#ALFCitiesInDialogue Activities Highlights, 09-21 November 2021

📅 09 November

➡ "How do cultural organisations survive during a pandemic?" by Omladinski Resursni Centar Tuzla: Online analysis of the position of young people involved in culture during the pandemic starting 9 November 2021 🔗 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeaKxJswqIQra-7ggIhYBGO-M0ubn6WF9L6ShbyY47I4xXVgA/viewform?usp=sf_link&urp=gmail_link

📅 10 November

➡ "Mind the language" online youth debate by Albanian Media Institute: The motion of the debate was "Content creators just satisfy what the audience demands: both sexist language and images", where the participating youngsters had the chance to discuss and analyse their ideas in the form of a debate using the Oxford model of debating. The winner of the debate was the opposition team, Miriam and Marcos.

📅 13-14 November

➡ "Courage to Act" Workshop in Helsinki by AFAES Ry: Giving courage to participants to speak out if they see human rights violations within organisations or in the community.

📅 14 November

➡ Online theatre performance "Nocturno" by Omladinski Resursni Centar Tuzla: This is a walk through the motifs of Balkan cults and Old Slavic mythology and imagination about everything that makes us alive, real, happy, sad.

📅 16 November

➡ "Interculturalidade e harmonia social (interculturalité et harmonie social)" by Association Agir Ensemble.

📅 17 November 

➡ "Education à la citoyenneté interculturelle dans une ville interculturelle' by Association Agir Ensemble.

📅 18 November

➡ "Wébinaire 1 : Art, culture et inclusion social" by Association Agir Ensemble.

📅 19 November

➡ "Wébinaire 2 : différences culturelles et identité" by Association Agir Ensemble.

➡ "Citizen Dialogue with Virtual Reality Element" in Luxembourg by Our Common Future.

➡ "Away from Home - Legal Framework and Analysis of the Refugees' issue at the city level" by System and Generation Association and Sustainable Cooperation for Peace & Security: Roundtable discussion providing legal framework information and analysis on the refugees’ issues with a special focus on the conditions of the refugee communities hosted in Ankara and Mantova.

➡ "An open Day / Celebrating Tolerance: Better Together with intercultural education" by ATAC Tunisia 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=861241651229033.

📅 21 November

➡ “Tolerance (s) in Dialogue” by SCI Hellas: The project presents artistic production for social cohesion and intercultural interaction, combating stereotyping and intolerance by opening dialogue between audience and creator. These meetings bring together young people, young immigrants and refugees, photography enthusiasts, photography clubs from different cities of the country.

➡ Online theatre performance “Journey through the world” by Omladinski Resursni Centar Tuzla: Online theatre performance "Journey through the World" takes us to a world where only imagination can come and where anything is possible - even the fact that the whole planet travels on a small green scooter. Many songs, dances, games have one purpose - to promote culture in different countries of the Mediterranean and the World. 🔗 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJFZdYFfj1NumHznUCrrOgA.