📅 29 November
➡ Intercultural Communication Workshop with Puppets by Our Common Future (Luxembourg), 2 PM – 4 PM CET in Beirut, Lebanon
➡ Virtual debriefing and evaluation by by Fotoessa (Greece), Final Event: Comments on previews “in vivo”sessions, favourite moments and shared experiences. 5 PM – 6 PM CET
➡ Flavors of Mediterranean Webinar by Association Agir Ensemble (Morocco). 5 PM – 7 PM CET
➡ Host Communities and Urban Issues - Inclusive Cities: Challenges or Opportunities by Helinä Rautavaara Museum (Finland): This webinar sheds light on the timely matter of displacement, refuge, and migration in Europe and Eastern Mediterranean countries and the importance of cultural and religious diversity for social cohesion and the prosperity of the societies. 4 PM – 6:30 PM CET
🔗 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84138062818?pwd=aE5tRU9iR21IRWd2OVRRdE44eXAzdz09
Meeting ID: 841 3806 2818 - Passcode: 908282
➡ “InterArts” reclaiming our Mediterranean by Povod institute for culture and development of international relations in culture (Slovenia): A collective artwork of a group of artists that reflects on the concepts of the Mediterranean identities: the common challenges and future visions. 5 PM – 7 PM CET in Ljubljana
The event will be streamed live on Facebook: https://fb.me/e/2KaDHLREz
📅 30 November
➡ Berlin - a Mediterranean cultural capital? by Élan ideas for Europe (Germany), Candid Foundation (Germany) and EuropaNova (France). 12:30 PM CET
🔗 https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7h19juBqRgKB7pKF6nt_1g
➡ Civil society contributions to Mediterranean cooperation through municipalities & religious communities by RIDE - Italian Network for the Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue (Italy). 1 PM CET
Live on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RIDEAPS
➡ International cooperation Webinar by Association Agir Ensemble (Morocco). 5 PM – 7 PM CET
📅 1 December
➡ On-line conference “Challenges faced by theatre (and cultural) artists in the pandemic era by Youth Resource Centre - ORC, Tuzla - Head of ALF Network (B&H); Dis Theatre Banja Luka (B&H), City Youth theatre - GKM (B&H); System and Generation Association, Ankara - Head of ALF Network (Turkey), We Love Sousse, Sousse - Head of ALF Network (Tunisia)
📅 2 December
➡ Our Planet, our responsibility (Webinar in English) by Moniheli ry (Finland). 4 PM – 5:30 PM CET
🔗 http://www.moniheli.fi/
➡ Intercultural cities: Luxembourg by Anzhela Domasova, Luxembourg School of Contemporary Etiquette (Luxembourg). 6 PM – 8 PM CET in Luxembourg. There might also be an opportunity to connect online.
🔗 https://www.facebook.com/luxetiquette/photos/a.1985161118453539/2699748546994789/
📅 5 December
➡ “Tolerance (s) in Dialogue” - Stefanos Chronis presenting “Unknown Prayer in Athens” by SCI-Hellas (Greece). 5 PM - 7:30 PM CET in Greece
🔗 https://www.artifactory.eu/tolerance-s-in-dialogue