The MED FORUM process has been a catalyst for collaboration among a broadened network of actors, from youth sector leaders and civil society coordinators to regional institutions and policy-makers.
The initial outputs and documentation of this far-reaching process will be published here:
The preliminary outcomes presented by the ALF Executive Director, Hatem Atallah, based on the work of the intercultural team of MED FORUM rapporteurs:
A sample of news stories published on the back of the main MED FORUM gathering:
THE HUFFINGTON POST: Let's go for dialogue, not division
LIBYA HERALD: Root causes of extremism need to be addressed: Med Forum 2016
ANSA: Med youth in Malta to “overcome extremist narrative”
FRIENDS OF EUROPE - FRANKLY SPEAKING: Young, gifted Arabs hold the key to peace
PBS online on MED FORUM 2016: Civil society representatives end two days of discussions in Malta
EU External Action Services: Landmark MED FORUM 2016 in Malta, the largest youth and civil society gathering of its kind for the promotion of intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean region
MALTA INDEPENDENT: Malta could be a catalyst for a more unified Mediterranean
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to MED FORUM 2016 delivered by UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova, 24 October 2016:
Speech of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Malta, Dr George Vella, at the Inauguration of MED FORUM 2016 on 23rd October:
Message of EU’s HR/VP Federica Mogherini to the Young Mediterranean Voices at MED FORUM 2016, 24 October 2016: VIDEO
PBS TV platform on MED FORUM 2016
The story of MED FORUM 2016: VIDEO
Youth Counterspeech Lab in partnership with Facebook, 23rd October: VIDEO
Opening Plenary of 24th October on “Moving Beyond Extremism: Youth on the frontline: VIDEO
Plenary of 25th October on "Populations on the Move: Leveraging New Opportunities for Dialogue": VIDEO
MED FORUM 2016 photo gallery
An overview of the Tweet reach during MED FORUM 2016