Research on Security and Transnational Governance (RESET)

National Network

c/ Argüeso 20 3-lzq


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
RESET (Research on Security and Transnational Governance) is a not-for-profit and independent think-tank. Based in Madrid, Spain, its structure is: • Three founding partners: Balder Hageraats, Jesús García-Luengos y Francisco Rodríguez Alonso • A core team of 10 collaborators resident in different cities in Spain • A wide network of partner experts in different countries: India, Kenya, Uganda, Lebanon, Belgium, Senegal, Italy, Cameroon, the United States. Budgetary resources & sources of funding: RESET is financed through the resources generated by its activities, and as an independent organization has not a majority funding partner. RESET´s modalities of action are: • Research and analysis on good governance, security and sustainable human development. • Project development. • Consultancy. Main partners involved in the projects/activities: public and private organizations, NGOs, think tanks, international organizations.
Mission and Objectives

• Research and analysis on good governance, security and sustainable human development, in order to expand our understanding of the challenges that the world faces in the 21st Century.
• Partnerships with both public and private organizations in order to strengthen their institutional and operational capacity and improve the quality and effectiveness of their policies, programs and projects.
• Generating ideas, initiatives and proposals that contribute to progress in international human development and intercultural learning.
RESET is committed to an approach based on strong local and international knowledge and expertise, and always centered on the human being. The current economic and political crisis in the world requires a rigorous focus on regenerating numerous aspects of the international system, as well as the generation of new models and paradigms, to face its new complexities.

Main Projects / Activities

• Research and analysis: writing of Working papers, Reports and articles, both for the internal and external publication (e.g. Report on South Sudan and the challenges of the International cooperation in the country, Report on Tunisian women´s contribution to peacebuiling process in the country)
• Project development in collaboration with both public and private institutions.
• Consultancy, technical assistance and evaluations of international cooperation for development projects for NGO (e.g. Intermón Oxfam, Plan Internacional España, Fundación Entreculturas, Fundación Madreselva)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

RESET is a think tank with many experts in the Mediterranean area. As such, it can contribute to the network with its academic and research background, and its project oriented perspective, developing joint activities with other Spanish or Mediterranean organizations that contribute to increase the understanding of the problems and challenges that this region faces.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There are two main reasons to join the ALF network:
• Coincidence with the objectives of the Foundation: RESET is committed with the understanding of the new problems and complexities that our world is facing, and in this sense, the promotion of the cultural and intellectual exchange with partner organizations of the whole Mediterranean region is one of our core aims, through project development and research on questions such as democratic transitions, citizenship, youth populations and gender issues.
• Geographical coincidence: one of the most important areas of interest for RESET is the Mediterranean region. We have several researchers specialized in these countries (specifically in Morocco, Algeria or Lebanon) from different fields of research: promotion of the democracy, security issues, or development.
RESET is interested in building a network of partner organizations from other countries of the Mediterranean, in order to develop joint projects within our area of activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ricard Boscar
Contact (2) Full Name
Carmen A. Villaseñor