Wadi Chahrour Main Road, Happinest
Wadi Chahrour 0000
- Arts
- Heritage
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Media
- Youth and education
- Current number of staff employed: 0 . We employ staff as per availability of projects and funding. The organization is currently managed by the co-founders.
- Previous source of funding from a partner: GIZ
Our mission:
Happinest is a non-profit creative home committed to promoting storytelling as a catalyst for individual development and social cohesion.
We offer programs in visual and performance arts to help individuals build creative skills and attain economic independence.
Our Objectives:
- Economic independence for creatives
- Social cohesion
- Art as a therapeutic practice
1. The programs
> Happinest programs
The art programs offered by Happinest are divided into two main categories: visual arts and performance arts.
- Visual Arts Programs:
1. Art programs (trainings and workshops in painting, illustration, sculpting, mixed media, etc.)
2. Ceramics & pottery
- Performance Arts Programs:
1. Comedy program
2. Music programs (singing, songwriting, and composition)
3. Musical theater program
> Partner programs
The nest is happy to open its doors to any potential partnership and/or collaboration with entities and organizations that promote or conduct artistic programs or activities aligned with our mission. In May 2023, we had the pleasure of offering a residency to 5 artists as part of Goethe’s ArtEvolution Program.
2. Activities
> Regular
- Training modules:
Regular classes will be offered periodically. Participants will have the option to choose one or more disciplines to explore.
- Art therapy:
In parallel to the art classes, an art therapy program will be in process. This program accompanies participants on a long-term basis, following the progress of their journey. Certified therapists and psychologists will be consulted in the design and will monitor in detail the implementation of the program.
- Guesthouse/Residency:
The upper two floors, containing a living room and five bedrooms, will be open to accommodate creatives for residencies, guest speakers/teachers, or any individuals looking to retreat into a wholesome and transformative artistic experience.
- Co-working space & library café
Originally a kitchen, a dining room, and two living rooms, these functions will jointly operate as a co-working space and library café. The facility will be open for individuals seeking a workspace to focus on their academic, cultural, or artistic projects.
>. Sporadic
- Workshops
Complementary to the classes, workshops covering a variety of artistic disciplines will be carried out frequently. Through these intensive short-term workshops, participants will have the opportunity to learn extensively from local and international artists and professionals.
- Exhibitions
Happinest will be organizing occasional art exhibitions (across numerous disciplines) that will allow participants as well as professional artists to display, and eventually sell, their artwork.
- Events & live performances
Our capacious indoor and outdoor spaces enable us to organize and host a broad and eclectic assortment of communal and live events that range from musical performances to standup comedy, slam poetry and spoken word, etc.