on the healthy use of extra virgin olive oil and the Mediterranean Diet; 4.3. To undertake research and innovation projects on its own or together with other partners, especially through projects funded by the European Union; 4.4. To manage educational campaigns on local radio and TV programs as well as through the use of social media; 4.5. to engage in activities that promote and protect the environment; 4.6. carry out activities and initiatives in community development to build a better green environment; 4.7. create activities related to culture, arts and national heritage to foster appreciation of the historical aspect of olive cultivation in Malta and abroad; 4.8. create opportunities for all citizens to engage in direct campaigns to bolster democracy, reconciliation and peace; 4.9. To engage personnel to accomplish the aims and objectives of the Association outlined herein; 4.10. To promote and present the interests of the Association’s members to the notice of local administration and authorities, international Organisations and other authorities; 4.11. To invest any funds not required immediately for the attainment of the above objectives in the best manner deemed fit by the Executive Committee; 4.12. To raise funds by means of subscription of members or otherwise for all the purposes and objectives of the Association in such amounts and in such manner as may be authorized by the Executive Committee; 4.13. To form part of any national/international Organisation/s whose aims are similar to that of the Association; 4.14. To perform any acts deemed necessary for the attainment of any and all of the above.
We are keen to cooperate on the local level and also with other partners from the Mediterranean and European Countries.
We want to join the ALF Network in order to commence our mission of cooperation with international, regional and local organisations.