Zeina Coaching Company

National Network

Norsesundsvägen 111B
44163 Alingsås

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Zeina Coaching Company operates as a personal development coaching entity, specializing in empowering immigrant women. Based in Sweden, our organizational structure is designed for flexibility and impact. While we primarily function as a solo operation, collaborations with non-profit organizations enhance our outreach.

Our budgetary resources, though modest, are strategically allocated for maximum efficacy. Funding primarily comes from service fees and collaborative initiatives with our non-profit partners.

Our modalities of action encompass a spectrum, ranging from impactful seminars and workshops to personalized one-on-one coaching sessions. Key to our success is the synergy with main partners, particularly non-profit organizations, fostering a community-driven approach to personal development.

Mission and Objectives


Empowering immigrant women on their journey to personal growth and success. Zeina Coaching Company is dedicated to providing transformative coaching and resources that enable women to overcome challenges, unlock their potential, and thrive in their new environment.


1. Facilitate Personal Development:

Offer personalized coaching sessions, workshops, and seminars to foster holistic personal development among immigrant women.

2. Cultivate Resilience:

Equip women with the tools and strategies to navigate challenges, promoting resilience and adaptability in their new cultural and professional landscapes.

3. Build Supportive Communities:

Collaborate with non-profit organizations and community partners to create a supportive network for immigrant women, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual empowerment.

4. Enhance Employability:

Provide resources and guidance to enhance women's employability, bridging the gap between skills and opportunities in the labour market.

5. Promote Mental and Emotional Well-being:

Prioritize mental health by addressing stress, burnout, and other emotional challenges through coaching and awareness programs.

6. Cultivate Leadership Skills:

Empower women to become leaders in their communities and workplaces by nurturing leadership skills and fostering a sense of agency.

7. Advocate for Diversity and Inclusion:

Actively contribute to the promotion of diversity and inclusion, advocating for equal opportunities and fair representation for immigrant women.


Main Projects / Activities

These activities showcase a diverse range of initiatives, from educational projects with institutions to outreach programs supporting vulnerable populations.

1. **Private Coaching Sessions:** - Offering personalized one-on-one coaching sessions to individuals seeking personal and professional development.

2. **Public Seminars and Workshops:** - Conducting public seminars and workshops open to a broader audience, addressing various aspects of personal growth and empowerment.

3. **Collaboration with Uppsala Folkuniversitet:** - In 2021, participated in the WeCan project, teaching entrepreneurship to immigrant women. - Currently collaborating on the DigitalEmpowerHer project, focusing on establishing an educational platform for immigrant women.

4. **Collaboration with Egypt Scholars Organization (2021-2022):** - Collaborated to offer private coaching sessions and public seminars, potentially focusing on issues relevant to international academics, researchers and graduate students.

5. **Collaboration with Markandia Sweden AB (2022):** - Collaborated with Markandia Sweden AB in 2022 to develop a tailored program for entrepreneurship coaching aimed at empowering immigrant women.

6. **Collaboration with Somaya Center (2023):** - Collaborated to offer a program for women in shelters, specifically those affected by domestic violence.

7. **Collaboration with Support Group Organization (2024):** - Ongoing collaboration to provide a 4-week personal development coaching program for immigrant women.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am eager to contribute actively to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Sweden by leveraging my expertise in personal development coaching. Here are several ways I envision making a meaningful impact:

1. **Workshops and Seminars:** - I can organize and conduct workshops and seminars aligned with the foundation's mission. These sessions would focus on themes such as empowerment, skill-building, and resilience.

2. **Collaborative Projects:** - I propose collaborating on projects that address key objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation. This could involve initiatives related to women's empowerment, diversity, or community development.

3. **Mentorship Programs:** - Offering mentorship programs, particularly directed at women and immigrants, aligns with my coaching expertise. I believe mentorship can be a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.

4. **Active Participation in Events:** - Attending and actively participating in foundation-organized events, such as conferences and forums, provides an opportunity to share insights and learn from fellow contributors.

5. **Resource Contribution:** - I am prepared to contribute resources—be it expertise, or materials—to enhance the successful implementation of the foundation's projects.

6. **Digital Engagement:** - Leveraging digital platforms for engagement, including sharing relevant content and participating in online discussions, is a channel through which I can extend my contribution.

7. **Advocacy for Diversity and Inclusion:** - I am committed to advocating for diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the foundation's activities, and I will actively contribute ideas and initiatives to promote inclusivity.

8. **Educational Initiatives:** - Collaborating on educational initiatives, such as training programs, scholarships, or the provision of educational resources, aligns with my commitment to supporting learning opportunities.

9. **Networking:** - Actively connecting with other members of the Anna Lindh Foundation is crucial for establishing collaborations and partnerships.

10. **Contribution to Research:** - If there are research initiatives aligned with the foundation's focus areas, I am open to contributing insights and perspectives gained from my experience in personal development coaching. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network and believe that my background and skills align with the foundation's mission and objectives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am inspired to join the Anna Lindh Foundation Network because of the shared commitment to fostering intercultural dialogue, promoting diversity, and empowering communities. The ALF's mission aligns closely with my personal and professional values, particularly in the realm of personal development coaching for immigrant women.

1. **Alignment of Values:** - The ALF's dedication to promoting mutual respect and understanding among different cultures resonates deeply with my belief in the transformative power of dialogue and collaboration.

2. **Empowering Women and Immigrants:** - I am passionate about contributing to the empowerment of women, especially immigrants, through personal development coaching. Joining the ALF Network would provide a platform to extend this impact and collaborate on initiatives that support this demographic.

3. **Commitment to Diversity:** - The commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion is a core principle that I prioritize in my work. I see the ALF Network as an ideal community to exchange ideas, share experiences, and collectively work towards creating more inclusive societies.

4. **Global Collaboration:** - The ALF Network's global reach presents an exciting opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations from different parts of the world. I am eager to contribute my expertise and learn from diverse perspectives.

5. **Advocacy for Positive Change:** - I believe in the power of collective action to bring about positive change. Joining the ALF Network would allow me to contribute to and benefit from a network that actively seeks to address societal challenges through dialogue and cooperation.

6. **Learning and Growth:** - Engaging with a network of professionals and experts within the ALF would provide a unique learning experience. I am eager to expand my knowledge, gain insights from others, and contribute to the pool of expertise within the network.

7. **Participation in Impactful Initiatives:** - The opportunity to participate in and contribute to the ALF's initiatives, projects, and events is a compelling reason for my desire to join. I am enthusiastic about being part of initiatives that create a positive impact on communities.

8. **Networking Opportunities:** - Building connections with individuals who share a passion for cultural understanding, dialogue, and positive change is a significant motivator.

The ALF Network serves as a valuable platform for networking and establishing meaningful collaborations.

In conclusion, my aspiration to join the Anna Lindh Foundation Network is driven by a shared vision for a more inclusive and harmonious world. I look forward to actively contributing to and learning from this vibrant community.


Contact (1) Full Name
Zeinab Hefny
Job Title
Transformational coach
Head of the organisation
Zeinab Hefny