raum AU

National Network

Meškova 3
2380 Slovenj Gradec

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

- društvo v javnem interese (association with status "of public interest", 2 persons regular working, the others project-wise, 6 regular volounteers; Long-term partners in Germany, Austria and Italy as well as Croatia. - cca. 30.000 Euro/year - Erasmus+, national public funds, donations, sponsorships - regular discussions, youth exchanges, publications, media productions (European Creative Camp 016, 017; Voices 2015 - 2017, Int. Graffitti and Street-Art Festival STYRIA 2014 - 2017; refugees-welcome.si; etc.) - European Union, Future Icons e.V., Koermend Kulturalis Kozpont, European Center for the Study of War and Peace, Kai e.V., etc)

Mission and Objectives

Our overall mission could be descibed as educating people of any age to critically follow and assess everyday live situation. We try to work as much as possible with persons of different cultures, the last years more and more with young people from central Europe. All our porjects have one common denominator, intercultural dialogue and propagation of different points of views on matters of everyday life. There is not instrument of method we would not feel comfortable to use, if it is within our red line. We operate with social and political engaged arts and artists, we furthermore do represent the art movement Arte Utile and hold a approx. 60 years of Arte Utile archive, that we will start using within the next years to actively involve the public in confronting themselves with the concerns of our times in a multi-layered form. The objective of our associations work is a responsible, aware citizen.

Main Projects / Activities

Constant discussions within a group, we call "Zainteresirani" (engl the interested ones); with this group we work on local themes, we prepare policies for the city council, we coordinate the major part of the indipendent cultural scene of our region. Due to our national activities we cooperate with humanitarian and cultural associations all around Slovenia; Our major project focus during the last years are youth exchanges for the Erasmus+ Programm of the EU, which we conceive and execute in different countries of Europe. Locally we hold workshops, mainly for adults but lately also for pupils and students as well as we exhibit social an political engaged arts and artists.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Probably we could contribute with project ideas, with our national contacts within the school system as well as supporting the ALF to follow their interests, which goes hand in hand with our mission. Concretely we will have to see, where synergies are found, the projects that were years ago founded in Slovenia are, from a conceptional point of vies, very similar to the projects the ALF founded.  At the moment we try to find funds for the digitalisation of 60 years of archive of ARTE UTILE, their structuring as well as their publishing on internet to make it accessable to all intersted persons. Arte Utile is an art, that sees ist focus on contemporary social and political problems and tries to push it into a creative process of public dialogue, working on it, supporting to solve it. Arte Utile, as soon as the problem it worked on is solved, is merely a document and no more a work or art. In short, to propagade the perception of these possibilities within the field of contemporary art practices is an endeavour, I believe is or at least, should be also in the interest of the ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For being able to work within a wider network of similar organisations around Europe, to support our regional environment with perspectives and possibilities only networks like the ALF can produce.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rado Carlo Poggi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rado Carlo Poggi
Contact (2) Full Name
Urška Čerče
Job Title (2)
deputy chairwoman