Slokas iela 37
Rīga, LV-1007
- Democracy and community development
LLIKK is the Latvian Lebanese Cultural and Educational Club. Three years ago this unique idea of the club was born among a group of Latvians and Lebanese friends. The idea soon gained enormous support from various Latvian officials , and was soon embraced by almost all Lebanese residents of Latvia. By the way Europa was the name of the daughter of one of the phoenicians kings having been kidnapped by the Greeks. On the other hand unfortunately Lebanon similar to Latvia has been occupied by many invaders Romans, Ottomans, and Frensh etc... Thus coming from such a wonderful country while realising the common historical events which our both countries have suffered from despite the vast miles that seperate them, we felt the responsibility to bridge the geographical gap by expressing our gratitude to the country which became our second home for providing us with knowledge and in the same time we hoped to present to our Latvian host the true colors of our traditions and culture, so as to lay the foundation for mutual understanding and respect for one another.
We Lebanese have great pride in Lebanon's rich cultural heritage. Despite its small geographical area, 10452 sq. km Lebanon over the ages has been the cradle of great civilisations.The Phoenicians who were the original inhabitants of this beautiful country set sail from its shores which meet the feet of its glorious mountains with their white crowned peaks , to various destinations spreading their language which is considered to be the origin of our currently spoken one Europe included.
In short we hope that LLIKK will become the new house of every Lebanese in Latvia and every Latvian willing to join this uniqe experience through participating in our various activities which are merely educational and cultural in nature.