Omladinska 10.
72220 Zavidovici
Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Democracy and community development
- Gender
- Human rights
- International/Cultural relations
- Others
- Youth and education
- Our mission is to support the process of democratization by strenghtening capacities in local NGO, authorities and other target groups, and to improve citizen participation in public life.
- Our vision is to become a resource center for citizens, organisations and authorities, in order to improve harmonization of standards with the democratic EU standards.
-development of civil society;
- encouraging reconciliation and protection of human rights;
- encouraging sustainable local development;
- strenghtening local capacities.
- decentralized cooperation in different sectors:
- local democracy, environment, local economic
development, social welfare, social, educational,cultural activities, with special focus on women, youth and the protection of human rights;
- organization of twinning between local authorities in Italy and Bosnia-Herzegovina;
- organization of sports exchange between Italy and Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- youth exchanges, animations of children in rural areas of Zavidovici;
- support and assistance to local initiatives for the fight against domestic violence;
- awareness-raising activities in local communities on the issue of human rights, civil participation and promotion of European integration;
- coordination and hosting of volunteers within the European Voluntary Service - EVS;
- mediation activities and encouraging the construction of civil society at the local level;
- activities of research, analysis and publication of documents on the state of society and social needs.
With our resources and experience we hope to become a valuable member of the network, maintaining the high standards in civil society engagement.
We feel that, by becoming a member of the ALF, we can improve the intensity and quality of our work, thus creating new opportunities for developing our local communities potential.