47, Bd Pasteur
- Others
To locally promote behaviors citizens and to rehabilitate the values morals necessary to the development of the individual and community.
Accompaniment on the local level of the national actions: clean elections, beaches, education with the citizenship at the school... Member of the Board of directors of the Urban Agency of Tangier Repair partial of public schools and sensitizing of the schoolboys to the citizenship Plantation of trees and installation of parks organisational Support, formation and financier to associations of districts Training of the workmen to Organization quality of international meetings: - Workshop on the valorization of solid waste in Morocco - Meetings transdisciplinaires of UNESCO Demonstration "the sea celebrates some" in June 2005 and June 2006 Co-organization with association U Marinu of exchanges of pupils of colleges "crossed on images": Russet-red Island (Corsica) - College Regnault (Tangier)