Associazione per l'ambasciata della democrazia locale a Zavidovici

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Omladinska 10.
72220 Zavidovici
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation currently has 3 employees and around 10 active volunteers in various activities. The employees are: - Sladjan Ilic, head of office - in charge of organisation represantation, organisation management, overall project management, budgeting, networking, fundraising, and all other aspects of organisation leadership; - Jasna Zvekic, project manager - in charge of project implementation, organisation of project activities, administrative aspects of project management, project drafting, fundraising, specifically asigned to projects regarding citizen participation, human rights and gender equality etc.; - Dino Sinanovic, local assistant - in charge of specific tasks in project implementation, administrative assistance, drafting of various documents and articles, specifically asigned to projects involving youth, education, volunteers etc. - budgetary resources depend on approved projects and vary; - sources of funding are mostly project based, and LDA Zavidovici is a beneficiary of an EU operating grant within Balkan regional platform for youth participation and dialogue. LDA Zavidovici is a member of ALDA, European association for local democracy, a European network which gathers more than 150 members, including local authorities, authorities associations, NGOs, and individuals from more than 30 countries. Basic characteristic of ALDA and her members is promotion of good governance and citizen's participation on a local level.
Mission and Objectives

- Our mission is to support the process of democratization by strenghtening capacities in local NGO, authorities and other target groups, and to improve citizen participation in public life.
- Our vision is to become a resource center for citizens, organisations and authorities, in order to improve harmonization of standards with the democratic EU standards.
-development of civil society;
- encouraging reconciliation and protection of human rights;
- encouraging sustainable local development;
- strenghtening local capacities.

Main Projects / Activities

- decentralized cooperation in different sectors:
- local democracy, environment, local economic
development, social welfare, social, educational,cultural activities, with special focus on women, youth and the protection of human rights;
- organization of twinning between local authorities in Italy and Bosnia-Herzegovina;
- organization of sports exchange between Italy and Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- youth exchanges, animations of children in rural areas of Zavidovici;
- support and assistance to local initiatives for the fight against domestic violence;
- awareness-raising activities in local communities on the issue of human rights, civil participation and promotion of European integration;
- coordination and hosting of volunteers within the European Voluntary Service - EVS;
- mediation activities and encouraging the construction of civil society at the local level;
- activities of research, analysis and publication of documents on the state of society and social needs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our resources and experience we hope to become a valuable member of the network, maintaining the high standards in civil society engagement.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We feel that, by becoming a member of the ALF, we can improve the intensity and quality of our work, thus creating new opportunities for developing our local communities potential.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasna Zvekic
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Sladjan Ilic