Within the ALF Egyptian Intercultural Programme which aims to support local cultural initiatives and events as well as foster synergies with institutions, mobilising the civil society, and networking on a local level, the ALF Secretariat organised several events at its premises in Alexandria during the month of October.
From 09 to 11 October, the ALF co-organised with Perform Arts the 3-day Theatre performances adapted from the works of great Spanish playwrights Fernando Arrabal and Fredrico Garcia Lorca.
Additionally, the ALF hosted at its Headquarters -von Gerber house- the ‘Alexandria Today week’, an event taking place in downtown Alexandria from the 25th to the 27th of October. 'Alexandria Today week' is designed to generate discussion on the city’s image of today. During the tailored program of the week, a selected number of National and local guest speakers, experts and artists were invited to share their experiences on the city concept with the Alexandrian audiences. The event was organised by Mohamed Gohar and Léon Dubois with the support of l’Art Rue, co-funded by the EU.
Further events will be organised in November including a Conference on 07 November in frame of the Heritage Days entitled: “ Soleils couchants derrière les ports ! Gloires incomparables des cités maritimes "; a Press conference for Plastic Odyssey’s expedition which will be in Alexandria from 13-22 Nov; and a Ceremony of the intercultural achievement 2022 award by the Austrian Embassy to the Egyptian HoN on the “Intercultural Dialogue to combat hate speech” project.
The ALF will also organise a celebration concert on the occasion of the Day of the Mediterranean on 28 November 2022.
If your organisation is interested in organising its activities/initiatives at the Anna Lindh Foundation Secretariat in Alexandria, please contact us at info@annalindhfoundation.org.