Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.


#ALFCitiesInDialogue - Theater in Times of Crisis: A place where people dream

Culture at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic "Experiences, good practices, challenges, how to proceed"
Online and Hybrid
Youth Resource Center (ORC Tuzla), Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina

In the framework of the Anna Lindh Foundation Intercultural Cities programme, the project Theater in Times of Crisis: A place where people dream has been organized, consisting out of targeted theatre performances on the YouTube channel and an international online conference. This project will encourage the development and valorization of cultural diversity and cooperation of local authorities and the civil sector in implementing intercultural policies by supporting young artists and artistic production in free expression and development of initiatives to promote intercultural relations between cities as a kind of fight against stereotypes and intolerance.

Activities planned: 

  • "How do cultural organizations survive during a pandemic?"

(Analysis of the position of young people involved in culture during the pandemic)

To all ALF Networks, in order to collect answers and experiences from the cultural organizations and works from respective countries, members of the ALF. The analysis will be used as the initial data for the round table, which will be organized later, but also as information data for the whole Anna Lindh Foundation network in its future work and approach to pandemic challenges. Link for the analysis HERE.

  • Playing Online theatre performance "Nocturno" at the YouTube

Nocturno is a modern play that questions the meaning of life, its inevitable transience, but also opens the question of the traces of the soul and the scars we carry. This is a walk through the motifs of Balkan cults and Old Slavic mythology and imagination about everything that makes us alive, real, happy, sad. 

Date of the premiere at YouTube: 14.11.2021  at 19:00 CET

  • Playing Online theatre performance “Jurney through the world” at the YouTube

Online theatre performance "Journey through the World" takes us to a world where only imagination can come and where anything is possible - even the fact that the whole planet travels on a small green scooter. Many songs, dances, games have one purpose - to promote culture in different countries of the Mediterranean and the World.

Date of the premiere at YouTube 21.11.2021

  • Online conference “Challenges faced by theatre (and cultural) artists in the pandemic era

On line conference with 20-30 artists, cultural workers, professionals on zoom-pro. The participants of the conference will have the opportunity to openly discuss the challenges faced by theatre artists during the pandemic, suggest creative solutions and point out the numerous possibilities that new collaborations bring with them.  Some of the topics to be discussed : 

  • Virtual theatre - possibilities and limitations 
  • Motivation and importance of work during isolation 
  • Crown-apocalypse theatre or… 
  • Can art be created during a pandemic? 
  • Does social distancing mean the abolition of the public sphere and is it permissible? 

Date: 1.12.2021, at 13:00 CET


Language of the sessions: Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian, English


Dis Theatre Banja Luka, B&H;

City Youth theatre (GKM) Vitez, B&H;

System and Generation Association, Ankara, Turkey – HoN ALF Turkey;

We Love Sousse, Sousse, Tunisie – HoN ALF Tunisia


For more information please click HERE.

To visit the YouTube channel please click HERE.
