Local Democracy Agency Mostar

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
00387 36 558 330
Telephone (other)
00387 36 558 331
00387 36 558 330
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00387 61 906 867
Mobile Phone (other)
00387 61 499 094
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Programme of the Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs) was founded in 1993 as an initiative of the Congress of the Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, to foster the democratic process and respect of human rights in the Western Balkans. LDA Mostar, officially inaugurated on the 22nd of November 2004, is the last Agency that came into existence out of the 11 LDAs operating in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. LDAs network is coordinated by the Association of the Local Democracy Agencies, based in Strasbourg, and gathers more than 200 partners from 21 European countries. LDA Mostar has implemented many projects in the local community aimed to support local community and answer to the local needs. It’s using a methodology of multilateral decentralized cooperation which involves many different actors and this methodology confirms the necessity of building peace, development and stability in Europe with a bottom-up approach.
Mission and Objectives

To support the process of democratization in the City of Mostar by strengthening good governance and capacity building of local authorities and civil society and participation of citizens in public life.
LDA Mostar will be a resource centre for the institutions of Cantonal authorities, City Administration and civil society for harmonization of democratic standards with those of the European Union.
Objectives of the LDA Mostar’ activities and projects are:
• Promotion of concrete initiatives of encouragement of
democracy at local level
• Building bridges between citizens and authorities
• Development of plural civil society and active participation of
all social groups
• Encouragement of the process of reconciliation and protection
of human rights
• Encouragement of sustainable local development
• Strengthening of knowledge of local community on processes
of stabilization and accession

Main Projects / Activities

"Resource Center for Democratization Mostar (RCD)"
Donors: Region Puglia (Italy) – within its Law on Decentralized Co-operation, and Open Society Fund of Bosnia and Herzegovina - SOROS
“Councilor – Citizen” Project
Donors: Region Puglia (Italy) – within its Law on Decentralized Co-operation, and Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina
"Micro-crediting Scheme"
Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway and Bank of Council of Europe
"Pearl.eu – Platform Enhancing Adriatic Regions Links in Europe"
Donor: EU Adriatic New Neighborhood Programme INTERREG/CARDS-PHARE
“Youth – The Right Direction” Projects for promotion of “Youth in Action“ Programme
Funded by the Youth in Action Programme of the European Commission.
Regional Partnership for Inter-cultural Cities
Donor: European Commission – Directorate General for Enlargement
"Reconciliation for the Future – European perspective for the Western Balkans"
Donor: Programme of European Commission entitled Instrument for Stability – Crisis Preparedness Component.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesca Sbiroli (Delegate)
Head of the organisation
Dzenana Dedić (Dxecutive Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Maja Vejzovic Voloder