Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.


#ALFCitiesInDialogue - De-light-full Dialogues

Art of Intergenerational InterAction
The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence (The Netherlands)

This project was organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation National Network member The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence (The Netherlands) in the framework of the Anna Lindh Foundation Intercultural Cities Programme. 

The online meeting is a Euro Mediterranean gathering of young changemakers with leaders and co-creators from other generations. The main aim is to cultivate meaningful support for the commitments of the youth towards creating a world that works for all.

Bringing different generations together to co-create has the potential to deliver breakthrough solutions as it brings together the ability to simultaneously look back and look ahead. In further developing the Art of Intergenerational InterAction the aim is to create a de-light-full space where age is no bar to hold a vision for a regenerative, inclusive future and co-create it as peers.

Language of the session: English
