Heads of Networks Meeting - Istanbul, Türkiye


The Anna Lindh Foundation concluded the final Head of Networks meeting of 2023 which was held in Istanbul, Türkiye on December 14th and 15th and was organised in collaboration with the ALF Heads of Türkiye network. The ALF HoNs play a pivotal role in paving the road for the Foundation’s mission of civil society strengthening across the Mediterranean.

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“This meeting is the only forum in which we still have today the possibility to bring everyone together around one table at this particularly devastating time for our whole region, more particularly for the Middle Eastern part within our Euro-Med region. I think it is worth pausing to think about what that means, the responsibility we all carry as a result and the potential to help promote dialogue at a moment when dialogue seems to be the farthest thing from what we see on the ground” stated the President of the Anna Lindh Foundation, HRH Princess Rym Ali in her opening speech to commence the Head of Networks meeting.

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The two-day meeting gathered fifty-three participants from twenty-eight Mediterranean countries engaging in fruitful discussions around the recent work of the ALF programmes as well as the development of its upcoming communication initiatives. The Heads of Network were given the space to address their challenges and insights from their civil society networks.

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Additionally, key discussions took place on the engagement activities from the grassroot members of the ALF civil society networks, sharing success stories and impactful contributions from their grassroot members. In a spirit of close cooperation with the Heads of Network, the meeting concluded with strategic planning for the next ALF Forum and the expected network involvement.

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The meeting was attended by several governmental representatives from Türkiye, the President of the Anna Lindh Foundation, HRH Princess Rym Ali, the Executive Director of the ALF, Josep Ferre, the two Heads of the Civil Society ALF network, Drs. Gurkan Akcaer and Necdet Saglam, as well as Mr. Murat Şen, Deputy Director General for Relations with the EU of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Türkiye.

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The meeting ended with a strong commitment to increase cooperation on key principles to action such as youth, artificial intelligence and living together. The ALF cherishes these opportunities to hear from its networks and gain valuable insights on upcoming programmes and activities as it prepares for an impactful year ahead.

Watch the wrap-up video here.