National Network
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General Information
AN NGO GOVERNED BY A BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Director General: Dr. Alia Arasoughly
Main Projects / Activities

1. SHASHAT’s Annual Women’s Film Festival in Palestine: This showcases the creativity of women filmmakers and provides alternative portrayals of women. Shashat held its 1st Women Film Festival in 2005, and 2nd Women’s Film Festival in 2006.
2. Capacity Building of the Palestinian Filmmaking sector with emphasis on women filmmakers:
a. Regular listserv with funding, training and exhibition listings.
b. Workshops, Training & Master Classes.
b. Production Support.
c. Facilitation of festival submissions and participation.
3. “Films for Everyone” Year-long Screening\Discussion Program:
The focus of this Program is to reach non-traditional film audiences in remote and disenfranchised areas.
4. Educational\Cultural Outreach:
a. Book and Video Library. Shashat has founded these libraries in three sites – Shashat\Ramallah, An-Najah National University\Nablus and Bethlehem Peace Center\Bethlehem.
b. Research & Publication.
c. Weekly Cine-Club curated screenings, “Film Conversations.”

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Alia Arasoughly
Head of the organisation
Samira Hassassian, President of the Board of Directors